Mission Trails Pipeline Tunnel & Vent Demolition Project Completed ...

Mission Trails Pipeline Tunnel & Vent Demolition Project Completed ... Mission Trails Pipeline Tunnel & Vent Demolition Project Completed ...


VOLUME 23FOURTH QUARTER2010PROJECT UPDATE by Jason Choi, PEMission Trails Pipeline Tunnel & Vent Demolition Project CompletedCryderman mucking inlet shaft.After 27 months of design, a 12 month hiatus,and 24 months of construction, the San DiegoCounty Water Authority’s Mission Trails PipelineTunnel and Vent Demolition (MTPT) project isessentially complete, with the final walk-throughconducted at the end of September. Eventually,the project will deliver water from the existingSecond San Diego Aqueduct to a future flowregulatory structure and back into the SecondAqueduct, thereby protecting the existing aqueductfrom potential hydraulic surges.Located in the Mission Trails Regional Park,one of America’s largest urban parks, the $28million MTPT project required construction ofa 92-inch-diameter (2,340-mm) welded steelpipeline. This involved developing two portals;two 10-foot-wide (3-m) horseshoe tunnels totaling4,500 feet (1,372 m); two shafts up to 150feet (46 m) deep; upstream and downstreamconnections to the existing Second Aqueduct;and demolition of existing pipeline and ventstructures between the shunt connections.Transporting welded steel pipe. Note bogeys on leading side.All of this occurred within environmentallysensitive sites and in close proximity to theTierrasanta community.Construction was in the Santiago Peak Volcanics,a fractured, strong metavolcanic rock,requiring drill-and-blast methods; and theMission Valley Formation, a weak sandstonewith interbedded siltstones, claystones, andoccasional thin beds of cobbles and boulders.The tunnel was excavated by drill-and-blastand roadheader; the deep Inlet Shaft wasexcavated with a Cryderman mucker.Jacobs Associates provided preliminary andfinal design services, and design support duringconstruction. The construction manager wasNolte and Associates. L.H. Woods & Sons, Inc.,was the general contractor and subcontractedthe tunnel and shaft construction to FoxfireConstruction, Inc.Despite the significant environmental andcomplex community issues, and the multipleinterfacing and scheduling issues with thiscontract, the future second Flow RegulatoryStructure contract, and an adjacent concurrentpipeline relining contract, the MTPT projectwas successfully completed ahead of scheduleand under budget. Community issues and complaintsthat arose were dealt with swiftly andto the satisfaction of the affected communitymember. No contract claims are expected.Mr. Choi is a project engineer and has 12years of experience. He was the designconsultant representative providing on-siteengineering support for the MTPT project.Jacobs Associates provides practical, cost-effective, and innovativesolutions for difficult underground projects and excels in the water,wastewater, and transportation sectors. With an emphasis on tunnelsand shafts, we offer a full range of design and construction managementcapabilities. We also offer the broader heavy civil constructionindustry a robust package of claims and dispute resolution services.MORE NEWS INSIDE• Principal’s Message• Fermilab• Bay Tunnel• Just Answers• Waterview Connection• Caltrain Downtown Extension• Lower Baker Dam• North Link• Alternative Intake Project• Multiple Project Awards• New Hires, Staff Recognition

VOLUME 23FOURTH QUARTER2010PROJECT UPDATE by Jason Choi, PE<strong>Mission</strong> <strong>Trails</strong> <strong>Pipeline</strong> <strong>Tunnel</strong> & <strong>Vent</strong> <strong>Demolition</strong> <strong>Project</strong> <strong>Completed</strong>Cryderman mucking inlet shaft.After 27 months of design, a 12 month hiatus,and 24 months of construction, the San DiegoCounty Water Authority’s <strong>Mission</strong> <strong>Trails</strong> <strong>Pipeline</strong><strong>Tunnel</strong> and <strong>Vent</strong> <strong>Demolition</strong> (MTPT) project isessentially complete, with the final walk-throughconducted at the end of September. Eventually,the project will deliver water from the existingSecond San Diego Aqueduct to a future flowregulatory structure and back into the SecondAqueduct, thereby protecting the existing aqueductfrom potential hydraulic surges.Located in the <strong>Mission</strong> <strong>Trails</strong> Regional Park,one of America’s largest urban parks, the $28million MTPT project required construction ofa 92-inch-diameter (2,340-mm) welded steelpipeline. This involved developing two portals;two 10-foot-wide (3-m) horseshoe tunnels totaling4,500 feet (1,372 m); two shafts up to 150feet (46 m) deep; upstream and downstreamconnections to the existing Second Aqueduct;and demolition of existing pipeline and ventstructures between the shunt connections.Transporting welded steel pipe. Note bogeys on leading side.All of this occurred within environmentallysensitive sites and in close proximity to theTierrasanta community.Construction was in the Santiago Peak Volcanics,a fractured, strong metavolcanic rock,requiring drill-and-blast methods; and the<strong>Mission</strong> Valley Formation, a weak sandstonewith interbedded siltstones, claystones, andoccasional thin beds of cobbles and boulders.The tunnel was excavated by drill-and-blastand roadheader; the deep Inlet Shaft wasexcavated with a Cryderman mucker.Jacobs Associates provided preliminary andfinal design services, and design support duringconstruction. The construction manager wasNolte and Associates. L.H. Woods & Sons, Inc.,was the general contractor and subcontractedthe tunnel and shaft construction to FoxfireConstruction, Inc.Despite the significant environmental andcomplex community issues, and the multipleinterfacing and scheduling issues with thiscontract, the future second Flow RegulatoryStructure contract, and an adjacent concurrentpipeline relining contract, the MTPT projectwas successfully completed ahead of scheduleand under budget. Community issues and complaintsthat arose were dealt with swiftly andto the satisfaction of the affected communitymember. No contract claims are expected.Mr. Choi is a project engineer and has 12years of experience. He was the designconsultant representative providing on-siteengineering support for the MTPT project.Jacobs Associates provides practical, cost-effective, and innovativesolutions for difficult underground projects and excels in the water,wastewater, and transportation sectors. With an emphasis on tunnelsand shafts, we offer a full range of design and construction managementcapabilities. We also offer the broader heavy civil constructionindustry a robust package of claims and dispute resolution services.MORE NEWS INSIDE• Principal’s Message• Fermilab• Bay <strong>Tunnel</strong>• Just Answers• Waterview Connection• Caltrain Downtown Extension• Lower Baker Dam• North Link• Alternative Intake <strong>Project</strong>• Multiple <strong>Project</strong> Awards• New Hires, Staff Recognition

5 6 7PROJECT UPDATE by Gregg Davidson, PE, CEngExpanding Underground at Lower Baker DamTo maximize the efficient and economic useof hydrologic resources for power generation,Puget Sound Energy (PSE) is building an additionalpowerhouse at Lower Baker Dam tohelp moderate the dam’s outflows and betteraccommodate the needs of fish downstream.The 285-foot-high (87-m) dam, built in 1927,is located in northwest Washington State inthe Cascade Mountain Range and forms LakeShannon, a reservoir 7 miles (11.2 km) long.PSE is Washington State’s oldest and largestenergy utility, and serves more than one millionelectric customers. Following a 1965 landslidethat significantly damaged some of the existingfacilities, PSE has investigated several waysto return to maximum generation capacity. Toprevent similar problems and optimize land useat the site, a new underground powerhouse andconnecting tunnel were selected as the best wayto achieve this.Jacobs Associates provided undergroundconsulting services to support design of anew power tunnel, and design of temporaryand final support for the new powerhouse.This included development of a geotechnicalexploration program, slope stability measures,dewatering systems related to excavation, andrecommendations for the layout of the newstructures and optimizing of the connectionbetween the new and existing tunnels.The exploration program included sevencore borings, two rotosonic borings, test pits,and field mapping. The boreholes includeddownhole optical televiewer imaging to obtainoriented joint information and installation ofvibrating wire piezometers. Geophysical surveymethods, using seismic refraction lines, werealso used to evaluate the depth and rippabilityof bedrock in the powerhouse foundation.Preliminary design was completed in mid-2010for the underground expansion, when JacobsAssociates delivered contract documentsfor design-build procurement.These documents included plans,specifications, a geotechnical datareport, and a geotechnical baselinereport for bidding. PSE selected PCLConstruction as the design-buildcontractor, and ground breaking forthe powerhouse excavation and tunnelportal will take place in December2010. Jacobs Associates is representingthe owner through projectcompletion, providing design reviewsand engineering services duringconstruction. Jacobs Associates is alsoproviding quality assurance inspectionduring construction.Gregg is Jacobs Associates’ projectmanager for the Lower Baker Damproject and a senior associate inthe Seattle office.Overview of the site, including dam,powerhouse, surge tank, and newpowerhouse location (foreground).Rotosonic core sample being extruded into a plastic sleeveduring rotosonic drilling for the powerhouse excavation.<strong>Tunnel</strong> inspectors discuss observations withinthe Lower Baker powerhouse scroll case.ASSOCIATE PROMOTIONSRenée Fippin, PE, GE, has 12years of experience in geotechnicaland structural ground supportdesign. She has worked on severalexcavation shoring and temporarystructural support designs.Ms. Fippin is currently managingthe City of San Francisco’s SunnydaleAuxiliary Sewer project,an earth pressure balance (EPB)tunnel and microtunnel projectnearing construction.Joel Kantola, PE, has beenpromoted to Lead Associate.He has more than 20 years ofunderground experience andhas worked for both contractorsand owners, providing claims,construction management, anddetailed design services. Hecurrently serves as the projectmanager for the Anacostia River<strong>Tunnel</strong> in Washington DC.Michael T. Kowalski, PE, has beenwith Jacobs Associates for 10years and has 17 years of experiencein the underground industry.In his current role as Contractsand Corporate Insurance Manager,he is the primary point ofcontact responsible for reviewingall contracts and billing requirementsin addition to managingdocument control, insurance certificates,and various reportings.Andrew McGlenn, PE, SE, PEng,has 14 years of experience, andis currently leading the design ofthe tunnel permanent lining for theAirport Link project (APL) in Brisbane,Australia. His educationalbackground in geology, combinedwith his structural engineeringexpertise, provides an integratedapproach to undergroundprojects. Andrew has workedon projects both domesticallyand internationally, including theNorthern Sewerage <strong>Project</strong> in Melbourne,Australia; the Port MannWater Supply <strong>Tunnel</strong> in Vancouver,B.C.; and University Link in Seattle.John Murray, PE, has 12 yearsof experience in undergrounddesign. He worked as the designengineer on site at the San Vicente<strong>Pipeline</strong> <strong>Project</strong> in San Diegobefore transferring to the NewYork City office. John recentlyworked on the design of theNew Jersey Transit Trans-HudsonExpress (THE) Manhattan <strong>Tunnel</strong>s<strong>Project</strong>.Mark Trim, PE, has 12 years ofunderground design experience.He spent nearly four years inAustralia, where he split his timebetween projects in Melbourneand Brisbane and helped openthe Melbourne office. Mark iscurrently lending his expertise tothe Northern Sewerage <strong>Project</strong>in Melbourne, Australia, and theKaneohe-Kailua Wastewater Conveyance<strong>Project</strong> in Honolulu, HI.

NEW WINSound Transit Heads North4 5 6Jacobs Associates has been selected by SoundTransit to deliver civil engineering and architecturalfinal design services for the NorthLink light rail extension. North Link consistsof 4.3 miles (6.9 km) of double-track light rail,which consists of 3.2 miles (5.2 km) of twinbored soft-ground tunnels, 1.1 miles (1.7 km)of retained cut fill, and elevated guidewaystructures. It includes two underground transitstations (Brooklyn and Roosevelt), one elevatedstation (Northgate), a portal structure, and20 cross passages.The project will connect the University Linklight rail segment to the Northgate business/retail center. With a target completion dateof 2020, North Link aims to increase light railridership, improve travel time, and addtransit capacity to the congestedInterstate-5 corridor.Jacobs Associatesis the prime consultant,providingproject management,tunnel andundergroundstructure design,cost estimating andscheduling, andgeotechnical engineering.The teamcombines the talentof more than 30firms, including keyteaming partnersParsons Brinckerhoff, KPFF Consulting Engineers,Hewitt Architects, and LMN Architects.Key team members from left to right: Gregg Davidson, PE (Jacobs Associates);Philip Adams, QAM (Systems Consulting); Jeremy Johnson, PE (Jacobs Associates);Laura Amundson, PE (Parsons Brinkerhoff); Dan Adams, PE (Jacobs Associates);Monica Moravec, PE (KPFF), Amarjit Marwaha, PE (Parsons Brinkerhoff); andChristine Scharrer, AIA, and Andrew Engel, AIA (HEWITT).The team will produce contractdocuments for 10 constructioncontracts. Specificto the undergroundwork, the tunnels will useprecast segments. One stationwill be designed as a top-down excavation,one as a bottom-up, and the cross passages areanticipated to be sequential excavation methodstructures. The project takes place in an areacharacterized by dense, urban neighborhoodsand complex subsurface and groundwater conditions,which will require optimizing the locationand alignment of the underground elements.The North Link project will complete the LinkLight Rail system connecting four major urbancenters, increasing transit capacity to the highestridership corridor in the region.PROJECT AWARDSMultiple <strong>Project</strong>s AwardedContra Costa Water District’s AlternativeIntake <strong>Project</strong> (AIP) was selected by TrenchlessTechnology as therunner-up for the magazine’s“2010 <strong>Project</strong> ofthe Year Award.” Alsoin September, AIPreceived a “<strong>Project</strong>Achievement Award”from the National ConstructionManagementAIPAssociation of America (CMAA) in the infrastructurecategory of less than $50 million.The CMAA’s Northern California Chapter alsoawarded the project a “<strong>Project</strong> AchievementAward” back in March. See article on Page 7for more details.The American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE)San Francisco Section named the Cal ParkHill <strong>Tunnel</strong> <strong>Project</strong> the 2010 OutstandingSmall <strong>Project</strong> of the Year. Jacobs Associatesis providing constructionmanagementCal Park Hillservices on the project,whose unique dual focus is to rehabilitatethe abandoned Cal Park railroad tunnel forcommuter rail and construct a pedestrian/bike pathway inside the tunnel. The refurbishedtunnel links the Marin County townsof Larkspur and San Rafael. Phase A workwas completed in June 2010, and Phase Bwill be completed this November.OTHER PROMOTIONSPhaidra Campbell was promotedto the position of Senior StaffEngineer. Phaidra is currentlyworking on the Lower Baker Dam<strong>Project</strong>, North Link Transit <strong>Tunnel</strong>,and various railroad projects.Nathan D’Annibale was promotedto the position of AccountsPayable/Internal ControlsManager. In his expanded rolehe will focus on current intercompanywork fl ows as theyrelate to accounting.Paul Dutton, PE, was promoted tothe position of <strong>Project</strong> Engineer.Paul is currently focusing on costestimating for the North Link LightRail <strong>Project</strong> and DC Water CSOProgram.Andy Mencke, PE, was promotedto the position of Senior <strong>Project</strong>Engineer. He is currently leadingthe design support during constructionefforts on the U220 contractfor University Link.Lynn Salvati, PE. PhD, wasappointed to the position of<strong>Project</strong> Engineer. Lynn is currentlyworking on University Link, NorthLink Light Rail, and a variety ofunderground and geotechnicalprojects.Joe Schrank, PE, was promotedto the position of Senior <strong>Project</strong>Engineer. Joe is currently workingon CSX National Gateway, inaddition to a variety of trenchlessand geotechnical projects.Bade Sozer, PE, PhD, was promotedto the position of <strong>Project</strong>Engineer. Bade recently workedon the DC Water Long TermControl Plan, the Airport Link<strong>Project</strong>, and the <strong>Mission</strong> <strong>Trails</strong><strong>Pipeline</strong> <strong>Tunnel</strong>.Monica Stary was promotedto the position of Senior StaffConsultant. Monica focuses onclaims document control, claimspreparation, and client interaction.Stephen Sullivan was promotedto the position of Senior <strong>Project</strong>Consultant. Some of his recentconstruction claims consultingwork include a casino projectin central Oregon and a roadwideningand reconstructionproject in Kenmore, WA.John Yao, PE, was promoted tothe position of Senior <strong>Project</strong>Engineer. Some of his recentprojects include the VeniceDual Force Main, Irvine-CoronaExpressway, and the Cross-Town<strong>Tunnel</strong> Rehabilitation <strong>Project</strong>.

7PROJECT UPDATE by Norman Joyal, PE, GEAlternative Intake <strong>Project</strong> is DedicatedContra Costa Water District’s Alternative Intake<strong>Project</strong> was formally dedicated on July 20, 2010,at the Middle River Intake and Pump Station.The facility was tested and brought online overthe summer, and has been operating as an integralpart of CCWD’s system since late August.This project is the most significant Sacramento–San Joaquin River Delta drinking water qualityproject in the past decade. Water quality at thepump station located on Old River declinesin late summer and early fall, when saltwaterfrom San Francisco Bay enters the Delta. Thenew station will provide fresh water duringthose months, while also providing benefitsfor important Delta fish populations.The new $99 million pump station is locatedon a levee at the south end of Victoria Islandalong Victoria Canal in San Joaquin County,California. The pump station is capable ofpumping 250 cubic feet of raw water persecond (7.08 m 3 /sec) through 12,000 feet(3,658 m) of 72-inch (1,830 mm) pipelineacross the island to the existing Old RiverPump Station <strong>Pipeline</strong> Facilities. The 900-foot(274-m)crossing of Old River required installationof a 96-inch-diameter (2,440-mm) steelcasing using microtunnel pipe-jacking techniquesand two watertight shafts: a 92-footdeep(28-m) jacking shaft and a 49-foot-deep(15-m) receiving shaft. Microtunnel installationof the casing was halted about 185 feet(56 m) into the drive beneath the river in orderto retract the microtunnel boring machine(MTBM) and 30 feet (9 m) of casing. After theMTBM was straightened out and the articulatingjoint at the casing connection was “locked”in place, the microtunnel drive was completedwithin line and grade tolerances.The contractor chose the cuttersoil-mixing(CSM) method for theshaft construction. This was thesecond known application of CSMtechnology in the U.S. for constructionof a microtunnel shaft, and thefirst known use for applying shotcretefor secondary wall reinforcement.Because of the CSM method’sunknown nature, Jacobs Associatesprovided full-time constructionmonitoring during shaft construction,excavation, and shotcreting.Jacobs Associates prepared theplans and specifications for thetunnel design and a geotechnicalbaseline report for construction ofthe shafts and tunnel. JacobsAssociates also provided full-time constructionmonitoring during microtunnel installation ofthe casing, and during the machine and casingretraction process.Mr. Joyal is an associate with 28 yearsexperience and provided design andengineering support services on theAlternative Intake <strong>Project</strong>.CCWD Board Members flip the giant switch.On cue, one of the five pumps is started at theMiddle River Intake & Pump Station Dedication.The Lenihan DamOutlet Modifications<strong>Project</strong> was a winnerin California Constructionmagazine’sBest of 2010 AwardsProgram, winningin the Civil/PublicWorks category.Jacobs Associatesprovided tunnelLenihan Damdesign and construction supportservices for a new outlet tunnelunder the abutment of the existingdam. This is the fourth awardthe project has received.Los Angeles’ Metro Gold LineEastside Extension <strong>Tunnel</strong> <strong>Project</strong>received the <strong>Project</strong> of the Year Award fromthe Underground Construction Association(UCA) of SME in June. The Eastside ExtensionLA Metro Gold Lineopened for service inNovember 2009. JacobsAssociates provided geotechnical,structural, andtunnel engineering servicesin support of preliminaryand final design.NEW HIRESTRANSFERSJACOBS ASSOCIATES IS A “HOT FIRM”Grant Finn joined the Seattleoffice as a <strong>Project</strong> Engineer inSeptember. He has more than 10years of experience in structuraldesign, assessment, and constructionwork. Grant received hisMaster of Engineering from theUniversity of Glasgow in Scotland.In September, the Portland officewelcomed Nina Rodine, who washired as an Office and <strong>Project</strong>Controls Administrator. She hasmore than 25 years of experiencein administrationand office management.Jake Taylor was hired as a <strong>Project</strong>Engineer in the Seattle officein October. He has more than 10years of engineering experiencein underground construction. Jakereceived his Bachelor of Sciencein Mining Engineering from theColorado School of Mines.The DC Water project office hiredAndrew Stone as a Senior StaffEngineer in October. Andrewreceived his Bachelor’s degreeat Vanderbilt University and hisMaster’s degree in geotechnicalengineering at Cornell University.Peter Raleigh was transferredto New Zealand, where he willbe working on the WatercareCentral Interceptor Sewer <strong>Project</strong>as well as New Zealand TransportAuthority’s Waterview Highway<strong>Tunnel</strong> <strong>Project</strong>.Every year, ZweigWhite recognizes the top 200 fastest-growingarchitecture, engineering, and environmental consulting fi rmson the basis of percentage growth and dollar growth with the“Hot Firm List.” Over the years, the “Hot Firm” designation hasbecome synonymous with success in the industry. Jacobs Associatesis thrilled to announce that this year, the fi rm is ranked number 12on the list, which isa signifi cant jumpfrom the previousyear’s ranking of 137.Congratulations tothe entire fi rm!

PROJECT UPDATE by Sue Bednarz, RG, CEGSubsurface Exploration and Ground Characterization Services8Rock core from the Gorge 2nd <strong>Tunnel</strong> <strong>Project</strong> subsurface investigation.Our core logging method documents critical data on rock massproperties that are used for the design of excavation support.Jacobs Associates’ professional services now includesubsurface exploration and ground characterizationfor the design and construction ofunderground structures. As our company hasgrown, we have increased the number of ourstaff with expertise in planning, executing, andinterpreting subsurface exploration to obtaindata in soil and rock. We are experienced withperforming difficult access investigations,including drilling on congested roadways,construction sites, steep hillsides, over shallowwater, and from inside underground structures.Our exploration and characterizationstaff includes geologists, engineering geologists,and geotechnical engineers.For the design of the 11,000-foot-long (3,353-m)Gorge 2nd <strong>Tunnel</strong> in Newhalem, Washington,Jacobs Associates developed a core drillingprogram that maximized data acquisitionin the tunnel zone. B ased on our geologicmapping and LiDAR image interpretation, thelocation and orientation of the project boringswere targeted to intercept and characterizefaults and fracture zones in the gneissicbedrock. The remote drill site access requiredhelicopter-mobilized drill rigs to be used forthe majority of the borings. During final design,Jacobs Associates will characterize rockmass behavior, evaluate portal stability, andprepare the geotechnical baseline report.For the Lower BakerUnit 4 Powerhouse<strong>Project</strong> in Concrete,Washington, JacobsAssociates developedand executed anexploration programthat characterizedground conditionsfor construction ofa new power tunneland powerhouse insheared, carbonatebedrock. Explorationmethods includedgeologic mapping,helicopterand track access rock core drilling, mudrotary drilling, rotosonic drilling, testpit excavation, geophysical investigations,and in situ permeability testing.As part of our preliminary designservices, We prepared the geotechnicaldata report and geotechnical baselinereport for this design-build project.On both of these projects, JacobsAssociates used a step-by-step approachto evaluate ground conditions.This includes researching existingrecords, site geology, and historicconstruction records to identifyconstructability issues; performinggeologic mapping; selecting boringlocations, orientations, and depthbased on site data; selecting drillingmethods and testing based onexpected ground conditions; loggingboreholes; and overseeing downholefracture imaging and borehole instrumentationto acquire the specific dataneeded for underground design.Jacobs Associates thus offers clients“one-stop shopping” for the investigationand design of underground structures.Our combined investigation anddesign services assure the client thatthe geologic and geotechnical information obtainedis targeted for underground design. Weprovide contractors with subsurface explorationand ground characterization services to supportdesign-build projects and bid preparation. Wealso provide contractors with strategic data necessaryto support the selection of constructionmeans and methods and innovative constructionengineering that reduces bid prices.Sue has more than 15 years of experience inengineering geology specializing in field explorationand design for tunnels, pipelines, andhighways. She also provides construction andinspection photography services.Mud rotary drilling for the design of the newLower Baker Unit 4 Powerhouse excavation.Our extensive subsurface exploration experienceallows us to select the optimum explorationmethod(s) for each type of underground structure.Jacobs Associates’ geologists and engineers areexpert at remote access exploration programs. Ourwork for the Gorge 2nd <strong>Tunnel</strong> <strong>Project</strong> included thedrilling of two borings 1,200 feet (366 m) inside a90-year-old unlined adit to obtain rock mass data.WE APPRECIATE YOUR FEEDBACK.FINALLINER@JACOBSSF.COMVISIT US AT WWW.JACOBSSF.COMOR CALL US AT 800.842.3794Executive Editor Victor Romero, PE, CEGManaging Editor Rebecca Anicich, CPSMContributing Editors Tess Hartwell, Grace Lui, JulieMcCullough, L.E. McCutcheon, CPSM, Emma ReinersDesigner Seth McGinnis© 2010 Jacobs Associates465 California StreetSuite 1000San Francisco, CA 94104415.434.182267 S. Bedford StreetSuite 301EBurlington, MA 01803781.852.0450757 Bourke StreetSuite 219ADocklands, VIC 3008AUSTRALIA+61 3 8687 90301001 Avenue of theAmericas, 11th FloorNew York, NY 10018212.704.7383234 E. Colorado BoulevardSuite 400Pasadena, CA 91101626.737.6520101 S.W. Main StreetSuite 320Portland, OR 97204503.227.1800333 H StreetSuite 5004Chula Vista, CA 91910619.565.27471109 First AvenueSuite 501Seattle, WA 98101206.588.8200

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