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New Researches in Biotechnology - Facultatea de Biotehnologii ... New Researches in Biotechnology - Facultatea de Biotehnologii ...


Proceeding of the 4 rd International Symposium“NEW RESEARCH IN BIOTECHNOLOGY” USAMV Bucharest, Romania, 2011THE EFFECTS OF THE COMPONENTS SPECIFIC MIGRATION FORTHE FOOD STUFF CONSERVATION IN METALLIC CANSBUCULEI AMELIA 1 , REBENCIUC IOANA 1 , GHEORGHE CAMPEANU 2 , VALENTINI. IONESCU³, MARIANA I. IONESCU³, GABRIELA CONSTANTINESCU(POP) 1 ,ADRIANA DABIJA 11 USV Stefan cel Mare, Str.Universitatii nr.13, Suceava,Romania2 University of Agronomical Sciences and Veterinary Medicine Bucharest, 011464, Bucharest, Romania3 Institutul de Bioresurse Alimentare,str. Dinu Vintila, nr.6,sector 2, Bucuresti, Romania* Corresponding author: ameliab@usv.roAbstract. Being known the effects of the components migration from the package in the food productit is necessary to be determined the degree of stability of the protection lacquers that are found in thestructure of food metallic packagings.The goals of the paper were:- the detection and quantification of certain migrants with toxic potential from certain innerside protection lacquers of the food metallic cans;- the analysis of the temporal stability of the lacquer layer in the case of the metallic cans forcertain food products.The approaching methods comprised not only the analysis of the package but also that of the productpreserved. The specific components migration (bisphenol A) in food simulants was analyzed in twoways: the UV-VIS method and the GC-MS method and the analysis of the package heavy metalmigration as well as the migration of the heavy metals from the product by the atomic absorptionspectroscopy (AAS).From the analysis of the inner side of the can and the organoleptic and physico-chemical analysis ofthe product „Fois gras” the yellow lacquer type we observed that the phenomena is moreaccentuated than in the case of the product „Pork meat in natural juice”. This thing wasn’t seen inthe cases with white lacquer.Keywords: metallic cans, tin layer, white lacquer, yellow lacquer, AAS, GC-MS, UV-VIS1. INTRODUCTIONThe anticorrosive protection materials used in the food domain ensure the safety ofthe metal surfaces in front of the atmospheric corrosion, the protection from the reactionwith the food product contained and the protection of the food contained. The protection ofthe food stuff contained from metal contamination contributes at the reduction of the costsalong the time and at the protection of the environment. [6,7]The safety of the packaging materials is based on the fact that during the food stuffcontact the unsure chemical substances don’t migrate from the material to the food stuff.From all the material types the epoxyphenolic lacquers are the most important beinguniversally used for body cans as well as for sealings, for two or three pieces metallic cansas well as for pressed cans. [1]The epoxyphenolic lacquers based on bisphenol A (BPA) are often called GOLDphenolic lacquers due to their yellow-glodish specific colour and are used for most of theapplications that include extremely corrosive food stuff. [2]166

Proceeding of the 4 rd International Symposium“NEW RESEARCH IN BIOTECHNOLOGY” USAMV Bucharest, Romania, 2011The establishing of the sterilization methods as well as their correct application arevery important for the slightest mistakes regarding the sterilization formula (not respectingthe time, temperature and pressure conditions) can have severe consequences upon thepreservation and the quality of the product. At high temperature (sterilization) the resinsthat compose the protection lacquers can decompose and result in components with hightoxic potential (bisphenol) and can migrate from the package to the food stuff. [3,4]The traditional method for fabricating food cans in the food can industry implies theusing of tin covered with protection lacquers. This trend is in a continuous change due tothe using reglementations (european and national) regarding the dangerous endocrineeffects of the bisphenol found in the protection lacquers (Moller şi alţii, 2004). The framereglemenation 1935/2004/CE, as well as the new CE directives regarding the materials thatcome in contact with the food stuff impose migration limits for the specific components.On national level we can mention HG nr. 1197/2002 for the approving of the Regulationsregarding the materials and objects that come in contact with the food stuff and theadditional things regarding the using of the epoxy derivates in materials and objects thatcome in contact with the food stuff. [5] Being known the effects of the componentsmigration from the package in the food stuff it’s necessary to determine the degree ofstability of the materials by global migration and specific migration testes for thecomponents.2. MATERIALS AND METHODSWe studied in practical conditions the package and content of the can in the case oftwo different food stuff in cans fabricated with different tins and lacquers all for to comparethe protection abilities of several lacquer systems and for extending the shelf life.We used for the experiments the following types of tin lacquered cans: welded cans(3 pieces) Ø 99x48; pressed cans (2 pieces) Ø 73x30. For sealing these cans we used : Ø99DV caps and Ø 73DV caps all lacquered in the corresponding lacquering systems.We used the following lacquers: WHITE PL- inner protection white lacquer ofepoxyphenolic type; HE GOLD – inner protection yellow lacquer epoxyphenolic type andPL GOLD – inner protection yellow lacquer of modified epoxyphenolic type.The lab analysis of the lacquers observed:- the global migration of the components in the food simulants A, B and D and theorganoleptic exam of the samples and liquids after extraction:- the specific components migration in the simulant A : the bisphenol A content(BPA) by two methods: UV-VIS spectrometry and gas chromatography coupled with massspectroscopy GC-MS;-the heavy metals migration from the package in the simulant B by atomicabsorption spectroscopy (AAS) with graphite oven.The checking of the quality of the cans was led on a relevant lot taken from a meatproducts manufacturer production (pork meat in natural juice and fois gras).The filling and sterilization of the cans was led according to the specificity of theproduct. The can taken from the manufacturer according to STAS 3730-92 were stored inthe conditions specified for the product. The canned products were regularly analyzed from167

Proceed<strong>in</strong>g of the 4 rd International Symposium“NEW RESEARCH IN BIOTECHNOLOGY” USAMV Bucharest, Romania, 2011The establish<strong>in</strong>g of the sterilization methods as well as their correct application arevery important for the slightest mistakes regard<strong>in</strong>g the sterilization formula (not respect<strong>in</strong>gthe time, temperature and pressure conditions) can have severe consequences upon thepreservation and the quality of the product. At high temperature (sterilization) the res<strong>in</strong>sthat compose the protection lacquers can <strong>de</strong>compose and result <strong>in</strong> components with hightoxic potential (bisphenol) and can migrate from the package to the food stuff. [3,4]The traditional method for fabricat<strong>in</strong>g food cans <strong>in</strong> the food can <strong>in</strong>dustry implies theus<strong>in</strong>g of t<strong>in</strong> covered with protection lacquers. This trend is <strong>in</strong> a cont<strong>in</strong>uous change due tothe us<strong>in</strong>g reglementations (european and national) regard<strong>in</strong>g the dangerous endocr<strong>in</strong>eeffects of the bisphenol found <strong>in</strong> the protection lacquers (Moller şi alţii, 2004). The framereglemenation 1935/2004/CE, as well as the new CE directives regard<strong>in</strong>g the materials thatcome <strong>in</strong> contact with the food stuff impose migration limits for the specific components.On national level we can mention HG nr. 1197/2002 for the approv<strong>in</strong>g of the Regulationsregard<strong>in</strong>g the materials and objects that come <strong>in</strong> contact with the food stuff and theadditional th<strong>in</strong>gs regard<strong>in</strong>g the us<strong>in</strong>g of the epoxy <strong>de</strong>rivates <strong>in</strong> materials and objects thatcome <strong>in</strong> contact with the food stuff. [5] Be<strong>in</strong>g known the effects of the componentsmigration from the package <strong>in</strong> the food stuff it’s necessary to <strong>de</strong>term<strong>in</strong>e the <strong>de</strong>gree ofstability of the materials by global migration and specific migration testes for thecomponents.2. MATERIALS AND METHODSWe studied <strong>in</strong> practical conditions the package and content of the can <strong>in</strong> the case oftwo different food stuff <strong>in</strong> cans fabricated with different t<strong>in</strong>s and lacquers all for to comparethe protection abilities of several lacquer systems and for extend<strong>in</strong>g the shelf life.We used for the experiments the follow<strong>in</strong>g types of t<strong>in</strong> lacquered cans: wel<strong>de</strong>d cans(3 pieces) Ø 99x48; pressed cans (2 pieces) Ø 73x30. For seal<strong>in</strong>g these cans we used : Ø99DV caps and Ø 73DV caps all lacquered <strong>in</strong> the correspond<strong>in</strong>g lacquer<strong>in</strong>g systems.We used the follow<strong>in</strong>g lacquers: WHITE PL- <strong>in</strong>ner protection white lacquer ofepoxyphenolic type; HE GOLD – <strong>in</strong>ner protection yellow lacquer epoxyphenolic type andPL GOLD – <strong>in</strong>ner protection yellow lacquer of modified epoxyphenolic type.The lab analysis of the lacquers observed:- the global migration of the components <strong>in</strong> the food simulants A, B and D and theorganoleptic exam of the samples and liquids after extraction:- the specific components migration <strong>in</strong> the simulant A : the bisphenol A content(BPA) by two methods: UV-VIS spectrometry and gas chromatography coupled with massspectroscopy GC-MS;-the heavy metals migration from the package <strong>in</strong> the simulant B by atomicabsorption spectroscopy (AAS) with graphite oven.The check<strong>in</strong>g of the quality of the cans was led on a relevant lot taken from a meatproducts manufacturer production (pork meat <strong>in</strong> natural juice and fois gras).The fill<strong>in</strong>g and sterilization of the cans was led accord<strong>in</strong>g to the specificity of theproduct. The can taken from the manufacturer accord<strong>in</strong>g to STAS 3730-92 were stored <strong>in</strong>the conditions specified for the product. The canned products were regularly analyzed from167

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