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New Researches in Biotechnology - Facultatea de Biotehnologii ... New Researches in Biotechnology - Facultatea de Biotehnologii ...


Proceeding of the 4 rd International Symposium“NEW RESEARCH IN BIOTECHNOLOGY” USAMV Bucharest, Romania, 2011STUDIES REGARDING THE EFFECT OF MULCHING WITHTRANSPARENT FILM IN GREENHOUSES OF MATCA VEGETABLEAREA ON QUALITY OF TOMATOES1 SC MARCOSER SRL, MATCA, GALATI2 USAMV BUCHARESTC. POHRIB 1 , M. PETRACHE 1 , G. CAMPEANU 2, GABRIELA NEATA 2Abstract. A study was carried out to determine the effect of mulching with transparent film compareto no mulching on quality of cv. AMANDA F1 tomato fruits (Lycopersicum esculentum Mill.) in coldgreenhouses in vegetable area of Matca. Total nitrogen, total phosphate, total potassium,microelements, acidity, C vitamin, soluble glucide and lycopene were determined during the harvestperiod. The study shows that mulching had a positive effect on fruit quality.F1.Keywords: mulching, transparent film, cold greenhouse, tomato, quality1. INTRODUCTIONThe advantages of using plastic mulches for the production of high-valuevegetable crops have been recognized since the late 1950s (Emmert 1957, Schales andSheldrake 1965, Waggoner et al. 1960). Polyethylene (PE) mulches have induced largeincreases in growth and yields for a variety of crops, including tomato (TAKATORI et al.,1964; VANDENBERG & TIESSEN, 1972; MULLINS et al., 1992; LAMONT Jr., 1993).These growth and yield increases have been attributed to changes in soil and airtemperature near the cover, soil water balance, and nutrient availability compared tounmulched soil (CLARKSON & FRAZIER, 1957; CLARKSON, 1960; BRUNINI et al.,1976; HAYNES, 1987).In this study was analyzed the quality parameters of tomato fresh fruit ingreenhouse with transparent film mulching compare with unmulched greenhouse.2. MATERIALS AND METHODSThe experiments was made at the SC MARCOSER SRL experimental plots, in thebiggest cold greenhouse vegetable production area in Romania - Matca village, located inGalati county in the East part of the country in the period January-June 2011.There was used two greenhouses of 400 sqm (20mx20m), in one (V1) wasinstalled transparent film on all soil surface and in second greenhouse wasn’t installed themulch film (M0).In both greenhouses was planted a very early maturity, Amanda F1 tomato varietyfrom Zeraim Gedera, Israel.Distance between rows: 60 x 90 cm.Distance between plants: 30 cmDensity: 45 000 plants/ha.222

Proceeding of the 4 rd International Symposium“NEW RESEARCH IN BIOTECHNOLOGY” USAMV Bucharest, Romania, 2011For experiment were monitored 10 plants in 3 random repetitions in bothgreenhouses.The parameters analyzed were total nitrogen, total phosphate, total potassium,microelements, acidity, C vitamin, soluble glucide and lycopene for tomatoes fresh fruitsafter harvest.3. RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONSFrom Table 1 it can be seen that the fruits from V1 (the greenhouse with mulchfilm) accumulated more dry weight the M0 variant and also the conductivity is higher.Table 1. Values for dry weight, pH and conductivityGreenhouseDry weight(%)pHConductivity(mS/cm)M0 (without mulch) 6,8 4,25 5,1V1 (with mulch 7 4,31 5,12Regarding accumulation of total nitrogen, total phosphate and potassium there isdifference of results as next: the total nitrogen is lower in V1 (0,2667%) than M0(0,2386%) that suggesting a better final quality for the tomato fruits which are growingwith mulch film. Regarding phosphate and potassium (Table 2) the results suggest a higheraccumulation of these elements in the tomato fruit from the greenhouse with mulch film. Abig concentration of potassium in tomato fruits will make a higher resistance of the fruit attransport and a longer shelf life.Table 2. Total nitrogen, phosphate and potassium (% from dry weight)Greenhouse Nt (%) P2O5 (%) K2O (%)M0 (without mulch) 0,2667 0,059 0,3V1 (with mulch 0,2386 0,06 0,31Regarding concentrations of microelements there are different results, if theconcentration for Cu, Zn and Fe are lower in the greenhouse without mulching film for Mn,Mg and Ca the concentrations are lower in the greenhouse with plastic mulch (Table 3 andTable 4).Table 3. Concentration of Cu, Zn, Mn and Fe ((% from dry weight)Greenhouse Cu (ppm) Zn (ppm) Mn (ppm) Fe (ppm)M0 (without mulch) 0,41 0,96 0,93 3,65V1 (with mulch 0,65 1,19 0,91 5,36223

Proceed<strong>in</strong>g of the 4 rd International Symposium“NEW RESEARCH IN BIOTECHNOLOGY” USAMV Bucharest, Romania, 2011For experiment were monitored 10 plants <strong>in</strong> 3 random repetitions <strong>in</strong> bothgreenhouses.The parameters analyzed were total nitrogen, total phosphate, total potassium,microelements, acidity, C vitam<strong>in</strong>, soluble gluci<strong>de</strong> and lycopene for tomatoes fresh fruitsafter harvest.3. RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONSFrom Table 1 it can be seen that the fruits from V1 (the greenhouse with mulchfilm) accumulated more dry weight the M0 variant and also the conductivity is higher.Table 1. Values for dry weight, pH and conductivityGreenhouseDry weight(%)pHConductivity(mS/cm)M0 (without mulch) 6,8 4,25 5,1V1 (with mulch 7 4,31 5,12Regard<strong>in</strong>g accumulation of total nitrogen, total phosphate and potassium there isdifference of results as next: the total nitrogen is lower <strong>in</strong> V1 (0,2667%) than M0(0,2386%) that suggest<strong>in</strong>g a better f<strong>in</strong>al quality for the tomato fruits which are grow<strong>in</strong>gwith mulch film. Regard<strong>in</strong>g phosphate and potassium (Table 2) the results suggest a higheraccumulation of these elements <strong>in</strong> the tomato fruit from the greenhouse with mulch film. Abig concentration of potassium <strong>in</strong> tomato fruits will make a higher resistance of the fruit attransport and a longer shelf life.Table 2. Total nitrogen, phosphate and potassium (% from dry weight)Greenhouse Nt (%) P2O5 (%) K2O (%)M0 (without mulch) 0,2667 0,059 0,3V1 (with mulch 0,2386 0,06 0,31Regard<strong>in</strong>g concentrations of microelements there are different results, if theconcentration for Cu, Zn and Fe are lower <strong>in</strong> the greenhouse without mulch<strong>in</strong>g film for Mn,Mg and Ca the concentrations are lower <strong>in</strong> the greenhouse with plastic mulch (Table 3 andTable 4).Table 3. Concentration of Cu, Zn, Mn and Fe ((% from dry weight)Greenhouse Cu (ppm) Zn (ppm) Mn (ppm) Fe (ppm)M0 (without mulch) 0,41 0,96 0,93 3,65V1 (with mulch 0,65 1,19 0,91 5,36223

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