BID DOCUMENTS - Rajasthan Agriculture Marketing Board

BID DOCUMENTS - Rajasthan Agriculture Marketing Board BID DOCUMENTS - Rajasthan Agriculture Marketing Board
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Clause 39 A :The contractor shall comply with the provisions of the Apprenticeship Act, 1961,and the Rules and Orders issued, thereunder from time to time. If he fails to do so, hisfailure will be a breach of contract. The Contractor shall also be liable for any pecuniaryliability arising on account of any violation by him of the provision of the said Act.Clause 40 : Safety CodeThe Contractor shall follow the safety code of the PWD, Rajasthan.Clause 41 : Near Relatives barred from tenderingThe Contractor shall not be permitted to tender for works in Circle, in which hisnear relative is posted as Divisional Accountant or as an officer in any capacity betweenthe grade of the Superintending Engineer and Assistant Engineer (both inclusive). Heshall also intimate the names of persons, who are working with him in any capacity, orare subsequently employed by him and who are near relatives to any gazetted officer inthe Organization/RSAMB. Any breach of this condition by the Contractor would renderhim liable to be removed from the approved list of Contractors of the RSAMB. If suchfacts is noticed (a) before sanction of tender, his offer shall be declared invalid andearnest money shall be forfeited, (b) after sanction of the tender then the tendersanctioning authority may at his discreation forfeit his earnest money, performanceguarantee, security deposit and enlistment deposit and the work/remaining work may allotto any registered contractor on the work/remaining work may allot to any registeredcontractor on the same rates as per rules.Note : By the term ‘near relative’ in meant wife, husband, parents and grand-parents,children and grand children, brothers and sisters, uncles and cousins and theircorresponding in-laws.Clause 42 : Retired Gazetted Officers barred for 2 yearsNo Engineer of Gazetted rank or other Gazetted Officer, employed in Engineeringor Administrative duties in an Engineer Department of the Government of Rajasthan orRSAMB is allowed to work as a Contractor for a period of 2 years of his retirement fromGovernment/Board service without the previous permission of RSAMB. The contract isliable to be cancelled, if either the Contractor or any of his employee is found, at anytime, to be such a person, who had not obtained the permission of RSAMB, as aforesaid,before submission of the tender or engagement in the contractor’s service, as the casemay be.Clause 43 : Quality ControlThe Board shall have right to exercise proper Quality Control measures. TheContractors shall provide all assistance to conduct such tests.Clause 43 A :The work (whether fully constructed or not) and all materials, machines, tools andplant, scaffolding, temporary buildings and other things connected therewith, shall be atSignature of ContractorExecutive Engineer

the risk of the contractor until the work has been delivered to the Engineer-in-charge, anda certificate from him, to the effect, obtained.Clause 44 : Death of ContractorWithout prejudice to any of the rights or remedies under the contract, if theContractor dies, the legal heirs of the Contractor or the Administrator/Chairman or dulyauthorised Engineer shall have the option of terminating the contract without anycompensation.Clause 45 : Price Variation ClauseIf, during the progress of the contract of value exceeding Rs. 50 lac (accepted tenderedamount minus cost of material supplied by the RSAMB), and where stipulatedcompletion period is more than 3 months (both the conditions should be fulfilled), theprice, of any materials / bitumen/diesel / petrol /cement and steel incorporated in theworks (not being materials to be supplied by the department) and/or wages of labourincreases or decreases, as compared to the price and/or wages prevailing at the date ofopening of tender or date of negotiations for the work, the amount payable to contractorsfor the work shall be adjusted for increase or decrease in the rates of materials (exceptingthose materials supplied by the department) / labour / bitumen/diesel / petrol / cement andsteel. If negotiated rates have been accepted, prices as on the date of negotiation shall beconsidered for price adjustment. Similarly, if rates received on the date of opening oftenders have been accepted, then prices on the date of opening of tender shall beconsidered for price adjustment.Increase or decrease in the cost of labour/material/diesel/ petrol/cement and steel shall becalculated quarterly and cost of bitumen shall be calculated on monthly basis inaccordance with the following formula :-(A)LabourP L (I L1 – I L0 )V L = 0.75 x --------- x R ------------100 I L0V L =R =I L0 =I L1 =P L =Increase or decrease in the cost of work during the quarter under considerationdue to change in rates for labour.The value of the work done in rupees during the quarter under considerationexcluding the cost of materials supplied by the department and excluding otheritems as mentioned in this clause.The average consumer price index for industrial workers (whole-sale prices) forthe quarter in which tenders were opened/negotiated (as Reserve Bank of IndiaJournal/Labour Bureau Simla, for the area).The average consumer price index for industrial workers (whole-sale prices) forthe quarter of calendar year under consideration (as published in Reserve Bank ofIndia Journal/Labour Bureau Simla, for the area).Percentage of labour components.Signature of ContractorExecutive Engineer

the risk of the contractor until the work has been delivered to the Engineer-in-charge, anda certificate from him, to the effect, obtained.Clause 44 : Death of ContractorWithout prejudice to any of the rights or remedies under the contract, if theContractor dies, the legal heirs of the Contractor or the Administrator/Chairman or dulyauthorised Engineer shall have the option of terminating the contract without anycompensation.Clause 45 : Price Variation ClauseIf, during the progress of the contract of value exceeding Rs. 50 lac (accepted tenderedamount minus cost of material supplied by the RSAMB), and where stipulatedcompletion period is more than 3 months (both the conditions should be fulfilled), theprice, of any materials / bitumen/diesel / petrol /cement and steel incorporated in theworks (not being materials to be supplied by the department) and/or wages of labourincreases or decreases, as compared to the price and/or wages prevailing at the date ofopening of tender or date of negotiations for the work, the amount payable to contractorsfor the work shall be adjusted for increase or decrease in the rates of materials (exceptingthose materials supplied by the department) / labour / bitumen/diesel / petrol / cement andsteel. If negotiated rates have been accepted, prices as on the date of negotiation shall beconsidered for price adjustment. Similarly, if rates received on the date of opening oftenders have been accepted, then prices on the date of opening of tender shall beconsidered for price adjustment.Increase or decrease in the cost of labour/material/diesel/ petrol/cement and steel shall becalculated quarterly and cost of bitumen shall be calculated on monthly basis inaccordance with the following formula :-(A)LabourP L (I L1 – I L0 )V L = 0.75 x --------- x R ------------100 I L0V L =R =I L0 =I L1 =P L =Increase or decrease in the cost of work during the quarter under considerationdue to change in rates for labour.The value of the work done in rupees during the quarter under considerationexcluding the cost of materials supplied by the department and excluding otheritems as mentioned in this clause.The average consumer price index for industrial workers (whole-sale prices) forthe quarter in which tenders were opened/negotiated (as Reserve Bank of IndiaJournal/Labour Bureau Simla, for the area).The average consumer price index for industrial workers (whole-sale prices) forthe quarter of calendar year under consideration (as published in Reserve Bank ofIndia Journal/Labour Bureau Simla, for the area).Percentage of labour components.Signature of ContractorExecutive Engineer

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