New Researches in Biotechnology - Facultatea de Biotehnologii ...

New Researches in Biotechnology - Facultatea de Biotehnologii ... New Researches in Biotechnology - Facultatea de Biotehnologii ...


Proceeding of the 4 rd International Symposium“NEW RESEARCH IN BIOTECHNOLOGY” USAMV Bucharest, Romania, 20115. Moges, A. D., Karam, N. S., Shibli, R. A. (2003): Slow growth in vitro preservation ofAfrican violet (Saintpaulia ionantha Wendl.) Advances in horticultural science, No. 4,pages 223-2306. Negash, A., Krens, F., Schaart, J., Visser, B. (2001): In vitro conservation of enset underslow-growth conditions. Plant Cell, Tissue and Organ Culture Vol.66: 107–111.7. Petrova, M., Zayova, E., Yankova, E., Baldzhiev, G. (2011): Plant regeneration from callusculture of Arnica montana. Romanian Biotechnological Letters, Supplement, Vol. 16,1: 92-978. Petrova, M., Tasheva, K., Zagorska, N., Evstatieva L. (2005): In vitro propagation of Arnicamontana L. Comptes Rendus de L’Academie Bulgare des Sciences, Vol. 58, 1: 67 – 72.9. Sarkar, D., Naik P.S. (1998): Factors affecting minimal growth conservation of potatomicroplants in vitro. Euphytica Vol. 102(2): 275-280.10. Shibli, R.A., Shatnawi, M.A., Subaih, W.S., Ajlouni, M.M. (2006): In vitro conservation andcryopreservation of plant genetic resources: a review. World Journal of AgriculturalSciences 2, 4: 372-38211. Shibli RA, Al-Juboory KH. (2000): Cryopreservation of 'Nabali' olive (Olea europea l.)somatic embryos by encapsulation-dehydration and encapsulation-vitrification. CryoLetters. 21, 6:357-366.12. Van den Houwe, I., Smet de, K., Tezenas du, M.H., Swennen, R.(1995): Variability instorage potential of banana shoot cultures under medium term storage conditions. Plant CellTiss. Org. Cult. Vol. 42:269–27413. Vysotskaya, O.N. (1994): Long-term maintenance of strawberry plants in vitro. Russian J.Plant Physiol. Vol. 41: 827–83314. Willuhn, G. (1998): Arnica flowers: pharmacology, toxicology and analysis of thesesquiterpene lactones-their main active substances. In: Lawson L. D., Bauer R. (ed.):Phytomedicines of Europe, ACS Symp. Ser 691 Am. Chem. Soc. Vol. 691:118–13262

Proceeding of the 4 rd International Symposium“NEW RESEARCH IN BIOTECHNOLOGY” USAMV Bucharest, Romania, 2011INFLUENCE OF PRE-SOWING TREATMENT OF SORGHUM SEEDSWITH MICROELEMENTS ON THE GERMINATION AND GROWTH OFPLANTS IN THE INITIAL STAGES OF THEIR DEVELOPMENTSVILEN RAYKOV, MARIELA ANDREEVA, MILENA SIMEONOVAUniversity of Shumen “K. Preslavski”, e-mail: rajkov_svilen@abv.bgAbstract. Container tests with sorghum seeds soaked for 24 hours in solutions with concentration20mg/l of the following substances - ZnSO 4 , MnSО 4 , H 3 BO 3 , CuSo 4 , MgSO 4 , and control sample –with water - were carried out, after which 50 seeds were planted. The germination has been reportedand after gathering of the test plants, the length of their roots and aboveground mass and the weightof the fresh and dried biomass.Based on the reported data it has been determined that the highest germination is present in theoption treated with MgSO 4 and in the control sample (92%), followed by the options with H 3 BO 3 (88%) и CuSO 4 (84%), and the lowest germination was with seeds, treated with MgSO 4 (80%) andZnSO 4 (78%).The pre-sowing treatment with ZnSO 4 and with CuSO 4 stimulates the development of the root system(respectively 49% and 20% longer than the control sample’s roots), and with H 3 BO 3 – of theaboveground mass (12% higher than the control samples).Microelements stimulate the accumulation of more water in plant tissue.Keywords: seeds, sorghum, microelements, germination1. INTRODUCTIONLately a lot of works from different scientists, showing the ability to increaseyields of many plants by pre-sowing treatment of seeds with different microelementssolutions, have appeared ( Peeran, SN and Natanasabapathy, S., 1980; Khalid, BY andMalik, NSA, 1982; Sherrell, CG.,1984; Marcar, NE and Graham, RD (1986; ). Somemicroelements have the ability to join up with specific proteins and form biocatalysts –vitamins and metallo enzymes, which stand out with their very high biological activity andplay an important role in the growth and development of plants (Shkolnik, M. Y. andMakarova, N. A. 1957).In the late 30s Russian scientists P.A. Vlasyuk and I.K. Onishtenko conduct thefirst research on the influence of Zn feeding on plants and prove its positive role. Theydetermine that plants have the higher Zn needs in the early phases of growth and formingand development of the germ.Bondarenko (1956) carried out tests with which he proves the great effectivenessof boron fertilization of carbonate black earth.The issue of the influence of pre-sowing treatment of seeds with microelements onthe activity of root micro flora also deserves attention. In this respect the experiments ofRahno (1950) which show an increase of microorganisms in the risosphere of roots, andwith them of physiological processes of the plants, is of interest.Some researchers (Kornilov, A.F. and Deeva V.P., 1955) think that pre-sowingtreatment of seeds is a type of root fertilization but in fact pre-sowing treatment of plants63

Proceed<strong>in</strong>g of the 4 rd International Symposium“NEW RESEARCH IN BIOTECHNOLOGY” USAMV Bucharest, Romania, 20115. Moges, A. D., Karam, N. S., Shibli, R. A. (2003): Slow growth <strong>in</strong> vitro preservation ofAfrican violet (Sa<strong>in</strong>tpaulia ionantha Wendl.) Advances <strong>in</strong> horticultural science, No. 4,pages 223-2306. Negash, A., Krens, F., Schaart, J., Visser, B. (2001): In vitro conservation of enset un<strong>de</strong>rslow-growth conditions. Plant Cell, Tissue and Organ Culture Vol.66: 107–111.7. Petrova, M., Zayova, E., Yankova, E., Baldzhiev, G. (2011): Plant regeneration from callusculture of Arnica montana. Romanian Biotechnological Letters, Supplement, Vol. 16,1: 92-978. Petrova, M., Tasheva, K., Zagorska, N., Evstatieva L. (2005): In vitro propagation of Arnicamontana L. Comptes Rendus <strong>de</strong> L’Aca<strong>de</strong>mie Bulgare <strong>de</strong>s Sciences, Vol. 58, 1: 67 – 72.9. Sarkar, D., Naik P.S. (1998): Factors affect<strong>in</strong>g m<strong>in</strong>imal growth conservation of potatomicroplants <strong>in</strong> vitro. Euphytica Vol. 102(2): 275-280.10. Shibli, R.A., Shatnawi, M.A., Subaih, W.S., Ajlouni, M.M. (2006): In vitro conservation andcryopreservation of plant genetic resources: a review. World Journal of AgriculturalSciences 2, 4: 372-38211. Shibli RA, Al-Juboory KH. (2000): Cryopreservation of 'Nabali' olive (Olea europea l.)somatic embryos by encapsulation-<strong>de</strong>hydration and encapsulation-vitrification. CryoLetters. 21, 6:357-366.12. Van <strong>de</strong>n Houwe, I., Smet <strong>de</strong>, K., Tezenas du, M.H., Swennen, R.(1995): Variability <strong>in</strong>storage potential of banana shoot cultures un<strong>de</strong>r medium term storage conditions. Plant CellTiss. Org. Cult. Vol. 42:269–27413. Vysotskaya, O.N. (1994): Long-term ma<strong>in</strong>tenance of strawberry plants <strong>in</strong> vitro. Russian J.Plant Physiol. Vol. 41: 827–83314. Willuhn, G. (1998): Arnica flowers: pharmacology, toxicology and analysis of thesesquiterpene lactones-their ma<strong>in</strong> active substances. In: Lawson L. D., Bauer R. (ed.):Phytomedic<strong>in</strong>es of Europe, ACS Symp. Ser 691 Am. Chem. Soc. Vol. 691:118–13262

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