New Researches in Biotechnology - Facultatea de Biotehnologii ...

New Researches in Biotechnology - Facultatea de Biotehnologii ... New Researches in Biotechnology - Facultatea de Biotehnologii ...


Proceeding of the 4 rd International Symposium“NEW RESEARCH IN BIOTECHNOLOGY” USAMV Bucharest, Romania, 2011The maintenance medium was YPG agar. The yeasts were maintained on a slant ofYPGA medium (yeast extract 1%, peptone 1%, glucose 2%, and agar 2% (w/v)) and storedat 4°C.INOCULUMThe culture medium was portioned in 1000 ml Erlenmeyer flasks, which werecotton-plugged and sterilized at 121°C for 15 min. When the flasks attained roomtemperature, they were inoculated (2% v/v) with the yeasts. The culture medium forinoculum was malt-agar (malt extract 3%, peptone 0.5%, agar 2%).The yeast were cultivated in 1000 ml Erlenmeyer flasks containing 500 ml ofmedium at 30 0 C on a Unimax 1010 orbital rotatory shaker with Incubator 1000 (Heidolph)at 150 rpm for 24 h. Microaerobic conditions were provided by the use of flasks withcottonwool plugs. At the end of the fermentation process, the final pH and the yeastbiomasses were determined.The inoculum (10% of the working volume and roughly 5.2 x 10 7 cells/ml) wastransferred from the flasks to stainless steel bioreactor (total volume of 20 l) fitted with pHmonitoring and controlling equipment and dosage equipment (raw material, nutrient saltsolutions) and which contained approx. 15 l liquid volume (work was performed below75% of bioreactor capacity to avoid foam problems).FERMENTATION MEDIAThe preparation of molasses used as fermentation medium comprises the followinggroups of technological operations: dilution of molasses with potable water at aconcentration of 40% d.m.; acidification of molasses using concentrated sulphuric acid (pHfinal 4.5 – 4.8); sterilisation of molasses; clarification of diluted and sterilized molassesthrough decantation and filtration.The molasses tested were characterized through the following parameters:- Sugar beet molasses - soluble dry matter 80.63%; moisture content 22.58%; total sugar57.71% expressed in glucose; initial reducing sugar 9.25%; sucrose 50.48%; ash 5.7%; pH5.7 (in solution 10%); nitrogen content 1.23%;- Sugar cane molasses - soluble dry matter 82.2%; moisture content 23.7%; total sugar59.24% expressed in glucose; initial reducing sugar 11.3%; sucrose 55%; ash 7.8%; pH 6(in solution 10%); nitrogen content 1.19%.The minerals necessary for yeast were introduced into the culture medium in theform of solutions.The yeast multiplication was tested, with and without addition of vitamins (biotin,calcium panthotenat and inositol) to the medium based on molasses. The vitamins wereadded one by one and as mixture of two or three within the culture medium.The soluble dry matter content for the molasses starting base medium beforeinoculation in the bioreactor was 20 0 Brix.The media based on molasses contained the following ingredients (g/l):Medium I: (NH4) 2 S0 4 , 0.6; KH 2 PO 4 , 0.3; in 1000ml distilled water;Medium II: MgSO 4 x7H 2 O, 0.3; CuSO 4 x7H 2 O, 0.002; ZnSO 4 x7H 2 O, 0.02; CaCl 2 x2H 2 O,0.08; (NH4) 2 S0 4 , 0.6; KH 2 PO 4 , 0.3; in 1000ml distilled water;Medium III: MgSO 4 x7H 2 O, 0.3; CuSO 4 x7H 2 O, 0.002; ZnSO 4 x7H 2 O, 0.02; CaCl 2 x2H 2 O,0.08; (NH4) 2 S0 4 , 0.6; KH 2 PO 4 , 0.3; inositol, 0.23; calcium panthotenat, 0.05; in 1000mldistilled water;126

Proceeding of the 4 rd International Symposium“NEW RESEARCH IN BIOTECHNOLOGY” USAMV Bucharest, Romania, 2011Medium IV: MgSO 4 x7H 2 O, 0.3; CuSO 4 x7H 2 O, 0.002; ZnSO 4 x7H 2 O, 0.02; CaCl 2 x2H 2 O,0.08; (NH4) 2 S0 4 , 0.6; KH 2 PO 4 , 0.3; inositol, 0.23; calcium panthotenat, 0.05; biotin,0.06x10 -3 ; in 1000ml distilled water.Formulations were tested, combining in different rations the sugar beet and sugarcane molasses. The initial pH values of all media were adjusted to 4.5 with H 2 SO 4 conc.FERMENTATION CONDITIONSBefore inoculation, the culture medium in the bioreactor was steam sterilized insitu and after cooling was inoculated with 10% inoculum (24-hours-old).The molasses was fed-batch added following a program, maintaining the sugarconcentration around 8%, in order to avoid sugar fermentation and ethanol production. Thefeeding diagram with molasses is presented in fig. 1.Fig. 1 Molasses addition programs for baking yeast productionFermentation was performed at a temperature of 30 0 C. Agitation speed andaeration rate in the bioreactor were 1000 rpm and 0.6 litres / litres / min, respectively. ThepH was automatically controlled at pH 4.5-4.8 with 2N NaOH. Silicone antifoam (CarlRoth) was used to prevent foam formation. The total fermentation time was 51 hours, andafter completion of the molasses addition, the culture was maintained with aeration for 4hto allow yeast maturation.Parameters such air flow, oxygen concentration in the culture, sugars and ammoniain the medium are controlled in commercial yeast production to improve yield [Kristiansen,1994; Lee et al., 1999; Maqueda et al., 2011], but these parameters were not monitoredduring this work.At the end of multiplication process (55 hours) the biomass was separated bycentrifugation using a laboratory centrifuge ROTINA 38 Hettich with 250 ml tubes. Theyeast biomass was centrifuged for 20 minutes at 4000 rpm. In order to assess the yield inbiomass, the amount of biomass formed after 55 hours of fermentation was determined.Cell growth was measured by determining the optical density at 600 nm using aspectrophotometer. To determine culture dry weight, culture samples (10 ml) were filtered127

Proceed<strong>in</strong>g of the 4 rd International Symposium“NEW RESEARCH IN BIOTECHNOLOGY” USAMV Bucharest, Romania, 2011The ma<strong>in</strong>tenance medium was YPG agar. The yeasts were ma<strong>in</strong>ta<strong>in</strong>ed on a slant ofYPGA medium (yeast extract 1%, peptone 1%, glucose 2%, and agar 2% (w/v)) and storedat 4°C.INOCULUMThe culture medium was portioned <strong>in</strong> 1000 ml Erlenmeyer flasks, which werecotton-plugged and sterilized at 121°C for 15 m<strong>in</strong>. When the flasks atta<strong>in</strong>ed roomtemperature, they were <strong>in</strong>oculated (2% v/v) with the yeasts. The culture medium for<strong>in</strong>oculum was malt-agar (malt extract 3%, peptone 0.5%, agar 2%).The yeast were cultivated <strong>in</strong> 1000 ml Erlenmeyer flasks conta<strong>in</strong><strong>in</strong>g 500 ml ofmedium at 30 0 C on a Unimax 1010 orbital rotatory shaker with Incubator 1000 (Heidolph)at 150 rpm for 24 h. Microaerobic conditions were provi<strong>de</strong>d by the use of flasks withcottonwool plugs. At the end of the fermentation process, the f<strong>in</strong>al pH and the yeastbiomasses were <strong>de</strong>term<strong>in</strong>ed.The <strong>in</strong>oculum (10% of the work<strong>in</strong>g volume and roughly 5.2 x 10 7 cells/ml) wastransferred from the flasks to sta<strong>in</strong>less steel bioreactor (total volume of 20 l) fitted with pHmonitor<strong>in</strong>g and controll<strong>in</strong>g equipment and dosage equipment (raw material, nutrient saltsolutions) and which conta<strong>in</strong>ed approx. 15 l liquid volume (work was performed below75% of bioreactor capacity to avoid foam problems).FERMENTATION MEDIAThe preparation of molasses used as fermentation medium comprises the follow<strong>in</strong>ggroups of technological operations: dilution of molasses with potable water at aconcentration of 40% d.m.; acidification of molasses us<strong>in</strong>g concentrated sulphuric acid (pHf<strong>in</strong>al 4.5 – 4.8); sterilisation of molasses; clarification of diluted and sterilized molassesthrough <strong>de</strong>cantation and filtration.The molasses tested were characterized through the follow<strong>in</strong>g parameters:- Sugar beet molasses - soluble dry matter 80.63%; moisture content 22.58%; total sugar57.71% expressed <strong>in</strong> glucose; <strong>in</strong>itial reduc<strong>in</strong>g sugar 9.25%; sucrose 50.48%; ash 5.7%; pH5.7 (<strong>in</strong> solution 10%); nitrogen content 1.23%;- Sugar cane molasses - soluble dry matter 82.2%; moisture content 23.7%; total sugar59.24% expressed <strong>in</strong> glucose; <strong>in</strong>itial reduc<strong>in</strong>g sugar 11.3%; sucrose 55%; ash 7.8%; pH 6(<strong>in</strong> solution 10%); nitrogen content 1.19%.The m<strong>in</strong>erals necessary for yeast were <strong>in</strong>troduced <strong>in</strong>to the culture medium <strong>in</strong> theform of solutions.The yeast multiplication was tested, with and without addition of vitam<strong>in</strong>s (biot<strong>in</strong>,calcium panthotenat and <strong>in</strong>ositol) to the medium based on molasses. The vitam<strong>in</strong>s weread<strong>de</strong>d one by one and as mixture of two or three with<strong>in</strong> the culture medium.The soluble dry matter content for the molasses start<strong>in</strong>g base medium before<strong>in</strong>oculation <strong>in</strong> the bioreactor was 20 0 Brix.The media based on molasses conta<strong>in</strong>ed the follow<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong>gredients (g/l):Medium I: (NH4) 2 S0 4 , 0.6; KH 2 PO 4 , 0.3; <strong>in</strong> 1000ml distilled water;Medium II: MgSO 4 x7H 2 O, 0.3; CuSO 4 x7H 2 O, 0.002; ZnSO 4 x7H 2 O, 0.02; CaCl 2 x2H 2 O,0.08; (NH4) 2 S0 4 , 0.6; KH 2 PO 4 , 0.3; <strong>in</strong> 1000ml distilled water;Medium III: MgSO 4 x7H 2 O, 0.3; CuSO 4 x7H 2 O, 0.002; ZnSO 4 x7H 2 O, 0.02; CaCl 2 x2H 2 O,0.08; (NH4) 2 S0 4 , 0.6; KH 2 PO 4 , 0.3; <strong>in</strong>ositol, 0.23; calcium panthotenat, 0.05; <strong>in</strong> 1000mldistilled water;126

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