2007 Annual Monitoring Report (pdf 16MB) - Bolsa Chica Lowlands ...

2007 Annual Monitoring Report (pdf 16MB) - Bolsa Chica Lowlands ... 2007 Annual Monitoring Report (pdf 16MB) - Bolsa Chica Lowlands ...

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100%California Halibut Size Class Distribution70%Kelp Bass Size Class Distribution80%Station 1Station 260%50%Station 1Station 2% of Fish60%40%% of Fish40%30%20%20%10%0%0-10 21-3041-5061-7081-90101-110121-130141-150161-170181-190201-210221-230241-250261-270281-290Standard Length Size Class (mm)301-310321-330341-350361-370381-390>4010%0-10 11-20 21-30 31-40 41-50 51-60 61-70 71-80 81-90 91-100101-110111-120121-130131-140141-150Standard Length Size Class (mm)151-160161-170171-180181-190>191Atherinid Size Class DistributionAnchovy Size Class Distribution% of Fish60%50%40%30%20%Station 1Station 2Pocket Marsh% of Fish60%50%40%30%20%Station 110%10%0%0-10 11-20 21-30 31-40 41-50 51-60 61-70 71-80 81-90 91-100 101-110111-120121-130131-140141-150151-160161-170171-180181-190>1910%0-10 11-20 21-30 31-40 41-50 51-60 61-70 71-80 81-90 91-100Standard Length Size Class (mm)Standard Length Size Class (mm)Standard Length Frequency of Four Fish GroupsFor reference: possible species maximum size: California halibut- 1500mm, kelp bass - 700mm,atherinid (topmelt/grunion)-360mm, anchovy (slough/deepbody)- 165mmBolsa Chica Lowlands Restoration Project Monitoring ProgramOctober 2007Merkel & Associates, Inc.Figure1-6

Bolsa Chica Lowlands Restoration Monitoring2007 Annual ReportInvertebrate MacrofaunaAll macroinvertebrates captured during fish sampling werecollected, identified to the lowest taxonomic level possible,and counted. Arthropod, Chordate, Echinoderm, andMollusk taxa were collected (Table 1-4). Mollusks were themost abundant, with California bubble snail (Bullagouldiana), speckled scallop (Argopecten aequisulcatus),and California horn snail (Cerithidea californica) thedominant species. Navanax (Navanax inermis) werecommonly captured and seen throughout the FTB.Although not captured in large numbers, California sea hare(Aplysia californica) were observed in very high numbers inthe months immediately following the opening of the FTBto the ocean, continuing through the first year. Arthropodswere represented by green shore crab (HemigrapsusNavanax and scallops captured in the otter trawl alongwith turbot.oregonensis), three Xantus’ swimming crabs (Portunus xantusii), and the brown shrimp (Penaeuscalifornicus). Also captured were various ascidians, as well as a single white sea urchin (Lytechinusanamesus).It is important to note the presence of Musculista senhousia in both the FTB and Muted Pocket Marsh,a highly invasive non-native mussel present in many California bays and estuaries.Table 1-4. Counts of macroinvertebrates captured in fishing gear (October 2007).Phylum Taxa Station 1 (North) Station 2 (South)MutedPocketMarshGrandTotalPhylum Arthropoda Portunus xantusii 3 3Hemigrapsus oregonensis 8 1 9Penaeus californicus 33 3 1 37Phylum Chordata Ciona sp. 2 2Order Ascidiacea 1 6 7Phylum Echinodermata Lytechinus anamesus 1 1Phylum Mollusca Aplysia californica 1 1Argopecten ventricosus 32 31 63Bulla gouldiana 1 223 66 290Cerithidea californica 47 47Crepidula fornicata 2 2Kelletia kelleti 1 1Laevicardium substiatum 5 5Musculista senhousia* 1 5 6Mytilus galloprovicialis 1 1 2Nassarius tegula 2 2Navanax inermis 5 5 10Ostrea lurida 1 1* Non-native invasive speciesMerkel & Associates, Inc. 32

100%California Halibut Size Class Distribution70%Kelp Bass Size Class Distribution80%Station 1Station 260%50%Station 1Station 2% of Fish60%40%% of Fish40%30%20%20%10%0%0-10 21-3041-5061-7081-90101-110121-130141-150161-170181-190201-210221-230241-250261-270281-290Standard Length Size Class (mm)301-310321-330341-350361-370381-390>4010%0-10 11-20 21-30 31-40 41-50 51-60 61-70 71-80 81-90 91-100101-110111-120121-130131-140141-150Standard Length Size Class (mm)151-160161-170171-180181-190>191Atherinid Size Class DistributionAnchovy Size Class Distribution% of Fish60%50%40%30%20%Station 1Station 2Pocket Marsh% of Fish60%50%40%30%20%Station 110%10%0%0-10 11-20 21-30 31-40 41-50 51-60 61-70 71-80 81-90 91-100 101-110111-120121-130131-140141-150151-160161-170171-180181-190>1910%0-10 11-20 21-30 31-40 41-50 51-60 61-70 71-80 81-90 91-100Standard Length Size Class (mm)Standard Length Size Class (mm)Standard Length Frequency of Four Fish GroupsFor reference: possible species maximum size: California halibut- 1500mm, kelp bass - 700mm,atherinid (topmelt/grunion)-360mm, anchovy (slough/deepbody)- 165mm<strong>Bolsa</strong> <strong>Chica</strong> <strong>Lowlands</strong> Restoration Project <strong>Monitoring</strong> ProgramOctober <strong>2007</strong>Merkel & Associates, Inc.Figure1-6

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