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p.forumNews 2008©Tim Wilkes Photography303It’s finally here!Hydra Net ® radial 303This is what sailmakers and yachtsmenhave been waiting for. After many monthsof development and trials the wovenhigh-tech fabric Hydra Net ® radial isnow available in a lighter 300g/sqm.The Hydra Net ® radial range is nowHe is at Key West Race Week to representDIMENSION-POLYANT and to seek contactto active sailors to exchange information.We spoke to John Gluek, President©Tim Wilkes Photographyof DIMENSION-POLYANT USA, about hisinvolvement at the international raceweek in Florida.Key West Race Week in January is one ofthe most important race weeks in the USA.Reflect on your thoughts for what thismeans for DIMENSION-POLYANT.Key West Race Week has always been theintroduction of the new season regardingsuppliers involved with racing. Supplierscomplete with weights ranging from 300 –530g/sqm, thus allowing sailmakers todesign even more effective radial sails.Smaller yachts can now benefit from thenew addition with their sails constructedfrom Hydra Net ® radial 303.KeyInterviewWestwith John Gluekhere have completed their design work andR&D, and whether it’s cloth, rigging, spars,hardware, yachts, sails, or apparel, they’rehere to see how their new products stackup against the best in the world.For DIMENSION-POLYANT these productscover many levels, considering we producewoven polyester, nylons, laminatesand D4 ® membranes. Competitors on over260 racing yachts, with some 60 foreignteams, represent classes that utilize allstyles of the fabrics we produce, from One-Design up through the ranks of Grand Prix.Continued on page 6 ...Designing the Futureclear aheadRobert Kühnen with Claus-Ehlert MeyerThe initiative took place in the Superyachthall of the Dusseldorf Boat Show, whenDIMENSION-POLYANT became a memberof the Deutsche Yachten (Germany Yacht)Association. DP was presented to theother members at the popular GermanSuperyacht stand, when Robert KühnenDP-Vice President and Sales & Marketingmet with Claus-Ehlert Meyer of DBSV.DIMENSION-POLYANTMember ofDeutsche YachtenForum 2008• Hydra Net ® radial 303 S. 1• Key West: Interview with John Gluek S. 1/6-7• Boat Show Review 2007/2008 S. 2• Spinnaker Cloth: used in medical applications S. 2• Q-Bond ® : for Laminates and One Design S. 3• Hydra Net ® Tapes S. 3• Kiel Week 2008 S. 4• 30 Years of Minitransat / Gorch Fock S. 5• www: updating DP homepage S. 6• DP Australia: Nick Marler and his Crew S. 8

p.forumNews 2008©Tim Wilkes Photography303It’s finally here!Hydra Net ® radial 303This is what sailmakers and yachtsmenhave been waiting for. After many monthsof development and trials the wovenhigh-tech fabric Hydra Net ® radial isnow available in a lighter 300g/sqm.The Hydra Net ® radial range is nowHe is at Key West Race Week to representDIMENSION-POLYANT and to seek contactto active sailors to exchange information.We spoke to John Gluek, President©Tim Wilkes Photographyof DIMENSION-POLYANT USA, about hisinvolvement at the international raceweek in Florida.Key West Race Week in January is one ofthe most important race weeks in the USA.Reflect on your thoughts for what thismeans for DIMENSION-POLYANT.Key West Race Week has always been theintroduction of the new season regardingsuppliers involved with racing. Supplierscomplete with weights ranging from 300 –530g/sqm, thus allowing sailmakers todesign even more effective radial sails.Smaller yachts can now benefit from thenew addition with their sails constructedfrom Hydra Net ® radial 303.KeyInterviewWestwith John Gluekhere have completed their design work andR&D, and whether it’s cloth, rigging, spars,hardware, yachts, sails, or apparel, they’rehere to see how their new products stackup against the best in the world.For DIMENSION-POLYANT these productscover many levels, considering we producewoven polyester, nylons, laminatesand D4 ® membranes. Competitors on over260 racing yachts, with some 60 foreignteams, represent classes that utilize allstyles of the fabrics we produce, from One-Design up through the ranks of Grand Prix.Continued on page 6 ...Designing the Futureclear aheadRobert Kühnen with Claus-Ehlert MeyerThe initiative took place in the Superyachthall of the Dusseldorf Boat Show, whenDIMENSION-POLYANT became a memberof the Deutsche Yachten (Germany Yacht)Association. DP was presented to theother members at the popular GermanSuperyacht stand, when Robert KühnenDP-Vice President and Sales & Marketingmet with Claus-Ehlert Meyer of DBSV.DIMENSION-POLYANTMember ofDeutsche YachtenForum 2008• Hydra Net ® radial 303 S. 1• Key West: Interview with John Gluek S. 1/6-7• Boat Show Review 2007/2008 S. 2• Spinnaker Cloth: used in medical applications S. 2• Q-Bond ® : for Laminates and One Design S. 3• Hydra Net ® Tapes S. 3• Kiel Week 2008 S. 4• 30 Years of Minitransat / Gorch Fock S. 5• www: updating DP homepage S. 6• DP Australia: Nick Marler and his Crew S. 8

2 dp.forumBoat ShowBoat Show Review 2007/2008It seems that even with the advent ofthe internet, boat shows still hold a greatfascination for many people. This can beno more evident than at the Hamburg boatshow (hanseboot), here yachtsmen can getthe latest information directly from DP.The most importantboat show in Germany“For us at DP the hanseboot is themost important boat show in Germany”ParisAmsterdam...says Robert Kühnen. The boat show (boot)in Düsseldorf is very important to DPbeing our local show (DP HQ is only 25 kmaway) and with its Superyacht Hall it isalso an attraction to a large number ofinternational visitors.A must for sailmakersAs the World’s largest sailcloth producerDP is in attendance at the specialistMarine Equipment Trade Show (METS) inAmsterdam. METS is one of the mostinfluential shows in the marine worldwith its global reputation. The show is amust for sailmakers from all over the world.Finally, the Salon Nautique de Paris, heldin December, is high on DP’s priority listdue to the enthusiastic French sailorswith their depth of expertise and yachtsmenwith their honest views.DüsseldorfHamburgBoot 2008Spinnaker Clothalso used in medicalapplicationsWith the highly flexible production andquality of the DP fabrics, doors areconstantly being opened into new markets.Strong spinnaker fabrics made byDIMENSION-POLYANT are now beingutilised in the medical profession.In hospitals and care homes they serve asreliable support for people who are no longermobile by themselves. The fabrics arealso used as padding on operating tablesand wheelchairs, and in beds wherepatients need extra care. With the help ofthese special fabrics care staff are able tolift immobile patients carefully, and movethem without any discomfort.DP spinnaker fabrics therefore contributeto the well-being of the patients and alsofacilitate the work of the medical personnel.The discovery of using spinnakerfabrics in this way was first developed inScandinavia, and has now spread throughoutthe world.

3 dp.forumQ-Bond®Q-Bond ®Sailmaking for Laminates and One Design WovensOyster 82reduced staffing to produce real largesails in a cost effective way.©Q-BondThe Q-Bond ® Mobile Sailmaking Systemis a real success. The method was launchedduring the America’s Cup event in Swedenin the year 2005, and now 35 sailmakersare using the Q-Bond ® Systemin day to day production. The new productionmethod enables a sailmaker withCompared to other glueing techniques it isclean, easy and provides a very consistentand high seam quality. The process is easyto learn, and after a few days training youare up and running in full production.DIMENSION-POLYANT is producing theQ-Bond® Tape in Germany, and is alreadysupplying tapes for 2.000 Q-Bond ®sails per year. The majority of these sailsare made from film/film fabrics such asFlex ® and D4 ® .©Q-BondRecently some sailmakers started successfullyto use Q-Bond® in One Design Racingsails made from HTP ® plus. There is a greatvariety of Q-Bonded sails; everything fromlarge high performance sails like VO 70Code Zeros, America’s Cup mains in D4 ® ,to Tornado mains from Flex ® fabrics.Hydra Net ® Tapes8 cm 10 cm 12 cmHNR 200 • •HNR 270 • •HNR 320 • •Hydra Net ® TapesEffective Edge StrengtheningLearning from practical experience: This DPprinciple for product development encompassesall styles in the range. The new DPHydra Net ® tapes are a good example of this.In a very short time, sailmakers have orderedover 50,000 m in various weights and widths,and its becoming more popular. No surprise,as this durable Polyester/ Dyneema ® tapesignificantly improves the wear-resistanceof edge reinforcements.These tapes are mainlyused as luff reinforcements, in mains or genoas.Also many sailmakers use these tapesin areas of high load, reef and corner patching,even when the base fabric is not from DP.

5 dp.forum30 yearsof MinitransatIntermediate stop-over onthe Island of Maderia - PortugalGorch Fock©Pierrick GarenneWhen the sailors compete in their 6.50m“mini-cuppers” alone across the Atlantic inless than 30 days, great demands are posedon themselves and their equipment.During the 2007 Minitransat, 89 yachtsmenset off on the 4.200 mile race from France tothe Caribbean. More than 50% chose sailsmade from DP fabrics: HP Square ® for themains and Flex ® laminates in the headsails,and almost every participant usedthe CZ, Code Zero fabric to great effect.Special fabricsfor the race in 2009In 2009, the 31st Minitransat will set sailwith new changes tothe allowed sailcloth,black aramid fabricswill be allowed forthe first time thisyear. DP reacted tothis change of rule,and will offer special fabrics for the race in2009, this is possible due to the high flexibilityof the DP production.The rapid development of sailcloth in thepast 30 year history of the race has providedastounding results, the original racewinner completed the course in 38 days,©Pierrick Garennetoday the same distancewas coveredby Yves Le Blevec inonly 23 days 4 hours,a truly outstanding achievement. DP congratulateshim and all the participantsin the Minitransat 2008.600 gram per square meter. This fabric isconstructed to take even the highest loadsunder sail. This cloth was developed by DPback in 1974 especially for “Gorch Fock”,the sail training ship of the German Navy.With 23 sails, a total area of over 2.000 sqm,and an annual log of 30,000 miles this shipis still setting new records. The training ship,home to 160 officer cadets and with a displacementof 1,760 tons recently toppedspeeds of 18.2 knots on its Atlantic passage.The sails atop the nearly 90m long threemastedvessel have to endure extremes rangingfrom the heat of the tropical sun to thesub-zero of the North Atlantic. Not so longago, DP delivered cloth for the eighth completeset of sails.©Photo/2006/Niebuhr

6 dp.forum... CNB Continued 117 – Hamilton II – from photo: Nicolas page Claris 1Interview . Interview . Interview . Interview . Interview . InterviewInterview withJohn Gluek©Tim Wilkes PhotographyJohn GluekPresident DP USAAs one of the initial and ongoing sponsorsof this event, we devote time and effort toassist this important regatta, which maintainsand stimulates the well being of racing in theStates. As you can imagine, the organizationof racing for this many boats on four differentrace courses, combined with the logisticsof the over-all management of the regattaoff the water, requires a great effort of manypeople to put on such a world class event.WWWwww.dimension-polyant.comWhat did DP do for a presentation?DP had a booth on site at the prize-givingtent. Each night we had direct contact withthe crews, skippers, sailmakers, designersand others in the industry. With myself,Moose, Tom and Art from our facility in theStates and Uwe from Germany all available,we were able to show samples and discusscloth specifications and applications. Wetook part in the daily racing to maintaindirect contact with the sailmakers/designers,as well as being able to assess ourfabrics under race conditions. This year wesaw the wind range from 8 mph up through27mph, giving us real time feedback onhow different weights of fabrics performthrough the different wind strengths.DP is updating its homepage, indepthinformation will be available on more than400 different fabrics, together with newdevelopments and exciting “NEW” photosand associated soundtracks. A visit is wellworthwhile, whether you, a sailmaker orsailor, www.dimension-polyant.com hassomething to offer everyone interested insailcloth and sails.During the race week the well-knownOne-Design classes like the Melges 24 andFarr 40’s were sailing as well as classessuch as PHRF and IRC. Which DP clothscharacterize the fleet?This mainly depends on the class rules orthe size of the boats. Classes like theMelges 24 have strict specifications on fabricand weights, so we see a range from ourWoven Polyester HTP ® plus constructionsup through a custom GPL laminate. Manyof the high performance IRC and PHRFfleets used our D4 ® membranes or combinationsof D4 ® with paneled sails built fromour GPL Carbon/Technora styles, X-Tech ®Twaron/ Aramid styles and Pen laminates.One-Design classes such as the J-105 useour woven polyester for their mainsails.On the water observation of our fabrics andtheir applications gives us a strong edge incloth recommendations, ensuring the enduser is getting a product that meets theirneeds. On the Grand Prix circuit, customersmay trade off longevity to gain an advantagein performance. Most others, however, investin a sail for this regatta while keeping dura-

8 dp.forum© Greg BuryDP AustraliaNick Marler and his CrewWith almost 60,000 km of coastline and anexcellent climate, Australia must be theon site“land of watersports”.With five active sailors in the overall crewof eight including MD Nick Marler, they maynot be representative of the nation, butthey do show the Australian passion forthe ocean. As the worlds largest sailclothmanufacturer DP benefits from the importancethat Australians put on sailing,and also the increasing marine market.The DP office inBrookvale, justnorth of Sydney,is located nearsome of the many marinas that follow thecoastline of NSW, and has become thefirst call for sailmakers “down under”.The importance for high-quality sailclothfor regattas is on the increase, even thoughcruisers make up the majority of yachtsmenin Australia. DP Australia gets involved withsponsoring various yachts from the smallestof kids sailing dinghy the Australian ManlyJunior, 12ft Skiff, 13ft Skiff, including the2008 Australian champion 16ft skiff (photoabove),Elliot7Sports boat thru to“Vanguard”one of the latest and most successful 60’IRC racing yachts. DP is “Clear Ahead”.DIMENSION-POLYANT <strong>GmbH</strong>, GermanyHeadquartersSpeefeld 7D-47906 KempenPhone: +49 (2152) 891 0Fax: +49 (2152) 891 149info@dimension-polyant.comDIMENSION-POLYANT ApS, DenmarkRedhavnsvej 9DK-2100 KobenhavnPhone: +45 (39) 293 000Fax: +45 (39) 293 500copenhagen@dimension-polyant.comDIMENSION-POLYANT SAS, FranceRue NewtonParc TechnologiqueF-17000 La RochellePhone: +33 (0) 546 282 201Fax: +33 (0) 546 412 840larochelle@dimension-polyant.comDIMENSION-POLYANT SAS, FrancePort de la Pointe RougeF-13008 MarseillePhone: +33 (0) 491 736 628Fax: +33 (0) 491 722 505marseille@dimension-polyant.comwww.dimension-polyant.comDIMENSION-POLYANT UK Ltd.,United KingdomUnit 11, Kingdom CloseKingdom Business ParkSegensworth EastGB-Fareham Hampshire PO15 5TJPhone: +44 (1489) 570 551Fax: +44 (1489) 570 451uk@dimension-polyant.comimprintNick MarlerManaging DirectorDP AustraliaDIMENSION-POLYANT <strong>GmbH</strong> . Speefeld 7 . D-47906 KempenPhone: +49 2152 891 0 . Fax: +49 2152 891123E-mail: info@dimension-polyant.comManaging Director: Uwe Stein, Martina Minten-SchalleyRegistered Office: Krefeld . Text: Klaus BartelsResponsible for editorials: DIMENSION-POLYANTDesign: www.SprinzundSprinz.de©DIMENSION-POLYANT <strong>GmbH</strong>CrewDP AustraliaDIMENSION-POLYANT Inc., USA78, Highland DriveUSA-Putnam CT 06260Phone: +1 (860) 928 8300Fax: +1 (860) 928 8330info@us.dimension-polyant.comDIMENSION-POLYANT Sailcloth PTY Ltd., AustraliaP.O. Box 825Unit 7/9 Powells Rd.AUS-Brookvale N.S.W. 2100Phone: +61 (2) 9905 9565Fax: +61 (2) 9905 9569dp-aus@dimension-polyant.com

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