GLONASS Status and Progress - US Coast Guard Navigation Center

GLONASS Status and Progress - US Coast Guard Navigation Center

GLONASS Status and Progress - US Coast Guard Navigation Center

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<strong>GLONASS</strong><strong>Status</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Progress</strong>Sergey RevnivykhDeputy Director GeneralCentral Research Institute of Machine BuildingHead of PNT <strong>Center</strong>CGSIC, Portl<strong>and</strong>, Oregon21 September 2010© ИАЦ КВНО ЦНИИмаш г. Королев 2010. Собственность ИАЦ. All rights reserved

Content• <strong>GLONASS</strong> Architecture <strong>and</strong> <strong>Status</strong>• Modernization Plan• SDCM• Summary© ИАЦ КВНО ЦНИИмаш г. Королев 2010. Собственность ИАЦ. All rights reserved2

Content• <strong>GLONASS</strong> Architecture <strong>and</strong> <strong>Status</strong>• Modernization Plan• SDCM• Summary© ИАЦ КВНО ЦНИИмаш г. Королев 2010. Собственность ИАЦ. All rights reserved3

<strong>GLONASS</strong> ArchitectureConstellationUsersProton-MLauchersSoyuz-2Ground Control SegmentBaykonurPlesetskExisting StationsFuture stations© ИАЦ КВНО ЦНИИмаш г. Королев 2010. Собственность ИАЦ. All rights reserved4

Block 42 launch at 02.09.2010Next Launches:− Block 43 (3 SV «Glonass-M»,December 2010− Flight Test Begin of «Glonass-K»December 2010© ИАЦ КВНО ЦНИИмаш г. Королев 2010. Собственность ИАЦ. All rights reserved5

Constellation <strong>Status</strong>In orbit: 26 SVOperational: 20 SVSpares: 2 SVIn commission: 3 SVIn maintenance: 1 SV6 715 14 731 22135712 7 716 16 732 2390729 81545735 240730 1 722 9 718 17315728 2 717 10 724 18270727225733180734Latitude3 723 11 720 1945 72112 719 2013 725 21714726The constellation provides:Continuous navigation over RussiaPractically global continuous navigation© ИАЦ КВНО ЦНИИмаш г. Королев 2010. Собственность ИАЦ. All rights reserved6

<strong>GLONASS</strong> Availability(20.09.2010)Mean availability for a dayInstant availability (PDOP)Global availability is 98% (PDOP5°)7

<strong>GLONASS</strong> Accuracy‣ <strong>GLONASS</strong> accuracy has 5 time improved forlast three years20.02.2006∼25 m (1 sigma)‣ Now it is the same order of GPS‣ Next improvement phase is expected by 201120.02.2007∼18 m (1 sigma)20.02.2008∼15 m (1 sigma)20.02.2009∼5-10 m (1 sigma)01.04.2010Ideal receiver positioning accuracy∼5-7 m (1 sigma)8

<strong>GLONASS</strong> Accuracy17 ‐ 19.09.2010Signal In Space Range Error, m© ИАЦ КВНО ЦНИИмаш г. Королев 2010. Собственность ИАЦ. All rights reserved9

<strong>GLONASS</strong> Accuracy by Satellite17 – 19.09.2010Signal In Space Range Error, mI plane II plane III plane© ИАЦ КВНО ЦНИИмаш г. Королев 2010. Собственность ИАЦ. All rights reserved10

On‐Board Clock Stability10 – 18.09.2010Alan variation(interval 100000 sec)© ИАЦ КВНО ЦНИИмаш г. Королев 2010. Собственность ИАЦ. All rights reserved11

Content• <strong>GLONASS</strong> Architecture <strong>and</strong> <strong>Status</strong>• Modernization Plan• SDCM• Summary© ИАЦ КВНО ЦНИИмаш г. Королев 2010. Собственность ИАЦ. All rights reserved12

1982 2009 20102013Glonass Glonass-M Glonass-K1 Glonass-K2• 3 year design life• Clock stability -5*10 -13• Signals :L1SF, L2SF,L1OF, (FDMA)• Totally launched81 satellites• Real operationallife time 4.5 years• 7 year design life• Clock stability1*10-13;• Signals :L1SF, L2SF,L1OF, L2OF(FDMA)• Totally launched28 satellites <strong>and</strong>going to launchabout 11 satelliteuntil to end 2012• 10 year design life;• Clock stability5*10-14;• SignalsL1SF, L2SF, L1OF,L2OF (FDMA)• L3OC (CDMA) - test:• 10 year design life;• Clock stability1*10-14;• SignalsL1SF, L2SF, L1OF,L2OF (FDMA)• L1OC, L3OC, L1SC,L2SC (CDMA) :

<strong>GLONASS</strong> Planning‣ Full constellation deployment in 2010Number of operational satellites‣ Ground Control Segmentmodernization‣ New <strong>GLONASS</strong>-K satellite (withimproved performance) IOV start by2010‣ <strong>GLONASS</strong> will continue transmittingexisting FDMA signals‣ Additional new CDMA signals since<strong>GLONASS</strong>-K deployment‣ <strong>GLONASS</strong> performance competitiveability provision plan‣ <strong>GLONASS</strong> Federal Program extensionuntil 202014

The direction of <strong>GLONASS</strong> navigationsignals modernization• Provide better potential accuracy for pseudorange<strong>and</strong> phase measurements• Provide a better interference <strong>and</strong> multipathresistance of <strong>GLONASS</strong> signals• Provide of greater interoperability with GPS <strong>and</strong>future GALILEO <strong>and</strong> other GNSSIntroduction of new CDMA signals since<strong>GLONASS</strong>-K deployment15

<strong>GLONASS</strong> signals modernizationL1 L2 L3L1, L2Future<strong>Status</strong>«Glonass»L1OF,L1SFL2OF,L2SF--Done«Glonass-M»L1OF,L1SFL2OF,L2SF--Done«Glonass-K1»L1OF,L1SFL2OF,L2SFL3OCtest-From firsttest sat(2010 г.)«Glonass-K2»L1OF,L1SFL2OF,L2SFL3OCL1OC,L1SC,L2SCFrom #3satGlonass-K«Glonass-KM»L1OF,L1SFL2OF,L2SFL3OCL1OC,L1SC,L2SCL3SC,L1OCM,L2OC,L5OCUnderdevelopm.After 2015 г.FDMA signalsCDMA sbgnals16© ИАЦ КВНО ЦНИИмаш г. Королев 2010. Собственность ИАЦ. All rights reserved

Major positions of the<strong>GLONASS</strong>‐2020 Concept• SustainmentSustainment, Development, Use– State commitments on performance(constellation, availability, accuracy, stability ofperformance)• Launch program until 2020 with spares in-orbit<strong>and</strong> on the ground• Development– Constellation improvement– New signals implementation– Accuracy <strong>and</strong> availability improvement– Interference protection improvement– New functions implementation– Service area widening• Use– Governmental use support– Private activity encouraging– Make © GLONAS ИАЦ КВНО ЦНИИмаш as worldwide г. Королев 2010. utility Собственность ИАЦ. All rights reservedSolution17

Extended PNT Architecture of RussiaPreciseEphemeris <strong>and</strong> ClockSystem<strong>GLONASS</strong>Space ComplexWide AreaAugmentationSDCMRegionalAugmntnsEarth Attitude <strong>and</strong>Rotation SystemTime ReferenceSystem UTC (SU)Geodesy Reference <strong>and</strong> MapsSpecial UserEquipmentCivil UsersEquipmentSynergy of performance <strong>and</strong> requirements18

Content• <strong>GLONASS</strong> Architecture <strong>and</strong> <strong>Status</strong>• Modernization Plan• SDCM• Summary© ИАЦ КВНО ЦНИИмаш г. Королев 2010. Собственность ИАЦ. All rights reserved19

SDCM (SBAS Augmentation)Objectives• GNSS monitoring– Integrity– Deep analysis inpostprocessing• Differential corrections• Service area – Russian territoryWAASEGNOSSDCMGAGANMSASCurrent status of monitoring stations‣ Operational network12 stations in Russia1 station in Antarctic‣ Future development 8 stations more in Russia 5 stations more outside >3 2 1 020Одновременное слежение за КА с нескольких станцийПерспективная сеть станций

SSI‐01 monitoring station installation <strong>and</strong>commissioning(Bellingshausen, Antarctica, 2010)Main view of the SSI-01Off-site equipment<strong>GLONASS</strong>/GPS antenna +Vaisala weather stationSatellite communicationchannel antenna21

Envisaged locations for GEOs “Luch”with SDCM payload (2011‐2013 timeframe)16 degwest16 deg west95 deg east«Luch-5А»: 2011, 16° west«Luch-5B»: 2012, 95° east«Luch-4»: 2013, 167° east167 deg east22

Content• <strong>GLONASS</strong> Architecture <strong>and</strong> <strong>Status</strong>• Modernization Plan• SDCM• Summary© ИАЦ КВНО ЦНИИмаш г. Королев 2010. Собственность ИАЦ. All rights reserved23

Summary• <strong>GLONASS</strong> Program is the high priority of the RussianGovernment policy• <strong>GLONASS</strong> Program is in a progress• <strong>GLONASS</strong> improvement is a major objective:– Performance to be comparable with GPS by the end of 2011– Full constellation (24 sats) by the end of 2010• <strong>GLONASS</strong> will continue– Keeping the <strong>GLONASS</strong> traditional frequency b<strong>and</strong>s– Transmitting existing FDMA signals– Introducing new CDMA signals• New <strong>GLONASS</strong> Program is under development– State committments for major performance– <strong>GLONASS</strong> sustainment, development, use• International cooperation – make <strong>GLONASS</strong> as one ofkey elements of the international GNSS24

Thank you for yourattention!© ИАЦ КВНО ЦНИИмаш г. Королев 2010. Собственность ИАЦ. All rights reserved25

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