BID DOCUMENTS - Rajasthan Agriculture Marketing Board

BID DOCUMENTS - Rajasthan Agriculture Marketing Board BID DOCUMENTS - Rajasthan Agriculture Marketing Board
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submit the bill within the time fixed, as aforesaid, the Engineer-in-charge may depute asubordinate to measure up the said work in the presence of the Contractor, whosesignature in the Measurement Book will be sufficient warrant and the Engineer-in-chargemay prepare a bill from such Measurement Book, which shall be binding on theContractor in all respects.Clause 8A: Contractor to be given time to file objection to the Measurementsrecorded by the DepartmentBefore taking any measurement of any work, as have been referred to in precedingClauses 6,7 & 8 the Engineer-in-charge or a subordinate, deputed by him, shall givereasonable notice to the Contractor. If the Contractor fails to be present at the time oftaking measurements after such notice or fails to sign or to record the difference within aweek from the date of measurement in the manner required by the Engineer-in-charge,then in any such event, the measurement taken by the Engineer-in-charge or by thesubordinates deputed by him, as the case may be shall be final and binding on theContractor and the Contractor shall have no right to dispute the same.Clause 8B: Recovery of cost of preparation of the billIn case of contractor of Class "A" & "AA" do not submit the bill within timefixed, the Engineer-in-charge may prepare the bill as per provision of clause 8 of thecondition of contract and a deduction of @ 0.50% of amount of such a bill shall be madeand credition of contract and a deduction of @ 0.50% of amount of such a bill shall bemade and credited to the general revenue on account of preparation of bill.Clause 9 : Bills to be on printed formsThe Contractor shall submit all bills on the printed forms, to be held onapplication, at the office of the Engineer-in-charge and the charges in the bills shallalways be entered at the rates specified in the tender or in the case of any extra workordered in pursuance of these conditions, and not mentioned or provided for in the tender,at the rates hereinafter provided for such work.Clause 9A : Payments of Contractor’s Bills to BanksPayments due to the Contractor may if so desired by him, be made to his Bankinstead of direct to him, provided that the contractor has furnished to the Engineer-incharge(i) an authorisation in the form of a legally valid documents, such as a Power ofAttorney conferring authority on the Bank to received payments, and (ii) his ownacceptance of the correctness of the account made out, as being due to him, by RSAMB,or his signature on the bill or other claim preferred against RSAMB before settlement bythe Engineer-in-charge of the account or claim, by payment to the Bank. While the receiptgiven by such bank shall constitute a full and sufficient discharge for the payment, theContractor should, whenever possible, present his bill duly receipted and dischargedthrough his Banker. Nothing, herein contained, shall operated to create in favour of theBank any rights vis-à-vis the RSAMB.Clause 10 : Stores supplied by RSAMBIf the specification or estimate of the work provides for the use of any specialdescription of material, to be supplied from Engineer-in-charge’s stores, or if, it isrequired that contractor shall use certain stores to be provided by the Engineer-in-chargespecified in the schedule or memorandum hereto annexed, the Contractor shall bound toSignature of ContractorExecutive Engineer

procure and shall be supplied such materials and stores as are, from time to time, requiredto be used by him for the purpose of the contract only, and the value of the full quantity ofmaterials and stores, so supplied, at the rates specified in the said schedule formemorandum, may be set off or which may be deducted from any sum, then due orthereafter become due, to the contractor under the contract or otherwise or against or fromthe Performance Guarantee and/or Security Deposit or the proceeds of sale, if the same isheld in Government securities, the same or a sufficient portion thereof being in this case,sold for this purpose. All materials supplied to the Contractor, either from RSAMB storesor with the assistance of RSAMB, shall remain the absolute property of RSAMB. TheContractor shall be the trustee of the Stores/ Materials, so supplied/ procured, and theseshall not, on any account, be removed from the site of work and shall be, all times, opento inspection by the Engineer-in-charge. Any such material, unused and in perfectly goodcondition at the time of completion or determination or rescinding of the contract, shall bereturned to the Division Officer’s Stores if, by a notice in writing under his hand, he shallso required, he shall be liable to pay the price of such materials in accordance with theprovision of Clause 10 B ibid. But the Contractor shall not be entitled to return any suchmaterials, unless with such consent, and shall have no claim for compensation on accountof any such materials, so supplied to him as aforesaid being unused by him, or for anywastage in or damage to any such materials. For the stores returned by the Contractor, heshall be paid for, at the price originally charged excluding storage charges, in case ofmaterials supplied from departmental stores and actual cost including freight, cartage,taxes etc. paid by the Contractor, in case of supplies received with the assistance ofRSAMB, which, however, should in no case exceed market rate prevailing at the time thematerials are taken back. The decision of the Engineer-in-charge, as to the price of thestores returned, keeping in view its condition etc., shall be final and conclusive. In theevent of breach of trust, pay to the RSAMB, all advantages or profits resulting, or whichin the usual course, would result to him by reason of such breach. Provided that theContractor shall, in no case be entitled to any compensation or damage on account of anydelay in supply, of non-supply thereof, all or any such materials and stores.Clause 10 A : Rejection of materials procured by the ContractorThe Engineer-in-charge shall have full powers to require the removal from thepremises of all materials which in his opinion, are not accordance with the specificationsand, in case of default, the Engineer-in-charge shall be at liberty to employ otherperson(s) to remove the same without being answerable or accountable for any loss ofdamage, that may happen or arise to such materials to be substituted thereof, and in caseof default, Engineer-in-charge may cause the same to be supplied and all costs, whichmay attend such removal and substitution, are to be born by the Contractor.Clause 10 B : Panel rate in case of excess consumptionThe Contractor shall also be charged for the materials consumed in excess of therequirements calculated on the basis of standard consumption approved by thedepartment, at double of the issue rate including storage and supervision charges ormarket rate, whichever is higher. A Material Supply and Consumption Statement, inprescribed From RPWA 35A shall be submitted with every Running Account Bill,distinguishing material supplied by the RSAMB and material procured by the Contractorhimself. The recovery for such material shall be made from Running Account Bill nextafter the consumption and shall not be deferred. Certificate of such nature shall be givenin each Running Account Bill.Signature of ContractorExecutive Engineer

procure and shall be supplied such materials and stores as are, from time to time, requiredto be used by him for the purpose of the contract only, and the value of the full quantity ofmaterials and stores, so supplied, at the rates specified in the said schedule formemorandum, may be set off or which may be deducted from any sum, then due orthereafter become due, to the contractor under the contract or otherwise or against or fromthe Performance Guarantee and/or Security Deposit or the proceeds of sale, if the same isheld in Government securities, the same or a sufficient portion thereof being in this case,sold for this purpose. All materials supplied to the Contractor, either from RSAMB storesor with the assistance of RSAMB, shall remain the absolute property of RSAMB. TheContractor shall be the trustee of the Stores/ Materials, so supplied/ procured, and theseshall not, on any account, be removed from the site of work and shall be, all times, opento inspection by the Engineer-in-charge. Any such material, unused and in perfectly goodcondition at the time of completion or determination or rescinding of the contract, shall bereturned to the Division Officer’s Stores if, by a notice in writing under his hand, he shallso required, he shall be liable to pay the price of such materials in accordance with theprovision of Clause 10 B ibid. But the Contractor shall not be entitled to return any suchmaterials, unless with such consent, and shall have no claim for compensation on accountof any such materials, so supplied to him as aforesaid being unused by him, or for anywastage in or damage to any such materials. For the stores returned by the Contractor, heshall be paid for, at the price originally charged excluding storage charges, in case ofmaterials supplied from departmental stores and actual cost including freight, cartage,taxes etc. paid by the Contractor, in case of supplies received with the assistance ofRSAMB, which, however, should in no case exceed market rate prevailing at the time thematerials are taken back. The decision of the Engineer-in-charge, as to the price of thestores returned, keeping in view its condition etc., shall be final and conclusive. In theevent of breach of trust, pay to the RSAMB, all advantages or profits resulting, or whichin the usual course, would result to him by reason of such breach. Provided that theContractor shall, in no case be entitled to any compensation or damage on account of anydelay in supply, of non-supply thereof, all or any such materials and stores.Clause 10 A : Rejection of materials procured by the ContractorThe Engineer-in-charge shall have full powers to require the removal from thepremises of all materials which in his opinion, are not accordance with the specificationsand, in case of default, the Engineer-in-charge shall be at liberty to employ otherperson(s) to remove the same without being answerable or accountable for any loss ofdamage, that may happen or arise to such materials to be substituted thereof, and in caseof default, Engineer-in-charge may cause the same to be supplied and all costs, whichmay attend such removal and substitution, are to be born by the Contractor.Clause 10 B : Panel rate in case of excess consumptionThe Contractor shall also be charged for the materials consumed in excess of therequirements calculated on the basis of standard consumption approved by thedepartment, at double of the issue rate including storage and supervision charges ormarket rate, whichever is higher. A Material Supply and Consumption Statement, inprescribed From RPWA 35A shall be submitted with every Running Account Bill,distinguishing material supplied by the RSAMB and material procured by the Contractorhimself. The recovery for such material shall be made from Running Account Bill nextafter the consumption and shall not be deferred. Certificate of such nature shall be givenin each Running Account Bill.Signature of ContractorExecutive Engineer

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