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New Researches in Biotechnology - Facultatea de Biotehnologii ... New Researches in Biotechnology - Facultatea de Biotehnologii ...


224Proceeding of the 4 rd International Symposium“NEW RESEARCH IN BIOTECHNOLOGY” USAMV Bucharest, Romania, 2011Table 4. Concentration of Mg and Ca(% from dry weight)Greenhouse Mg (ppm) Ca (ppm)M0 (without mulch) 124,85 106,59V1 (with mulch 118,4 79,4Regarding biochemical parameters tested the results revealed that the levels ofascorbic acids and lycopene are higher in the mulched greenhouse compare withunmulched greenhouse (Table 5).GreenhouseM0 (withoutmulch)Acidity,%Table 5. Biochemical parametersAscorbic acid, Soluble glucides,mg/100gp.p.%Lycopene,mg/kg0,56 12,4 4,81 13V1 (with mulch 0,56 12,6 4,8 29,65As it shows in Table 5 the soluble glucides concentration is higher in M0 and theacidity is the same in both experimental variants.4. CONCLUSIONSThe results obtain in this study show that in both experimental variants can beproduced tomato fruits which has the quality for human consumption.With small exceptions regarding some microelements and soluble glucides the restof agrochemical and biochemical analyses made in this study reveal that growing tomatoesin greenhouses with transparent mulch film has a positive influence on the quality of freshfruit tomatoes.REFERENCES1. Bragantia, v.35, n.4, p.49-54, 1976. HAYNES, R.J. The use of polyethylene mulches to changesoil microclimate as revealed by enzyme activity and biomass nitrogen, sulphur andphosphorus. Biology and Fertility of Soil, v.5, n.3, p.235-40, 1987.2. BRUNINI, O., SANTOS, J.M., ALFONSI, R.R., et al. Estudo micrometeorológico comcenouras (Variedade Nantes): I. Influência da temperatura do solo.3. CLARKSON, V. A. Effect of black polyethylene mulch on soil and microclimate temperatureand nitrate level. Agronomy Journal, v.52, n.6, p.307-9, 1960.4. CLARKSON, V. A.; FRAZIER, W. A. Effect of paper and polyetylene mulches and plastic capson cantaloupe yields and earliness. Proceedings of American Society for HorticulturalScience, v.69, p.401-4, 1957.5. Emmert, E. 1957. Black polyethylene for mulching vegetables. Proceedings, American Societyof Horticultural Science 69: 464-469.6. LAMONT Jr., W.J. Plastic mulches for the production of vegetable crops. Hort Tecnology,v.3, n.l, p.35-9, 1993.

Proceeding of the 4 rd International Symposium“NEW RESEARCH IN BIOTECHNOLOGY” USAMV Bucharest, Romania, 20117. MULLINS, C.A.; STRAW, R.A.; RUTLEDGE, A.D. Tomato production with fertigation andblack plastic mulch. Tennessee Farm and Home Science, p.23-8, 1992.8. Schales, F.D. and R. Sheldrake. 1965. Mulch effects on soil conditions and muskmelonresponse. Proceedings, American Society for Horticultural Science 88: 425-430.9. TAKATORI, F.H., LIPPERT, L.F., WHITING, F.L. The effect of petroleum mulch andpolyethylene films on soil temperature and plant growth. Proceedings of American Society forHorticultural Science, v.85, p.532-40, 1964.10. VANDENBERG, J.; TIESSEN, H. Influence of wax-coated and polyethylene-coated papermulch on growth and flowering of tomato. HortScience, v.7, n.5, p. 464-65, 1972.11. Waggoner, P.E., P.M. Miller, and H.C. DeRoo. 1960. Plastic mulching: Principles andbenefits. Connecticut Agricultural Experiment Station Bulletin, New Haven 634-44 pp.225

Proceed<strong>in</strong>g of the 4 rd International Symposium“NEW RESEARCH IN BIOTECHNOLOGY” USAMV Bucharest, Romania, 20117. MULLINS, C.A.; STRAW, R.A.; RUTLEDGE, A.D. Tomato production with fertigation andblack plastic mulch. Tennessee Farm and Home Science, p.23-8, 1992.8. Schales, F.D. and R. Sheldrake. 1965. Mulch effects on soil conditions and muskmelonresponse. Proceed<strong>in</strong>gs, American Society for Horticultural Science 88: 425-430.9. TAKATORI, F.H., LIPPERT, L.F., WHITING, F.L. The effect of petroleum mulch andpolyethylene films on soil temperature and plant growth. Proceed<strong>in</strong>gs of American Society forHorticultural Science, v.85, p.532-40, 1964.10. VANDENBERG, J.; TIESSEN, H. Influence of wax-coated and polyethylene-coated papermulch on growth and flower<strong>in</strong>g of tomato. HortScience, v.7, n.5, p. 464-65, 1972.11. Waggoner, P.E., P.M. Miller, and H.C. DeRoo. 1960. Plastic mulch<strong>in</strong>g: Pr<strong>in</strong>ciples andbenefits. Connecticut Agricultural Experiment Station Bullet<strong>in</strong>, <strong>New</strong> Haven 634-44 pp.225

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