From Stardust to Planetesimals: Contributed Papers - NASA Lunar ...

From Stardust to Planetesimals: Contributed Papers - NASA Lunar ...

From Stardust to Planetesimals: Contributed Papers - NASA Lunar ...


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The spectral energy distribution of HH 100 IRS ................................. 49R. SiebenmorgenExternally induced evaporation of young stellar disks in Orion ................. 55D. Johns<strong>to</strong>ne, D. Hollenbach & F. ShuCIRCUMSTELLAR DUSTThe 11 µm silicon carbide feature in carbon star shells ........................... 61A.K. Speck, M.J. Barlow & C.J. SkinnerOn the classification of infrared spectra from circumstellar dust shells ......... 65G.C. Sloan, I.R. Little-Marenin & S.D. PriceFormation of cosmic carbon dust analogs in partially hydrogenatedatmospheres ............................................................................ 69A. Blanco, S. Fonti, A.M. Muci & V OrofinoTime dependent models of grain formation around carbon stars ................ 73M.P. Egan & R.F. ShipmanThe size distribution of stardust injected in<strong>to</strong> the ISM ........................... 77D. Kruger & E. SedlmayerConstraints on circumstellar dust grain sizes from high spatial resolutionobservations in the thermal infrared ................................................. 81E.E. Bloemhof, R.M. Danen & C.R. GwinnINTERSTELLAR DUSTRevised depletions and new constraints on interstellar dust composition ...... 87T.P. Snow & A.N. Witt0The interstellar polarization feature associated with the 2175 A extinctionbump .................................................................................... 93G.C. Clay<strong>to</strong>n, M.J. Wolff, S.H. Kim, P.G. Martin & C.M.AndersonInterstellar extinction, polarization, and grain alignment in high-latitude clouds 97K.A. Larson & D.C.B. WhittetThe extinction properties of heavily-reddened lines of sight in the Galaxy .... 101M.G. Rawlings, A.J. Adamson & D.C.B. WhittetHAC: band gap, pho<strong>to</strong>luminescence, and optical/near-infrared absorption .... 105A.N. Witt, D. Ryu<strong>to</strong>v & D.G. Fur<strong>to</strong>nvi

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