2007 Annual Monitoring Report (pdf 16MB) - Bolsa Chica Lowlands ...

2007 Annual Monitoring Report (pdf 16MB) - Bolsa Chica Lowlands ... 2007 Annual Monitoring Report (pdf 16MB) - Bolsa Chica Lowlands ...

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Bolsa Chica Lowlands Restoration Monitoring2007 Annual ReportREFERENCESAllen, B. J. and S.L. Williams. 2003. Native eelgrass Zostera marina controls growth and reproductionof an invasive mussel through food limitation. Marine Ecology Progress Series 254: 57-67.Cailliet, G.M. 2000. Biological Characteristics of Nearshore Fishes of California: A Review ofExisting Knowledge and Proposed Additional Studies for the Pacific Ocean InterjurisdictionalFisheries Management Plan Coordination and Development Project. Prepared for Pacific StatesMarine Fisheries Commission.Coastal Frontiers. 2007a. Bolsa Chica January 2007 Beach Profile Survey, letter report prepared forMerkel and Associates, 8 pp + attachments.Coastal Frontiers. 2007b. Bolsa Chica May 2007 Beach Profile Survey, letter report prepared forMerkel and Associates, 8 pp + attachments.Coastal Frontiers. 2007c. Bolsa Chica October 2007 Beach Profile Survey, letter report prepared forMerkel and Associates, 9 pp + attachments.Ehrlich, K.F., G.E. McGowen, and G. Muszynski. 1978. Temperature selection by young topsmelt:laboratory and field investigations. In: Energy and environmental stress in aquatic systems:selected papers from a symposium held in Augusta, Georgia, November 2-4, 1977. NationalTechnical Information Service, U.S. Dept. of Commerce. p 522-533.Emmett, R.L., S.A. Hinton, S.L. Stone, and M.E. Monaco. 1991. Distribution and abundance of fishesand invertebrates in west coast estuaries, Volume II: Species life history summaries. ELMR ReportNo 8. NOAA/NOS Strategic Environmental Assessments Division. Rockville, MD, 329 pp.Fancher, J., P. Knapp, and L. Hays. 2006. Western snowy plover nesting at Bolsa Chica, OrangeCounty, California 2006. A report of the Fish and Wildlife Service, Carlsbad Office. February2007 28pp.Fancher, J., P. Knapp, and L. Hays. 2005. Western snowy plover nesting at Bolsa Chica, OrangeCounty, California 2005. A report of the Fish and Wildlife Service, Carlsbad Office. December2005 28pp.Fancher, J, P. Knapp, and L. Hays. 2005. Western snowy plover nesting at Bolsa Chica, OrangeCounty, California 2004. A report of the Fish and Wildlife Service, Carlsbad Office. January 200525pp.Fancher, J., P. Knapp, and L. Hays. 2004. Western snowy plover nesting at Bolsa Chica, OrangeCounty, California 2003. A report of the Fish and Wildlife Service, Carlsbad Office. January 200422pp.Fancher, J., L. Hays, and P. Knapp. 2002. Western snowy plover nesting at Bolsa Chica, OrangeCounty, California 2002. A report of the Fish and Wildlife Service, Carlsbad Office. December2002. 23pp.Merkel & Associates, Inc. 101

Bolsa Chica Lowlands Restoration Monitoring2007 Annual ReportFancher, J., L. Hays, and P. Knapp. 2002. Western snowy plover nesting at Bolsa Chica, OrangeCounty, California 2001. A report of the Fish and Wildlife Service, Carlsbad Office. February2002. 24pp.Fancher, J., L. Hays, and P. Knapp. 2001. Western snowy plover nesting at Bolsa Chica, OrangeCounty, California 1999 and 2000. A report of the Fish and Wildlife Service, Carlsbad Office.February 2001. 34pp.Fancher, J., R. Zembal, L. Hays, and P. Knapp. 1998. Western snowy plover nesting at Bolsa Chica,Orange County, California. 1998. A report of the Fish and Wildlife Service, Carlsbad Office.October 1998. 27pp.Fancher, J. 1998. Western snowy plover nesting at Bolsa Chica, Orange County, California. 1997. Areport of the Fish and Wildlife Service, Carlsbad Office. April 1998. 22pp.Holland RF. 1986. Preliminary descriptions of terrestrial natural communities of California. State ofCalifornia, The Resources Agency, Department of Fish and Game, Sacramento, California. 156 pp.Knapp, P., B. Peterson, and J. Fancher. 2007. Final Report. Western snowy plover nesting at BolsaChica, Orange County, California 2007. December 2007 22pp.Knapp, P., and Kelly O’Reilly. 2007. 2007 Breeding Season for the California Least Tern, Sternulaantillarum browni, at Bolsa Chica Ecological Reserve. California Department of Fish andGame. November 7, 2007.Massey, B. W. 1979. The Belding’s Savannah Sparrow. U. S. Army Corps of Engineers, DACW0978-C-0008, Los Angeles.Merkel And Associates, Inc. 2003. Habitat Classification for: Inventory and Evaluation of Habitatsand Other Environmental Resources in the San Diego Region’s Nearshore Coastal Zone.California Coastal Conservancy and San Diego Association of Governments. Revised: November26, 2003.Merkel And Associates, Inc. 2002.Mesa, Chuck. 2008a. personal communication by e-mail on February 7, 2008.Mesa, Chuck. 2008b. personal communication by e-mail on February 5, 2008.Moffatt & Nichol. 2003. Bolsa Chica Lowlands Restoration Project Basis of Design Final Report.August, 2003.Moffatt & Nichol. 1999. Final Report, Preliminary Engineering Inlet Studies for Bolsa Chica WetlandsRestoration. December 1999.National Ocean Service (NOS). 2007. Center for Operation Oceanographic Products and Services.http://co-ops.nos.noaa.gov.Merkel & Associates, Inc. 102

<strong>Bolsa</strong> <strong>Chica</strong> <strong>Lowlands</strong> Restoration <strong>Monitoring</strong><strong>2007</strong> <strong>Annual</strong> <strong>Report</strong>Fancher, J., L. Hays, and P. Knapp. 2002. Western snowy plover nesting at <strong>Bolsa</strong> <strong>Chica</strong>, OrangeCounty, California 2001. A report of the Fish and Wildlife Service, Carlsbad Office. February2002. 24pp.Fancher, J., L. Hays, and P. Knapp. 2001. Western snowy plover nesting at <strong>Bolsa</strong> <strong>Chica</strong>, OrangeCounty, California 1999 and 2000. A report of the Fish and Wildlife Service, Carlsbad Office.February 2001. 34pp.Fancher, J., R. Zembal, L. Hays, and P. Knapp. 1998. Western snowy plover nesting at <strong>Bolsa</strong> <strong>Chica</strong>,Orange County, California. 1998. A report of the Fish and Wildlife Service, Carlsbad Office.October 1998. 27pp.Fancher, J. 1998. Western snowy plover nesting at <strong>Bolsa</strong> <strong>Chica</strong>, Orange County, California. 1997. Areport of the Fish and Wildlife Service, Carlsbad Office. April 1998. 22pp.Holland RF. 1986. Preliminary descriptions of terrestrial natural communities of California. State ofCalifornia, The Resources Agency, Department of Fish and Game, Sacramento, California. 156 pp.Knapp, P., B. Peterson, and J. Fancher. <strong>2007</strong>. Final <strong>Report</strong>. Western snowy plover nesting at <strong>Bolsa</strong><strong>Chica</strong>, Orange County, California <strong>2007</strong>. December <strong>2007</strong> 22pp.Knapp, P., and Kelly O’Reilly. <strong>2007</strong>. <strong>2007</strong> Breeding Season for the California Least Tern, Sternulaantillarum browni, at <strong>Bolsa</strong> <strong>Chica</strong> Ecological Reserve. California Department of Fish andGame. November 7, <strong>2007</strong>.Massey, B. W. 1979. The Belding’s Savannah Sparrow. U. S. Army Corps of Engineers, DACW0978-C-0008, Los Angeles.Merkel And Associates, Inc. 2003. Habitat Classification for: Inventory and Evaluation of Habitatsand Other Environmental Resources in the San Diego Region’s Nearshore Coastal Zone.California Coastal Conservancy and San Diego Association of Governments. Revised: November26, 2003.Merkel And Associates, Inc. 2002.Mesa, Chuck. 2008a. personal communication by e-mail on February 7, 2008.Mesa, Chuck. 2008b. personal communication by e-mail on February 5, 2008.Moffatt & Nichol. 2003. <strong>Bolsa</strong> <strong>Chica</strong> <strong>Lowlands</strong> Restoration Project Basis of Design Final <strong>Report</strong>.August, 2003.Moffatt & Nichol. 1999. Final <strong>Report</strong>, Preliminary Engineering Inlet Studies for <strong>Bolsa</strong> <strong>Chica</strong> WetlandsRestoration. December 1999.National Ocean Service (NOS). <strong>2007</strong>. Center for Operation Oceanographic Products and Services.http://co-ops.nos.noaa.gov.Merkel & Associates, Inc. 102

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