256BULGARIAN ACADEMY OF SCIENCES – 2007LAW OF THE BULGARIAN ACADEMY OF SCIENCESArticle.1. (1) The Bulgarian Academy of Sciences (BAS) is a national autonomousorganization for scientific research which comprises research institutes and other independentunits.(2) The Bulgarian Academy of Sciences incorporates all academicians, correspondingmembers of Bulgarian citizenship, senior scientists from its research institutes and foreignmembers.(3) The Bulgarian Academy of Sciences is a legal entity.Article.2. (1) The Bulgarian Academy of Sciences is dedicated to the developmentof science in conformity with the universal human values and with the country’s nationalinterests and promotes the enhancement of the intellectual and material wealth of the Bulgarianpeople.(2) The Bulgarian Academy of Sciences:1. Conducts basic research and bears the responsibility of training researchers andprofessionals, independently or jointly with higher educational establishments.2. Studies the history, language and literature of the Bulgarian people and its contributionto world culture.3. Elaborates forecasts and long-term programmes for the socio-economic, technoscientific,ecological, social and cultural development of the country.4. Provides expertise and assessments of projects and programmes of national significance.5. Publishes scientific works and disseminates information about scientific research.6. Carries out production, commercial and other activities pertaining to research andthe implementation of research results.Article.3. (1) The Bulgarian Academy of Sciences performs its activities in accordancewith legal principles and its Statutes.(2) The Bulgarian Academy of Sciences publishes annual reports on its scientific andfiscal activities.Article.4. The Statutes of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences regulate its structureand management, the procedures of establishing, transformation and closing down of itsresearch institutes and other self-governing units, as well as other issues pertaining to theobject of its activities.Article.5. (1) The General Assembly of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences is the supremebody which performs its governance and management. Eligibility for membershipis confined to senior scientists from the research institutes, doctors of science, correspondingmembers and academicians.(2) The General Assembly of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences adopts and amendsits Statutes.(3) The General Assembly elects the President, the Vice-Presidents, the ScientificSecretary General and the members of the Executive Council of the Bulgarian Academyof Sciences. Eligibility to presidentship is restricted to academicians and correspondingmembers of the Academy.Article.6. (1) The research institutes and the other self-governing units of the BulgarianAcademy of Sciences conduct basic research, training of personnel, applied andtechnological activities.(2) The directors of the institutes and of the other independent units are elected bycompetition and in conformity with conditions stipulated by the Statutes.Article.7. Representatives of science, culture and art are elected academicians, correspondingmembers and foreign members of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences. Theright to vote lies with the academicians, according to the procedure and provisions of theRules and Regulations adopted by the Assembly of the Academicians and the CorrespondingMembers. The total number of academicians should not exceed 80, and that ofthe corresponding members should not exceed 120.

256<strong>BULGARIAN</strong> <strong>ACADEMY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>SCIENCES</strong> – 2007<strong>LAW</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>THE</strong> <strong>BULGARIAN</strong> <strong>ACADEMY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>SCIENCES</strong>Article.1. (1) The Bulgarian Academy of Sciences (BAS) is a national autonomousorganization for scientific research which comprises research institutes and other independentunits.(2) The Bulgarian Academy of Sciences incorporates all academicians, correspondingmembers of Bulgarian citizenship, senior scientists from its research institutes and foreignmembers.(3) The Bulgarian Academy of Sciences is a legal entity.Article.2. (1) The Bulgarian Academy of Sciences is dedicated to the developmentof science in conformity with the universal human values and with the country’s nationalinterests and promotes the enhancement of the intellectual and material wealth of the Bulgarianpeople.(2) The Bulgarian Academy of Sciences:1. Conducts basic research and bears the responsibility of training researchers andprofessionals, independently or jointly with higher educational establishments.2. Studies the history, language and literature of the Bulgarian people and its contributionto world culture.3. Elaborates forecasts and long-term programmes for the socio-economic, technoscientific,ecological, social and cultural development of the country.4. Provides expertise and assessments of projects and programmes of national significance.5. Publishes scientific works and disseminates information about scientific research.6. Carries out production, commercial and other activities pertaining to research andthe implementation of research results.Article.3. (1) The Bulgarian Academy of Sciences performs its activities in accordancewith legal principles and its Statutes.(2) The Bulgarian Academy of Sciences publishes annual reports on its scientific andfiscal activities.Article.4. The Statutes of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences regulate its structureand management, the procedures of establishing, transformation and closing down of itsresearch institutes and other self-governing units, as well as other issues pertaining to theobject of its activities.Article.5. (1) The General Assembly of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences is the supremebody which performs its governance and management. Eligibility for membershipis confined to senior scientists from the research institutes, doctors of science, correspondingmembers and academicians.(2) The General Assembly of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences adopts and amendsits Statutes.(3) The General Assembly elects the President, the Vice-Presidents, the ScientificSecretary General and the members of the Executive Council of the Bulgarian Academyof Sciences. Eligibility to presidentship is restricted to academicians and correspondingmembers of the Academy.Article.6. (1) The research institutes and the other self-governing units of the BulgarianAcademy of Sciences conduct basic research, training of personnel, applied andtechnological activities.(2) The directors of the institutes and of the other independent units are elected bycompetition and in conformity with conditions stipulated by the Statutes.Article.7. Representatives of science, culture and art are elected academicians, correspondingmembers and foreign members of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences. Theright to vote lies with the academicians, according to the procedure and provisions of theRules and Regulations adopted by the Assembly of the Academicians and the CorrespondingMembers. The total number of academicians should not exceed 80, and that ofthe corresponding members should not exceed 120.

<strong>LAW</strong> <strong>OF</strong> BASArticle.8. (1) The academicians and the corresponding members may hold a paidposition if their age does not exceed 70. Beyond that age limit they are entitled to performresearch and to engage in the training of researchers.The academicians and the corresponding members are entitled to a life monthlybonus, the extent of which is determined by the Government.(2) Professors and Doctors of Science may hold a paid position up to the age of 65.Beyond that age limit, by decision of the respective scientific council, they are given theopportunity to pursue research and to engage in training researchers.Article.9. The Bulgarian Academy of Sciences and its self-governing research unitsestablish and promote contacts and cooperation with similar organizations, higher educationalestablishments and other organizations in the country and abroad.Article.10. (1) The property of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences and its self-governingunits comprises property rights and other real rights, claims, securities, patents,donations, shareholdings in economic organizations and associations, as well as otherrights and liabilities.(2) The National Assembly commits into possession of the Bulgarian Academy ofSciences state-owned land, real estate, machinery, equipment, appliances, library collections,funds and other movable property. The disposal of this property is possible only inconformity with a decision taken by the Academy’s General Assembly and in the Academy’sinterest.(3) The real estate of the Academy may be expropriated only by force of a decisiontaken by the National Assembly.(4) The Minister of Finance controls the regulations and procedures of the managementand disposal of the property committed to the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences by thestate.Article.11. (1) The Bulgarian Academy of Sciences has a budget of its own.(2) The revenues of the budget of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, includingthose intended for capital investment are composed of:1. State budget allocations approved by an Act of the National Assembly.2. Income resulting from contracts for research projects signed with state bodies andagencies, companies and other organizations.3. Income resulting from the realization of intellectual and other products.4. Income from sponsors and donations.(3) The budget funds of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences are allocated for the followingobjectives:1. Funding of research.2. Research training.3. Improvement of facilities.4. Funding of overall organizational activities.Paragraph 1. Rescinds the Law of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences of 1949,Decree No. 1029 of 1973, amended by Decree No 1105 of 1977, ratifying the Statutes ofthe Bulgarian Academy of Sciences.Paragraph 2. The General Assembly of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences shouldbe constituted no later than two months as from the date of entering into force of the Law.It should adopt the Statutes at its first session. The General Assembly to adopt theStatutes shall consist of 200 members. The currently operative Statutes of the Academyare valid ad interim.Paragraph 3. The President of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences is entrusted withthe execution of the present Law.17 <strong>BULGARIAN</strong> <strong>ACADEMY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>SCIENCES</strong> – 2007 257

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