New Researches in Biotechnology - Facultatea de Biotehnologii ...

New Researches in Biotechnology - Facultatea de Biotehnologii ... New Researches in Biotechnology - Facultatea de Biotehnologii ...


Proceeding of the 4 rd International Symposium“NEW RESEARCH IN BIOTECHNOLOGY” USAMV Bucharest, Romania, 2011organisms in it, as well as germination, growth and development of crops grown. Noinfluence on the soil moisture level has been registered by the applied treatments.The comparative analysis of data shows that when combining the plowing and theharrow tillage and the sowing with rolling, the pressure on soil’s top layer is decrease,which expresses itself in the decrease of volumetric density by 0.02-0.035 g/cm 3 , and of thefirmness by 8,5 to 11, 7 kg/cm 2 . The reported differences by options of treatment aresharper in the corn test area in the 10-20 cm layer – up to 0,13 g/cm 3 , which is due to thecompaction action of the wheels of aggregates during pre-sowing treatment. Examinationof main physical indicators in corn shows that conducting of intercrops loosening helpskeeping their values within optimum. Figures 1 and 2 show the values of volumetricdensity, which in the option with intercrops loosening for plowing layer 0-30cm are lowerby 0.023 g/cm 3 in comparison to the cultivation plots.Figures 1, 2. Volumetric density of soil in g/cm 3 when growing corn28

Proceeding of the 4 rd International Symposium“NEW RESEARCH IN BIOTECHNOLOGY” USAMV Bucharest, Romania, 2011The firmness of soil before ear formation of wheat decreases its values by anaverage of 20 kg/cm 2 , while the plots with Triticale keep theirs in the same range. Theoption with disk plowing of wheat reads higher values for layers 10-20cm and 30-40cm,while the plot with Triticale shows higher firmness of the options with plowing – up to100,80 kg/cm 2 . Firmness of soil has values that are not critical for root system developmentof the crops grown during the second year. Before coriander flowering, the values of thissoil parameter increase with an average of 15 kg/cm 2 , while the plots with corn, the soilkeeps its firmness within the same range.The total porosity of the vertisols has values that are lower than these, establishedduring optimum condition of the soil. In the shallow layers of the soil this decrease ismainly at the expense of coarse pores with equivalent diameter >200µ. The share of finepores increases, as well as the difficult to access water, contained in them.From the analysis of the main parameters defining the physical characteristics ofsoil diversity – leached vertisol, one can establish that moisture, volumetric density andfirmness have values that is good from the agro technical point of view and does not limitthe development and functions of plants’ root system.The agro chemical analysis found that the mineral nitrogen content is low, with avariation of data present in the respective samples. Although oat was sown as anequalization crops, no complete equalization of the area’s agro chemical parameters wasachieved, due to the many years of experimental options applied to the fertilization levels.The content of mobile forms of nitrogen, which in the output samples was 3,0-7,4 mg/kgsoil for the test area of the first and respectively 3,9-5,5 mg/kg soil for the area of thesecond crop rotation, as a result of the mineral fertilization in the phase of ear formation ofthe crops is with a higher level. With wheat in the 0-20 cm layer for the fertilization optionsa mineral nitrogen content of 9,7-12,9 mg/kg soil is registered, and with Triticale - 13,2-19,7 mg/kg soil. In the 20-40 cm layer these values for nitrogen are lower. There is noregistered concord of data for options only fertilized with ammonium nitrate and thosefertilized with liquid fertilizer in the tillering and spindling phases. Higher content of thearea with Triticale is explained by the lesser number of plants per unit area and accordinglyweaker absorption by plants. Data analysis shows a slight tendency of increasing ofassimilable phosphorous when fertilizing with amophos compared to fertilizing with triplesuperphosphate. From the analysis of soil samples taken during ear formation of the crops,we have established an increase of soluble potassium by 3-6 mg/100g soil in the optionsfertilized with potassium sulphate.With corn in the 0-20 cm layer a content of mineral nitrogen of 10,3-16,1 mg/kgsoil was read, and with coriander 13,9-22,4 mg/kg soil respectively. In the 20-40 cm layerthe values of nitrogen are lower. For corn options fertilized only with ammonium nitrateand those fertilized with foliar fertilizer in phases 5 leafs and 9-10 leafs. Higher content ofthe area with Triticale is explained by the lesser number of plants per unit area andaccordingly weaker absorption by plants. Data analysis shows a slight tendency ofincreasing of assimilable phosphorous when fertilizing with amophos compared tofertilizing with triple superphosphate. Potassium content is satisfactory and for the plowinglayer it’s in the 26.0 – 38.0 mg/100g soil boundaries. From the analysis of soil samplestaken during gathering of the crops, we have established an increase of soluble potassium inthe options fertilized with potassium sulphate.29

Proceed<strong>in</strong>g of the 4 rd International Symposium“NEW RESEARCH IN BIOTECHNOLOGY” USAMV Bucharest, Romania, 2011The firmness of soil before ear formation of wheat <strong>de</strong>creases its values by anaverage of 20 kg/cm 2 , while the plots with Triticale keep theirs <strong>in</strong> the same range. Theoption with disk plow<strong>in</strong>g of wheat reads higher values for layers 10-20cm and 30-40cm,while the plot with Triticale shows higher firmness of the options with plow<strong>in</strong>g – up to100,80 kg/cm 2 . Firmness of soil has values that are not critical for root system <strong>de</strong>velopmentof the crops grown dur<strong>in</strong>g the second year. Before corian<strong>de</strong>r flower<strong>in</strong>g, the values of thissoil parameter <strong>in</strong>crease with an average of 15 kg/cm 2 , while the plots with corn, the soilkeeps its firmness with<strong>in</strong> the same range.The total porosity of the vertisols has values that are lower than these, establisheddur<strong>in</strong>g optimum condition of the soil. In the shallow layers of the soil this <strong>de</strong>crease isma<strong>in</strong>ly at the expense of coarse pores with equivalent diameter >200µ. The share of f<strong>in</strong>epores <strong>in</strong>creases, as well as the difficult to access water, conta<strong>in</strong>ed <strong>in</strong> them.From the analysis of the ma<strong>in</strong> parameters <strong>de</strong>f<strong>in</strong><strong>in</strong>g the physical characteristics ofsoil diversity – leached vertisol, one can establish that moisture, volumetric <strong>de</strong>nsity andfirmness have values that is good from the agro technical po<strong>in</strong>t of view and does not limitthe <strong>de</strong>velopment and functions of plants’ root system.The agro chemical analysis found that the m<strong>in</strong>eral nitrogen content is low, with avariation of data present <strong>in</strong> the respective samples. Although oat was sown as anequalization crops, no complete equalization of the area’s agro chemical parameters wasachieved, due to the many years of experimental options applied to the fertilization levels.The content of mobile forms of nitrogen, which <strong>in</strong> the output samples was 3,0-7,4 mg/kgsoil for the test area of the first and respectively 3,9-5,5 mg/kg soil for the area of thesecond crop rotation, as a result of the m<strong>in</strong>eral fertilization <strong>in</strong> the phase of ear formation ofthe crops is with a higher level. With wheat <strong>in</strong> the 0-20 cm layer for the fertilization optionsa m<strong>in</strong>eral nitrogen content of 9,7-12,9 mg/kg soil is registered, and with Triticale - 13,2-19,7 mg/kg soil. In the 20-40 cm layer these values for nitrogen are lower. There is noregistered concord of data for options only fertilized with ammonium nitrate and thosefertilized with liquid fertilizer <strong>in</strong> the tiller<strong>in</strong>g and sp<strong>in</strong>dl<strong>in</strong>g phases. Higher content of thearea with Triticale is expla<strong>in</strong>ed by the lesser number of plants per unit area and accord<strong>in</strong>glyweaker absorption by plants. Data analysis shows a slight ten<strong>de</strong>ncy of <strong>in</strong>creas<strong>in</strong>g ofassimilable phosphorous when fertiliz<strong>in</strong>g with amophos compared to fertiliz<strong>in</strong>g with triplesuperphosphate. From the analysis of soil samples taken dur<strong>in</strong>g ear formation of the crops,we have established an <strong>in</strong>crease of soluble potassium by 3-6 mg/100g soil <strong>in</strong> the optionsfertilized with potassium sulphate.With corn <strong>in</strong> the 0-20 cm layer a content of m<strong>in</strong>eral nitrogen of 10,3-16,1 mg/kgsoil was read, and with corian<strong>de</strong>r 13,9-22,4 mg/kg soil respectively. In the 20-40 cm layerthe values of nitrogen are lower. For corn options fertilized only with ammonium nitrateand those fertilized with foliar fertilizer <strong>in</strong> phases 5 leafs and 9-10 leafs. Higher content ofthe area with Triticale is expla<strong>in</strong>ed by the lesser number of plants per unit area andaccord<strong>in</strong>gly weaker absorption by plants. Data analysis shows a slight ten<strong>de</strong>ncy of<strong>in</strong>creas<strong>in</strong>g of assimilable phosphorous when fertiliz<strong>in</strong>g with amophos compared tofertiliz<strong>in</strong>g with triple superphosphate. Potassium content is satisfactory and for the plow<strong>in</strong>glayer it’s <strong>in</strong> the 26.0 – 38.0 mg/100g soil boundaries. From the analysis of soil samplestaken dur<strong>in</strong>g gather<strong>in</strong>g of the crops, we have established an <strong>in</strong>crease of soluble potassium <strong>in</strong>the options fertilized with potassium sulphate.29

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