2007 Annual Monitoring Report (pdf 16MB) - Bolsa Chica Lowlands ...

2007 Annual Monitoring Report (pdf 16MB) - Bolsa Chica Lowlands ... 2007 Annual Monitoring Report (pdf 16MB) - Bolsa Chica Lowlands ...

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Bolsa Chica Lowlands Restoration Monitoring2007 Annual ReportNational Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA). 2008. Coastal Services Center.http://maps.csc.noaa.gov/TCM/.Powell, A. N. and C. L. Collier. 1998. Reproductive Success of Belding’s Savannah Sparrows in aHighly Fragmented Landscape. The Auk 115(2): 508-513.Thomson, J.M. 1963. Synopsis of biological data on the grey mullet Mugil cephalus Linnaeus 1758.CSIRO Fisheries and Oceanography Fisheries Synopsis No.1(1-8).U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE). 2002. Coast of California Storm and Tidal Wave Study -South Coast Region - Orange County, USACE, Los Angeles District, 545 pp + appendices.U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. 2001a. Bolsa Chica Lowland Restoration Project BiologicalMonitoring and Follow-up Plan.U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. 2001b. Bolsa Chica Lowland Restoration Project Beach MonitoringPlan.Zembal, R., J. Konecny, and S. M. Hoffman. 2006. A survey of the Belding’s Savannah sparrow(Passerculus sandwichensis beldingi) in California, 2006. Calif. Dep. Fish and Game, HabitatConservation Planning Branch, Species Conservation and Recovery Program Report 2006-03,Sacramento, CA. 15pp.Merkel & Associates, Inc. 103

Bolsa Chica Lowlands Restoration Monitoring2007 Annual ReportAPPENDIX 1-A. YEAR 1 FIELD SURVEY DATESMerkel & Associates, Inc.

<strong>Bolsa</strong> <strong>Chica</strong> <strong>Lowlands</strong> Restoration <strong>Monitoring</strong><strong>2007</strong> <strong>Annual</strong> <strong>Report</strong>National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA). 2008. Coastal Services Center.http://maps.csc.noaa.gov/TCM/.Powell, A. N. and C. L. Collier. 1998. Reproductive Success of Belding’s Savannah Sparrows in aHighly Fragmented Landscape. The Auk 115(2): 508-513.Thomson, J.M. 1963. Synopsis of biological data on the grey mullet Mugil cephalus Linnaeus 1758.CSIRO Fisheries and Oceanography Fisheries Synopsis No.1(1-8).U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE). 2002. Coast of California Storm and Tidal Wave Study -South Coast Region - Orange County, USACE, Los Angeles District, 545 pp + appendices.U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. 2001a. <strong>Bolsa</strong> <strong>Chica</strong> Lowland Restoration Project Biological<strong>Monitoring</strong> and Follow-up Plan.U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. 2001b. <strong>Bolsa</strong> <strong>Chica</strong> Lowland Restoration Project Beach <strong>Monitoring</strong>Plan.Zembal, R., J. Konecny, and S. M. Hoffman. 2006. A survey of the Belding’s Savannah sparrow(Passerculus sandwichensis beldingi) in California, 2006. Calif. Dep. Fish and Game, HabitatConservation Planning Branch, Species Conservation and Recovery Program <strong>Report</strong> 2006-03,Sacramento, CA. 15pp.Merkel & Associates, Inc. 103

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