Issue 21 - Yoder Family Information

Issue 21 - Yoder Family Information

Issue 21 - Yoder Family Information

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w<strong>Issue</strong>YODER NEWSLETTERw-#<strong>21</strong> P.O. Box 594 Goshen, IN 46526 April 1993A Busy Miss lndian';:notoriety on a national scale. Her title as Miss I'dia'a, on the otherhand, has kept her very busy with the life of a celebrity. Shelli has afull time job this year making seven to nine appearances per weekthroughout Indiana. At these appearances to civic groups, schoolgatherings, etc., she often sings and and speaks on a platformdealing with self esteem, nutrition and eating disorders.Mixed in with that schedule are appearances for MilesLaboratories promoting their "one-A-Day" nutrition plan. She alsodoes the occasional television commercial for large automobiledealerships. That work has netted her the use of a 1993 Ford. alonswith a good deal on a 1993 Honda.Although she has been accepted at Illinois's NorthwesterniUrherrecentcelebrity statrrs has opened a few doors ofopportunrty so that (apart flom wedding plans next January) herimmediate future after the end of her reigr on June I, I 99j is notcertain.Shelli's father, Roger <strong>Yoder</strong>, told us that while at the MissAmerica Pageant he learned that the mother of Miss Delaware hadbeen a <strong>Yoder</strong>, and that grandparents of Miss Iowa had been a<strong>Yoder</strong>-Schrock union.(Miss Iowa, Catherine Arur Lemkau of Muscatine,won first runner-up!)For those wishing to check how closely they"ArAM6trare related, Sheili'snumber is YR2344338132.** * {. * * * * *,t ** * * ** * * * * * ** * ** * * * ** ** * * {. ** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * **( * * * *for a related article on Miss lndiana, see page 5+ *,F* * * * * * * * * * * ** * * * * * * * * * * ** * *,t * * ** * *,* * * * * i-* t< * * * * * * * * tr * * * * r,Shelli <strong>Yoder</strong> of Shipshe Snags Second Runner-up rH f f # fJ-oC!C)rtake third position out of fifty in Saturday night's pageant. In theaudience, of course, were her very proud parents, and a couple ofbus loads of family, Iltends and supporters mostly from theShipshervanuu,"i.--.--.J* t*o "r"o"ao'ffi FrFTy yEARS of American Amish yoder,s history weref celebrated recently at the Maple Glen Mennonite Church, Grantsville. The{ reunion delve deeply into <strong>Yoder</strong> genealogy, tracing the lamily from its origins inI:#:tri::1'f,i'.1l,fi11i:il::HllH:,?lffJlilli#*::" above during one of her lectures. The celebration continued for two days. (photoby Craig Speicher[I hsBqzubllean)

* ** * * * * ** * * * * * * *'f * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** * ** * * * * * * * * * *'f *,|. * * * * * *The <strong>Yoder</strong> Newsletter- Founded 1983 by::l-i*i:lll?ll;i??3Ii.'Jlil?i:t*-1i'.1'.if :'-11'.... cousins,FROM THE EDITORSChris <strong>Yoder</strong>, Editor, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia; John W. <strong>Yoder</strong>,Circulation Manager; Fred C. <strong>Yoder</strong>, Distribution Manager;Rachel Kreider, Senior Contributing Editor. Contnbutors: FredC <strong>Yoder</strong>, Goshen, IN; John W. <strong>Yoder</strong>, Middlebury, IN; RichardH. <strong>Yoder</strong>, Bechtelsville, PA; Hubert A. <strong>Yoder</strong>, Charlotte, NC;Dorothy <strong>Yoder</strong> Coffinan, Malvern, PA; H. Harold Harztler,Goshen,IN; Dr. Don <strong>Yoder</strong>, Devon, PA.** * * * * * * * * * ir * *,* :i* r. * * ** *'t * * * ** :i* i( * * * * * * ** * *'t * * * * * * * * * * *SEND YNL CORRESPONDENCE:-Dealing with circulation issues such as new or renewedsubscriptions, changes ofaddress, orders for back issues to:<strong>Yoder</strong> Newsletter, P.O. Box 594, Goshen, IN 46526.-Dealing with ancestral queries or contributions for futureYNLs or archives (such as reunion notices, letters to the Editor,copies of Bible records or other historical information) to: Chris<strong>Yoder</strong>, Unit 61306, Box 56, AFO AE 09803-1306 (allow 3-4weeks for reply)* * * * * * * * * * * * t * ,t * * * ,** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ,t ,t :F* ,t(YNL PRICE INFORMATION $$$$The YNL subscription is on an annual basis and the rate is $3.As the YNL is not-for-profit, we have generally been able tooffer one or more bonus issues in each subscription period. YOUWLL BE SENT A RENEWAL ENVELOPE WHEN YOURSUBSCRIPTION IS DUE (it will accompanyour last issue).BACK ISSUES of the YNL are $l per issue ($<strong>21</strong> for a completeset of issues l-<strong>21</strong>). These may be ordered from the Goshen YNLaddress.*******'f*'i*:1.i.,**{.*:1.,t**:t:i******'}*'}**'}**'}'i*,}*'l*******'}***:|(CORRECTION- In YNL #20 we reported (pg 4) that Eve Best<strong>Yoder</strong>'s will had been found in Clinton Co.,PA. It was really theAuditors Report (Book A, page 198).***********:LL**:l*****r('t****:t:l*:i:tr*:*:***:&:l*********,L*:k:k*:k*PHONEY YODER ITEMS... WHERE'S THE BEEF???Just after the last YNL was put to bed, we received a copy ofan ad by Halbert's in Bath, OH. YNL Readers may recall that wehave warned several times about "<strong>Yoder</strong> Books" by this andsimilar firms which are little more than telephone book listings.This ad announced sweatshirts witha family name and "yoderCoat of Arms".Be very careful of such ads.. most coat of arms offered bycompanies like this are fake ones with no historical connection tothe family named. If you haven't seen a coat of arms in a pastYNL, then it is probably not a true one.WITH ALL TFIE YODER BUSINESSES IN THE U.S.,LET'S I{EAR FROM SOME OF YOU ALL WHO I{AVE REALYODER ITEMS FOR SALE TO FAMILY MEMBERS!!! Weknow there are stores and other firms which have had shirts,buckets, or other items with our family name on them. The yNLwill gladly arnounce these for our readers! Please send detaileddescriptions, and full information about cost (to include postageand handling) to: Chris <strong>Yoder</strong>, Unit 61306 Box 56. ApO AE09803-1306 for the next edition.* ** * * * * * * * * * * !t * *'* * *'f *,* * * * * * * * * * * * * ** * * * * * * * * *,t * * * * * * * * *LETTERS TO TFIE EDITORSThrough the YNL I have connected with some long lostand have been able to meet a couple and fill out somebranches on the family tree.One of them is Edward <strong>Yoder</strong> of Murraysville, PA, a secondcousin whom I had never met until a couple of week ago. He wasvisiting his mother in West Leesport, Berks Co., about sixtyrniles from here. We arranged to get together at a mid point, myalma mater, Ursinus College, Collegeville, PA., to talk about areunlon.As a result, we are planning one, and would appreciate yourputting a notice in the next YNL, if possible.Sincerely, Monis L. <strong>Yoder</strong> Havertown,PA(Editors note- see the Frederick <strong>Yoder</strong> Reunion notice elsewherein this edition of the YNL)* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ,1* * * * ,t ,t * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * x"I greatly appreciate your <strong>Yoder</strong> Newsletter. It always has a lotof good research and news in it. "-Dr. Delbert Gratz,Blufton, OH'[* * * * *'] *,r * * * * * {.,r* * *'l * * * {.*,i * * * * * * * * * * * * * !r* rk * * *'F* * * * * * * *,rDIARY IN NEVADA CITES PENNSYLVANIA YODER"Dear Editor:"I was pleased to discover that a <strong>Yoder</strong> Newsletter is inexistance because, though I have no <strong>Yoder</strong> connections, there isa <strong>Yoder</strong> referred to in my g-grandmother's diaries and I felt it wasa shame that I had no way to share this."These diaries were written by ELIZABETH LARIMERTORRANCE, born l8l4 & died 1886, from her farm atCrabtree, Westmoreland Co., PA. She had 5 daughters but nohusband to help her; the work was done by her brother and ahired man and friend of whom the family seemed very fond-Charles T <strong>Yoder</strong>. I don't know more about Charles but think helived in Pittsburg after his marriage."1859, Sept.22- Charles T <strong>Yoder</strong> drove Cherry out to Latrobe."1860, Jun 4- Mrs. <strong>Yoder</strong> and her little daughter Francis camehere." 1860, June 18- Mrs. <strong>Yoder</strong> and Francis started for home."1861, Sept.13- Charles T <strong>Yoder</strong> and D.L. Crawford started tojoin the army." 1867 , Mar.26- Charley was married today in WashingtonCity- to Miss Annie E. Warder a Washington lady." 7867 , Mar .<strong>21</strong>- Charlies' marriage published in this eveningsHerald."If one of your readers knows"my Charles <strong>Yoder</strong>" I wouldvery much like to leam more about him. I too have become fondof him."--Mrs. Lee Whitehouse,Boulder City, NV 890051007 Woodacre Dr,EDITORS NOTE: We were very pleased to introduce Mrs.Whitehouse to the feature article about this gentleman in YNL#18. Also sent copies of her input to tbree of CTY's descendantsThe YNL is continually being quite happily surprised by what themail brings us!* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *'t't* * * * **'* * * * * * * * * * * * *2

A SEARCH FOR FAMILY DATA PAYS OFFA LINE OF YODERS IN IOWAby Huberl A. <strong>Yoder</strong>In 1966, rny cousin Frcd Roy <strong>Yoder</strong> (author of the History ofthe <strong>Yoder</strong> <strong>Family</strong> in North Carolina) told me about the AlbertHenry <strong>Yoder</strong> papers. He had visited Albert Henry in 1939 inSeattle, Washington and leamed that AHY had been collectingdata on the line of Jacob <strong>Yoder</strong> (a son of Conrad <strong>Yoder</strong> of NorthCarolina who moved to lndiarta) and saw the trunk which wasfilled with papers on this research, Fred did not look tlroughthese papers but was to go back and copy them. In the meantime,WWII carne along and Fred served two years. When Fred did goback after the war he found the <strong>Yoder</strong> horne closed and a For Salesign out front. None of the neighbors knew where Mrs. <strong>Yoder</strong> hadgone, but the.v did tell Fred that Mr. <strong>Yoder</strong> had died several yearspreviously. Here begins the story of the elusive <strong>Yoder</strong> papers.Fred knew that AHY had children, but he didn't know who theywere so here he had more or less let a trurk full of the Jacob<strong>Yoder</strong> papers get away from him. Fred continued to collect datafor his -<strong>Yoder</strong> book aqd he decided to include o-nlV the first twosons of Conrad by his fiist marriage (leaving ouf iacob, the thifdson). We discussed this at the <strong>Yoder</strong> reurion in I966 and I saidthat I would see if I could locate the children of AHY.I located Mirian <strong>Yoder</strong> Lander, Grand Forks, ND, by placingan ad in the paper there. I wrote her how much we would like toinclude the Jacob line in the book and that we knew her father haddone years ofresearch. I asked her ifshe would please let usknow what had happened to the trunk and if it would be possiblefor either Fred or I to check the papers. She sent my letter to herbrother in Washington, D.C. He answered that his brother wholived in Chicago had been given the papers and he would contacthim and see if he still had them. That was the last we heard.although Fred and I both wrote several more times. Time went onand Fred decided he would publish the book without the Jacobline.All these years I wondered what in the world they did with thattrunk ofpapers. In the surrmer of 1987, I noticed a lady inColorado in the <strong>Yoder</strong> Newsletter who was interested in theJacob <strong>Yoder</strong> line. I called her. In talking with her she alsomentioned the papers in the trunk and said that she had justlearned that they were in the library at the University of NorthDakota, but she was not sure if this was true.In the next 5 minutes, I called the University and they said theywere there and had been given to them by one of AHYs sons.This just about set me on fire, because I had wanted to see thepapers all these years and now they were available.I went in October of 1987 and stayed on campus. When theyrolled those files out to me I couldn't believe that at long last Iwas to see the Albert Henry <strong>Yoder</strong> Papers. I sat for 8 hoursstraight the first day because I was so glad to finally see whatAlbert Henry had done. Many of the papers did not pertain to theJacob line. Albert Henry had done so much ancestral researchmuch of it was on his non-<strong>Yoder</strong> lines.I had thought that probably most of the Jacob line would bethere and maybe information on the two brothers of Jacob (halfbrothers)Elias and Daniel. Allthree of them had left N.C. bywagon train in the early 1800's and gone to Clark Co., lndiana...Jacob later going to Monroe Co., Ind. and dying there. AlbertHenry had only researched his immediate line from Jacob down tohim. There was nothing on the brothers or on the other children ofJacob, just the Henry from whom Albert Henry descends. It was abit of a disappointment, but I was glad to get what I did. I expectthat the most exciting part was the autobiography that AlbertHenry did of himself. It really gives you an idea of what theyfaced going west in those early days. They must have liked itthough, because they would keep moving on about every 25 yearsto a new place and start over.I was later able, again with the herp of the yrrrl- and its readers.to discover information about the half-brothers Elias (see yNL# I 0) and Daniel (YNL # I 6), but it was a particular thrill to locatethis information which had been found and then "lost" to mybranch of the family for almost 50 years.!t * * r( ,1 * * * * * ;t ,t :F ri :t r + x r * x r + * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * :r * * )t * ,f * * * * * * * * *ELECTION 1992. WINNERS AND LOSERS* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** * * ** * * ** * * ** * * ** * * * !*,t * * * * * * !t *ELECTION ENDS POLITICAL NEWSLETTERJeffery <strong>Yoder</strong> and his wife Deborah Werksman, of Bridgeport,CT, began a satirical newsletter three years ago called the"Quayle Quarterly". The magazine, styled as "The Watchftl Eyeon the Vice Presidency" was dedicated to lampooning the VicePresidents public mistatements. According to the AssociatedPress, the newsletter had built up a circulation of 12,000 withsubscribers in all 50 states.With the results of the 1992 election, Mr. <strong>Yoder</strong> indicates theywill cease publication. He says, however, they may do a coupleissues when the 1996 campaigr starts up, if Quayle startsrunning.(Thank goodness the YNL is not seasonally dependant!)* * * * ** * * * ** ** * * **'t * * * ** * * * *,1*** * * ** * * ** * * ** ** * * * * *,t* * * *<strong>Yoder</strong> elinehesRepublieatt, winfor state SenateBy JILL SHADICKJournal Staff WritcrCHARLES TOWN - Ttr€ lhirdeleation was the charm for HarpenFerry aUonry John <strong>Yoder</strong>.In his third try for politicaloffrce, <strong>Yoder</strong> clinclrcd the EastemPalhandle's new state Sena@ seatin Tuesday's.general election, uFping the number of Republicans inOle state Setlal.e frdn one !o two.<strong>Yoder</strong> defeated Dldmocradc nomineeand Charles Town residentCunis E. Branmn in Berkeley,Jefferson and Mcgan counties.<strong>Yoder</strong> rcceived 51.3 percenr offte votes in Jeferson Co-untv whileBrannon received 48.7 per

PennsylvaniaLand Warrants and Patent IndexThis information was obtained from l0 rolls of microfilmbelonging to the Berks County Genealogical Society library locatedin the Albright College Library, Reading, PA.I checked through the letters I,J and Y for the various <strong>Yoder</strong>spellings. ln these records I only used the surname if it was spelledOTHER than "Y-O-D-E-R".To purchase land, an oral or written request was submitted to thesecretary of the Land Office, along with a partial or full payment forthe tract. The application stated the applicants name, the amount of# Name of Warrantee O?e qunty date warrant date retum locationcompiled by Richard H. <strong>Yoder</strong>land requested, and usually the location. When the application wasapproved, the secretary completed a warrant (an order to survey).When the surveying was completed, the drawings were sent to theSurveyor General who filed it with the warrant. When the purchaserpaid the balance in full, a return of survey was sent to the LandOffice. It then prepared a Patent, which was the final deed passingall rights to the land to the individual owner. The original patenty-"1'-':-11"-ff x:ri:?#*-"-"-llJi:-o:1i1liil:I-1acres ret. name ofpatentee recorded copiedVOLUME IYork County (formed Aug. 19, 1749 from Lancaster County)7 John <strong>Yoder</strong>S l00A 7Mav1161 23Ilun1712 Readins 3,{l40P John <strong>Yoder</strong> 4A13-167 D9-23329 Christian <strong>Yoder</strong> Jr S 50A no entriesVOLUME 2- NoneVOLUME 3Cambria County (Formed Mar.26, 1804 from parts of Bedford, Huntington, and Somerset Co)I Christian <strong>Yoder</strong> S 89A 27 Mar 1826 (See Somerset County)2 David <strong>Yoder</strong> Jr S 50A 16 Dec 1833 16 Dec 183559A l02P David <strong>Yoder</strong> H35-257 D2-243 David <strong>Yoder</strong> Jr S 30A 16 Dec 1836 16 Dec 1836324A 20P David<strong>Yoder</strong> H36-12 D2-354 Joseph <strong>Yoder</strong> S 60A 9Mar1849 24Aue186665A ll2P Joseph<strong>Yoder</strong> H6l-325 D20-55Somerset County (formed Apr. 17, 1795 from Bedford County)l8 Joseph J. Joder S 23A 5 Jan 1844 11 Mar 1844 Stony Creek 23A, Joseph J.Joder H45-145 Cl05-1412 Jacob <strong>Yoder</strong> S 104A 20 Mar 1191 3 Jul 1800 104A 40P Jacob <strong>Yoder</strong> P43-208 A62-3003 David <strong>Yoder</strong> S 200A 20Mar 1797 19 Jun 1798 l99A David <strong>Yoder</strong> P34-137 A35-1134 Christian<strong>Yoder</strong> S 225A 9Mar1809 l8octl8l0 233A80P Christian<strong>Yoder</strong> H5-124 D9-2875 Joseph <strong>Yoder</strong> S 40A 13 Mar 1811 2 Apr 18<strong>21</strong> 35A Joseph <strong>Yoder</strong> Hl8-82 D22-276 Jonathan<strong>Yoder</strong> S l00A 30Aprl8ll 23Decl8ll 108A120P Jonathan<strong>Yoder</strong> H6-464 D22-ll7 Christian<strong>Yoder</strong>Jr S 50A 25Nov l8l2 TFeb 1816 52A56P Christian<strong>Yoder</strong>Jr Hll-384 D22-88 Christian <strong>Yoder</strong> S 89A 29 Mar 1826 19 Dec 1826 61A 40P Christian <strong>Yoder</strong> H24-105 466-571 I Joseph <strong>Yoder</strong> S 198A 7 Mar 1842 13 Jul 1842 Conemaugh 198A Jospeh <strong>Yoder</strong> H44-235 D2-516 David C. <strong>Yoder</strong> S 5.A 80P 29 Nov 1853 6 Jun 1854 Stony Creek 5A l3lP David C. <strong>Yoder</strong> H5l-111 D20-1420 Moses W. <strong>Yoder</strong> l50A 23 Sep 1869 29 Oct lE69 864.<strong>21</strong>P Moses W. <strong>Yoder</strong> H64-222 D2O-2222 Moses W. <strong>Yoder</strong> S 6A 7 Aue 1880 12 Dec 1880 Turkedest 3A 91P Moses <strong>Yoder</strong> et al H74-231 D2o-82& Theo.F.ZimmermanVOLUME 4- NoneVOLUME 5Bedford County (formed Mar. 9, l77l from Cumberland County)5 Christian <strong>Yoder</strong> S 300A ZDec 17'15 3 Nov 1786 Brthrs My 300A 120P Christian <strong>Yoder</strong> P6-544 l\66.5615 Jacob <strong>Yoder</strong> S 360A 4 Feb 1785 12 Oct 1804 328.5A Jacob <strong>Yoder</strong> P55-97 D9-28516 John<strong>Yoder</strong> S <strong>21</strong>0A 4 Feb 1785 ZMay 1793 205.5A John<strong>Yoder</strong> Pl9-305 D9-246L7 Christian <strong>Yoder</strong> Jr S 150A I Jun 1785 3 Nov 1786 Quemahoming 155A Christian <strong>Yoder</strong> Jr P6-543 A66-5519 Yost<strong>Yoder</strong> S 300,{ lEoct1785 28Jul1809"3664A,l20PJacob&John<strong>Yoder</strong> Ht-271-279 A54.1?020 David<strong>Yoder</strong> S 200A 2l Oct 1785 3 Jul 1800'l05A David<strong>Yoder</strong> P45-207 A62-29925 Christian <strong>Yoder</strong> S 200A 20 Aug 1789 23 Mar 1808"20lA John Blough P6t-410 A51-1547 Jonathan <strong>Yoder</strong> S l50A 7 Sep 1793 23 Dec l8l I'l52A Jonathan <strong>Yoder</strong> H6-464 D22-ll69 Christian<strong>Yoder</strong> S 400A 4 Aor 179410 David <strong>Yoder</strong>S 400A 4 Apr 11941l Jacob <strong>Yoder</strong>S 400A 4 Apr 1794VOLI,JME 6Berks County ( (formed Mar. ll,1152 from Philadelphia, Chester and Lancaster Counties)3"7 DanielJoter S 40A 26Oct1805 14FeblE72 Richmond 40A86P DanielPAngstadtetal2d,3 Michael <strong>Yoder</strong> S 25A 9 May 1755 Bem3d 3 Christian <strong>Yoder</strong> S 25A 9 May 1755 30 May l8l0 Bern 29A. John Blatt4t3 Christian<strong>Yoder</strong> S l00A 27Octl155 3Mayl8l0 Bern l58A JohnBlatt7 Christian <strong>Yoder</strong> A 44A 80P 26 Nov 1766 26 Nov 1766 Bern 44A 80P Christian <strong>Yoder</strong>14 John<strong>Yoder</strong> S l50A 24Nov1784 2lDec1784 Bern l78A38P John<strong>Yoder</strong>15 Daniel Yutter S 40A 9 Feb 1787 I Nov 1864 Rockland 83A 48P Ann Fox3 I Abraham <strong>Yoder</strong> S 300A 19 Mar 1806 l8 Feb 181 I Mahantango 322A l4OP Abraham <strong>Yoder</strong>33 Daniel <strong>Yoder</strong> A 23'lA 80P 10 Aug 1809 4 Oct 1809 Brunswick 23?A 80P Daniel <strong>Yoder</strong>34 Peter <strong>Yoder</strong> A 32A73P 13 Jun 1810 18 Jun l8l0 District 32A73P Peter <strong>Yoder</strong>Schuylkill County (formed Mar. I, 18 I I from Berks and Northampton Counties)2 George <strong>Yoder</strong> S 63A 3l May 1816 20 Feb l8l8 Mahantango 69A 20P George <strong>Yoder</strong> Jr12 Andrew <strong>Yoder</strong> S l00A 5 Jan 1875 22Mav 1815 Barn 55A 6P Andrew <strong>Yoder</strong>VOLUME 7- NoneVOLUME 8- NoneVOLUME 9- NoneVOLUME 10Luzerne County (formed Sep.25, l?86 fromNorthumberland County)40 David Yothers S 96A 9 Jul 1861 5 Feb 1864 Blakely? 96A I I l.2P David Yothers4I David Yothers S 83A I Feb 1865 28 Jun 1865 Dunsmore 79A l00P David Yothers4H7t-229Lr',6-H4-113 433-164H4-l15 A33-165AA8-148 D9-<strong>21</strong>4P3-173 92-152Hs7-<strong>21</strong>8 C22-280H5-381 D9-288H4-100 B'44H3-6 t 9 D9-300Hr5-332 D22-26H'73-237 D20-90H54-'7t3 D20-20H58-412 D20-52

VOLI.JME IICentre Count_v (formed Feb. 13, 1800 from parts of Mifflin, Northumberland, Lycoming and Huntington Counties)1 Joseph <strong>Yoder</strong> Jr S 55A 14 Ma-v 1816 8 Mar 1839 Halfmoon 59A 97P Joseph <strong>Yoder</strong> Jr H40-439 43l-904 Daniel Yothers S 80A 3 I Jan 1834 30 Apr 1838 Boggs 80A 7lA Daniel Yothers H39-464 D2-34VOLLA4E 12Cumberland Coun$ (formed Jan. 27 . 1'750 from Cumbcrland County)2 Jacob <strong>Yoder</strong> S 50A 6 Sep 1755 17 Jun 1817 Middlc Creck 93A 2P Christian, George Hl4-670 ,43l-148& John GlassVOLLjME 13- NoneVOLUME I.TJuniata Countl (fornrcd Mar. 2. l83l from Mifllin Countt"),1 Christian Yodcr S L5A 13 Dcc 18;11 l0 Mar 1842 Turbett lA 69P Christian <strong>Yoder</strong> H44-1,1 Dz-l5 Jacob <strong>Yoder</strong> A l9A 35P 8 Mar 1842 l1 Mar 1842"l9A 35P Christian <strong>Yoder</strong> H44-16 D2-ll6 Christian Yodcr A 29A 1,15P 8 Mar ltt42 I I Mar 1842"294,l45P Christian <strong>Yoder</strong> H4:l-17 A3l-969 Bcnjamin <strong>Yoder</strong> S l,l0A l0 Apr 18.19 2l Mar 1855'l35A 36P Benjamin <strong>Yoder</strong> H5l-388 D20-15l0 Joseph <strong>Yoder</strong>(guardian) S 4,lA 25 Ma1' 1853 2 Jan 1854" ,13A,t0P Joseph <strong>Yoder</strong>H50-630 D20-t3. Milflin Coun[ (formed Scp. 19. 1789 from Cumbcrland and Northumberland Counties)I.l Mrchael Yothers S l00A ,l Feb 179:1 l8 Apr 184'1 Union l0lA 70P Peter & Gideon Yodcr H45-183 D2-16J t8 Christian <strong>Yoder</strong> A .16A 87P 28 Apr 180.1 30 Apr 180,1" ,16A 87P Christian <strong>Yoder</strong>P54-178 D9-283,Q-3I t9 Jacob <strong>Yoder</strong> A 72A 36P 28 Apr 180,1 30 Apr 180.1"72A16P Jacob <strong>Yoder</strong>P54-r79 422-t65t 22 John <strong>Yoder</strong> A 57A I lP 12 Aug 181 I 12 Aug l8l I Armaugh 57A I lP John <strong>Yoder</strong>H.t-630 D22-23<strong>21</strong> John <strong>Yoder</strong> A 68A l5{P 7 Aug lttl5 8 Aug l8l5"6ttA l54P John <strong>Yoder</strong>Hlt-332 D22-625 Jacob <strong>Yoder</strong> S 2.5A 3l Mar l8l7 l0 Jun l8l7 Union 2,A. l0,lP Jacob <strong>Yoder</strong>Hl,t-636 D22-10(Wan'ant and Patent Info. to be continued in the next issue of the (including Huntington, Lancaster, Norrhampton, Philadelphia, Chester and Bucks<strong>Yoder</strong> Newsletter)Counties)* * * * * * * * * t * * * L * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * rt( * * :t * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ,l * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * + * * * * * * * :r* * * ,i * * ,kIlfiBs El|-hrrtAN TNTERVIEW-WITFTSTIELLIBEFORE IIER STATE VICTORY. .Miss Elkhart Gounty Shelli <strong>Yoder</strong> Hopes ThirdTjt$g!_Jharmed [s State Pageant Opens TonightCounty Shelli <strong>Yoder</strong>, at hone ia Shlpshewana.(News Fhoto by Deb J. Stack)Reprinted with permission of the Goshen NewsBy DEB J. STACKLast year's disappointment ha8become tJris year's buildiag blockfor Miss Elklart Countv SheUi<strong>Yoder</strong> of Shipshewana. ionight,six years after her fiJst steps on apageant stago, she begias preLi.minary competition in MichiganCity in an all-out, last-ch&nce effortto become Miss Indiana.Some say the third time'scharmed. U the saying holds true,this third attempt at the statecrown rnay ju6t mesn it's Shelli'syeer.Back in 1986, st 1?, she enteredsnd won the Miss Limberlost (seerel,rted story on this page) pageant.A year &go, weering thatcrown for the eecond time, shecame irr as first runner-up to MissIndians 1991. Last month, she wonthe 1992 Elkh&rt County title.Since the sse lini! for Derticipatingin Mise America pafeantrychangs next year from 26 to p4,SheIIi - who'll be 24 st the end ofAugust - will be ineUgible to tryBgsin for the Limberlost title. Regulationsallowed her to participatein the nearest prelirniniry, whichwas in Elkhart Countv.Settling on the couih at her parents'home ir Shipshewana lastweek, Shelli talked about the recentwin, her work over the Dastyear, &nd the changing natuie ofMiss America pageantry."I really believe ia the program,"she said of her lonE associationwith Miss America pigeants. .fheprog"Bm really pushes young womento further their education. Itpushes them to improve their tal€nts- snd to utiliqs lhem - and treally believe in that."<strong>Issue</strong> platforms a^nd cornnunityservice are now crucial parts ofcompetition, according to SheIIi.That means keepiag abreastofcurrentevents and formulating opia.ions about various topics is-an on.gong exercise to prepare for intcrviewingwith a panei of judges..\Organizers are "trying to removethat plastic image of MissAmerica," Shelli erplailed, Abbreviatingthe swimsuit competitionand adding the emphasis on piatformsare both parts of that changingfocus.An informed, articulate re.sponse to onstege questions askedduring evening gown competitionis another critical element. Whilethere is no strict point value assignedto that part of the pageant,it i6 nonetheless important."It's notjust a talent competitionanymore," Shelli said. "U you lookbeautiful and you bomb your question,maybe the judges will thinkthey need to look a little more."Recent Win"I was careful because I didl'twant anybody to know that I hadbeen first Dunner-up to Miss Indiana,"SheIIi said of the Elkhartpageant, held at the end of May."They fourd out thatl was in it, butI did:r't want them to know that Iwas first rururcr-up because i don'tplay those intimidation games. It'snot fair, I don'tbelieve in them, andthe name of the game is not to makeother people scared of you. If youdo that, you're missing the boat."U you do that and win," sheadded, "no one's going to want tocrowu you. No one'8 going to wantyou to be representiag them. Whatuse is it to be a queen if nobod/sproud of you?"Such tartics also blunt Ure edgeof competition, and that's no goodeither, according to SheIIi. "I don'tIike to compete against anyonewho isn't doing their best," shesaid. "I wanted a run for the mo.ney, and it certainly was. We had agood strong group of girls."Rebound YearThe Elkhart Courty pageantwas the first step in what wiU be,one way or another, Shelli's finalcompetitive walk on the pageantstage. She's been working, plannirtgand preparirg for that walk- whatever it may hold - sinceleavilg last year's Michigan Citystage in second place."Laqt year I did do my best, butcoming away from it, I knew therewas a reason that I didn't becomeMiss lndiana," she said. "God didnot have it in my plm at that time.and I was at peace with that. AId Ikrew that I wag the lucky one becauseifl wanted to go baok, I hsd Iwhole'nother year to DreDare."In the moriths siice, StteUi'spushed herseU on several levels,using the drive she's needed sinccsiartllg school as a child bothyoung and small among her classmates."Athletically, I just couldnot compete," she said, "but vocally,I found my niche and that'swhere I was able to use my t"alents."Voice lessons and contiruedphysical workou[s have been partof Shelli s year of preparatiorr, burperhaps the most striking thingshe brought back with her frornMichigan City was a desire io tellothers - especially kids - thatcoming up short of a goal does notneed tobe the end of their world. Asa result, she designed a presenlationcalled Rebound Bound. andhas taken it to elementlrv andmiddle school students."I really felt Uke I warted toshare with the kids t.hat... you mayhave your goals set, but somettmesyou're goi.ng to fall short of them,and what are you goixg to do aboutit?" Shelli explaired. The focus ison defining success as one's per.sonal best."Rebound Bound is just turningdefeats into successes," Shelli said."You're never a failure until vouslop trying. Kecp lhat positive ;tti.tude and realize that sometirnesBlong the way you htvc to chtngegods, becausc that's lile."She has the same attitude concerningthe Etate pageurt with pre-Iirninaries tonight and Friday, urdSaturday's crowting of Miss Lidiana."I just may have to changemy goal." she said matter-of-frctly."And thar's OK because I did mvbest and I can d.o somethilg els-eand do my best again. If Miss Indianais ir my plan, it's going to bea great puzzle piece. Bui if it's not,there'll be something bigger andbetter waiting for me,"

F * * * * * * * * * * ri :f * :* :f :r * :f * * + :r :f * * * + * :i )r * :r,i :f :tCASSELMAN HISTORIANS FEATURE YODERS-contributed by John W <strong>Yoder</strong>In recognition of the 250th anniversary of the amval of theAmish <strong>Yoder</strong> line, the Casselman River Amish and MennoniteHistorians featured the <strong>Yoder</strong>s with programs last September atthe Maple Glenn Church near Grantsville, MD.The programs were held Friday evening and Saturday, Sept. 4and 5. After a business meeting, the show began with anexcellent slide presentation by Virgil <strong>Yoder</strong> of Natrona Heights,PA. The slides concentrated mainly on European sites verysignificanto Anabaptism and the <strong>Yoder</strong> name along with anarration of history and music.After lunch, Senior YNL Contributing Editor Rachel Kreiderdiscussed early <strong>Yoder</strong> genealogies. Rachel is the co-author (witltDr. Hugh Gingerich) of the landmark work Arnish and AmishMennonite Genealosies (Pequea Publishers, Gordonville, PA.(C) 1986). She went into some detail on their findings and thejustification for the conclusiorts in their book. Before leaving thepodiurn, Rachel invited Leroy Beachy (a Holmes County, Ohiohistorian and author) up to discuss his theory on the natne ofthehusband of the "Widow Barbara" <strong>Yoder</strong>.Moderator Kenneth L. <strong>Yoder</strong> of Grantsville, MDSaturday moming there were two early meetings proposingprojects in the Grantsville area. One concerned the restoration ofthe Beachy-Miller Cemetery, and the other proposed to build atPenn Alps a <strong>Yoder</strong> (information) house constructed of stonescollected from old <strong>Yoder</strong> homesteads in the area.The first order of the Saturday progam was more slides byVirgil <strong>Yoder</strong> followed by a short presentation on the <strong>Yoder</strong>Newsletter an the YNL <strong>Family</strong> <strong>Information</strong> on computer discs byJohn W. <strong>Yoder</strong> of Middlebury, IN. Before lunch, Kenneth L.<strong>Yoder</strong> of Grantsville spoke about the surprisingly numerousplaces named <strong>Yoder</strong>. Kenneth <strong>Yoder</strong> was also the moderator ofthe entire event.Ted M. <strong>Yoder</strong>, Hickory NC, Historian of the NC <strong>Yoder</strong>sAlso present were eight members of the North Carolina<strong>Yoder</strong>s. descendants of Conrad <strong>Yoder</strong> who settled there in thelate 1700s. Speakers fiom this group wereTed M' <strong>Yoder</strong> ofHickory, NC and Hubert A. <strong>Yoder</strong> of Charlotte, NC. They did afine job of telling who they were and what's in their past. (see theseparate article by Hubert in this edition.)Rachel Kreider and LeroyBeachy, Historian from HolmesCounty, OH., discuss a point of familial research6The Audience (from the back-- recognize anyone?)The YNL helped to promote the event by handling the mailingof announcements to our list of subscribers. Approximately 75 to100 people attended the activities. It was a great chance toconnect with others of similar interests.* * * * * * x * *. * * * {r * {r * * * * * x * * *( * * * * * * t rr * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *( * * i' *i1nfqllvl t?fg'[115f - ensien ro RenD,LNI tS LJil l) lN\ u uu uB*t A\\ous Less Dnrn , Ltke 'rL1!e.? t"to? Uvite Chv\s Yolw'

****************,* **QLIERIES ******r* *** **********'r*****The YNL will publish <strong>Yoder</strong> related inquiries or exchanges at nocharge. Please limit to 30 or so words plus a full return address.All inquiries are checked against our own records to see if wecan help too. Send to: Chris <strong>Yoder</strong>, Unit 61306 Box 56, APOAE 09803-1306.* * * {. * * * * * * {r * * * * * * *r {r :* t! * * * * * i * * * * * * * * * * * * ,lt tt * * * * * * * * * ,* * * {.TWO FOR ONE- Would like information on ANNIE YODERwho married Jacob C. Kolb on 612911768. Her parents wereCaspar <strong>Yoder</strong> and Barbara_, and grandparents Hans <strong>Yoder</strong>who married to Anna. Reply to (both): Sharon Smith, 612 ShadyRetreat #56, Doylestown, PA 18901; and Mrs. Ellen Chestnutt,718 Pioneer Lane, Colorado Springs, Colorado 80904Note: The YNL would like to thank H. Walter (Harrl') <strong>Yoder</strong>, ofGrand Rapids, Michigan for continuing to refer <strong>Yoder</strong> queries tothe YNL. We've been able to help many of his correspondents(like these above from the Mennonite Line (Annie:Y822) andothers have helpedthe YNL with <strong>Yoder</strong> "missing links".* t * ,k* * 'l * * * * * * * ,F* * * * * * * * * * * * * t * * r( * * rt * ,tt* * * * * * * ,1. * * * * * * * * ** * * x * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *,t * * * * * * * x * * t( * * * ,t:i * * * *(* * * * *:t * * * *:tWhat were the origins of LOUISA/LOUISE YODER, bom May1835, who married Henson Bright and resided around Alton,Illinois. Supposedly her father was a "Franklin <strong>Yoder</strong>". Pleasereply to: Rebecca Hogan, <strong>21</strong>30 West Dell Drive, Alton, IL62002-6944.* * * * * * * * * * * * * * ,|. r* * * ,t * * * ,f * * * * * * * * * * * {. * :t * J. * * * * 't * * * * * * * * * * *<strong>Information</strong> wanted on DANIEL YOTF{ERS of Centre Co, PA.His daughter Mary (1793-1875) m. William Mullhollan (1792-1839). Their daughter Rececca married Thomas Bowles andresided in Caldwell County, MO. Reply to: Mrs. Margaret H.Beltz, RR 2, Haven, KS 67543* * * * * * * * * * * * * x * * *,t * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *,t * * * * * * !t(* *.* *.* * * * * * * * ,r*l.r. ,r,,.rr.,r,,.,. u. ronor" Ii6+ -_r. lI. YooER & METZLER'S ]lCInhrf onup of $rn;rtt fnritt IPlYmnullt Rl[ir Fmls cs E[[$,, _ *-,*L6:-12.1-,--\fI'JDFIR & I,1TETZT-E}8,.EASI LEtylSTOWll, Llahoning Co., - - bHt1.Thanks to Mabel V. Brunk of Goshen, IN for sharing this salescatalog of her grandfather, S.P.<strong>Yoder</strong> of East Lewistown, OH.S.P. (Sirnon Peter) was the son of Jacob <strong>Yoder</strong> (YRBI l1) whomarried Anna <strong>Yoder</strong> (YR25142). He moved with his parentsfiorn Juniata Co., PA to Mahoning Co., OH in 1854. On10rV1880 he married Mary Metzler. This catalog is for abusiness he was in with his brother-in-law.t

l "this inscription which appears in a catechism and song book nowresting with the Boyertown PA Historical Society. At the lower partof the fly leaf is added "Mary Ann G. Fegley, New Berlin, June 10,1859. Presented to her by her grandfather." Can any ofour readersidentify this Barbara?????**********************x********************************JACOB HOCHSTETLER FAMILY GATF{ERINGJULY 24,1993The second quinquennial national Hochstetler- Hostetler-Hochstedler <strong>Family</strong> gathering will be held July 24,1993 atCentral High School, Kidron, Ohio. Many <strong>Yoder</strong>s of Amishdescent are also descended from the Jacob Hochstetler oftheIndian attack fame. At the last session in 1988, over 1200descendants gathered in Goshen, Indiana. A full program ofevents is scheduled. Additional info. may be obtained from theH/HIH <strong>Family</strong> Association (<strong>21</strong>9) 533-7819; Pauline <strong>Yoder</strong> (<strong>21</strong>6)877-3341; or Jr. Bitikofer (<strong>21</strong>6) 852-2672.* * * * * * ** * ** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *( * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * r. {

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