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New Researches in Biotechnology - Facultatea de Biotehnologii ... New Researches in Biotechnology - Facultatea de Biotehnologii ...


Proceeding of the 4 rd International Symposium“NEW RESEARCH IN BIOTECHNOLOGY” USAMV Bucharest, Romania, 2011Table 3. Influence of nitrogen concentration and on number of microtubers produced/microplantVariety Total nitrogen Average number of % Dif. (no. of Signif.(meq) microtubers/vesselmicrotubers)60 15.33 100.00 -NicoletaChristian45 16.67 110.89 1.34 ns30 18.33 119.59 3.00 *60 15.33 100.00 -45 17.00 110.89 1.67 ns30 19.67 128.29 4.34 *LSD 5%= 2.82 microtubers LSD 1%=3.88 microtubers LSD 0.1%=5.32 microtubersns= not significant544. CONCLUSIONSThe experiment showed that mineral nitrogen nutrition strongly influenced theproduction of potato microtubers. The mineral nitrogen nutrition is a major limiting factorcontrolling their size.Reducing inorganic nitrogen in the medium had effect in the average microtuberweight or size of the microtubers.REFERENCESAvilla, A., S.M. Pereira and J.A. Arguello. 1998. Nitrogen concentration and proportion ofNH4 +- N affect potato cultivar response in solid and liquid media. Hort. Sci., 33: 336-338.Charles G, L Rossignol, and M Rossignol. 1995. Mise au point d'un modele dedeveloppement et de tuberisation controles et synchrones chez la pomme de terre cultivee in vitro.Acta Bot Gal 142:289-300.Chen J-J, and Y-J Liao. 1993. Nitrogen-induced changes in the growth and metabolism ofcultured potato tubers. J Am Soc Hort Sci 118:831-834.Cutter E.G., 1978. Structure and development of potato plant. In: The Potato Crop. HamsP.M. (eds.). Chapman and Hall, London. p. 70-1 52.Garner N. and J. Blake, 1989. The induction and development of potato microtuben in vitroon media free of growth regulating substances. Ann. Bot. 63: 663-674.Hoque ML, N.B. Mila, S. Khan, and R.H. Sarker, 1996. Shoot regeneration and in vitromicrotuber formation in potato (Sokunirm tuberosum L.). Bangladesh J. Bot. 25: 87- 93.Moorby J., 1978. The physiology of growth and tuber yield. In: The Potato Crop. Harris P.(ed.). Chapman and Hall, London. pp. 1 53- 194.Sarkar D, and PS Naik. 1998. Effect of inorganic nitrogen nutrition on cytokinin-inducedpotato microtuber production in vitro. Potato Res 41:211-217.Schmitz U. and H. Lon, 1990. Nutrient uptake in suspension cultures of gramineae. II.Suspension cultures of rke ( O p sariva L.). Plant Sci. 66: 95- 1 1 1.Stallknecht GF, and S Farnsworth. 1979. The effect of nitrogen on the coumarin-inducedtuberization of potato axillary shoots cultured in vitro. American Potato Journal 56:523-530.

Proceeding of the 4 rd International Symposium“NEW RESEARCH IN BIOTECHNOLOGY” USAMV Bucharest, Romania, 2011Vreugdenhil D, Y Boogaard, RGF Visser, and SM de Bruijn 1998. Comparison of tuber andshoot formation from in vitro cultured potato explants. Plant Cell Tiss Org Cult 53:197-204.Wattimena G.A. 1983. Micropropagation as an alternative technology for potatoproduction in Indonesia. Ph.D. Thesis. University of Wisconsin-Madison..Zarrabeitia A, X Lejarcegui, J Veramendi, and AM Mingo-Castel. 1997. Influence ofnitrogen supply on micropropagation and subsequent microtuberization of four potato cultivars. AmPotato J 370:369-378.55

Proceed<strong>in</strong>g of the 4 rd International Symposium“NEW RESEARCH IN BIOTECHNOLOGY” USAMV Bucharest, Romania, 2011Vreug<strong>de</strong>nhil D, Y Boogaard, RGF Visser, and SM <strong>de</strong> Bruijn 1998. Comparison of tuber andshoot formation from <strong>in</strong> vitro cultured potato explants. Plant Cell Tiss Org Cult 53:197-204.Wattimena G.A. 1983. Micropropagation as an alternative technology for potatoproduction <strong>in</strong> Indonesia. Ph.D. Thesis. University of Wiscons<strong>in</strong>-Madison..Zarrabeitia A, X Lejarcegui, J Veramendi, and AM M<strong>in</strong>go-Castel. 1997. Influence ofnitrogen supply on micropropagation and subsequent microtuberization of four potato cultivars. AmPotato J 370:369-378.55

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