Merienda! - The Japan Foundation, Manila

Merienda! - The Japan Foundation, Manila Merienda! - The Japan Foundation, Manila


Merienda*Espesyal 1CONGRATULATIONS TO THE WINNERS OF THE SPEECH CONTEST!!OPEN DIVISIONGrand Prize Winner & ChampionMs. Gerlie Joy Balunto(MKD,Davao)"My Life as a Factory Worker in Japan"ファクトリーワーカーRunner-UpMs. Aiko Kristiana Piquero Ballescas(Alliance Software, Cebu)"My Appreciation of Elderly Across Two Cultures"文 化 の 違 いから 見 えた 思 いやりNON-STUDENT DIVISIONOutstanding Performance Award & ChampionMs. Maricel Bornilla (PIJLC, Manila)"Transcending A Japayuki" ジャパユキを 超 えてRunner-UpMs. Jocelyn Ong ( AWS)" The Me in Japan" 日 本 の 私STUDENT DIVISIONChampionMs. Shane Pajegal (MKD,Davao)"My Secret Emotion" 日 本 語 でしか 言 えないことRunner-UpMs. Sheilla L. Pamittan(UP Diliman)"Pastel Colored Future" パステルの 色 の 未 来SPECIAL JURY AWARDMs. Kristine Corpuz(MKD,Davao)"Kanji Lessons with my Grandfather" 祖 父 と 私 の 漢 字 教 室Here is a recount of how the Awaodori Groupcame up with their prize winning performance.Awaodori is one of the most famous festival dances in Japan.The Awaodori is said to have originated from the Bon Festival, whichwelcomes back the spirits of the ancestors.“Nothing is impossible”. This was the fighting stand of a groupof dynamic and energetic young men and women from Adamson Universityand Manila Science High School who gallantly fought against all odds to eventually capture the title as the kings and queensof the dance floor in the Japan Foundation Manila’s Nihongo Fiesta performance contest held at the Shangri-La Plaza Mall in MandaluyongCity. The said event was organized to showcase the richness of the Japanese culture which, from time immemorial has enchantedpeople from all walks of life.The journey towards the glory was not as easy as everyone might think. The throne was not given on a silver platter. Thestudents had to endure many challenges and obstacles which threatened the ultimate goal of bringing home the cherished championshiptrophy. Scheduling became a major concern since the members of the dance group came from different schools. Added tothat problem was the limited time given to prepare. But the group was fortunate because of the excellent stewardship of OsamuSato Sensei, Soushi Uchiyama Sensei, Kayo Nishimura Sensei and Flordeliza Idanan Sensei. Every piece of the puzzle was put in itsproper place, thus creating a well oiled dancing team, wherein everyone was willing to sacrifice personal comfort for the success ofthe group. Everyone did his part, knowing the fact that in a group competition, cooperation and unity are vital elements towardsthe accomplishment of the Herculean task ahead.The group had to execute the “awaodori dance” as flawlessly as possible. To achieve such goal, each member was focusedin every practice session. To offset the problem of not being able to meet on a regular basis, the students trained in their own respectiveschools in the first phase of the preparation, mastering the different steps to create the dance that would change a part of theirlives. Later on, group practices were scheduled for the final phase in preparation for the real acid test of artistic excellence. The grouphad to deal with the short time left to perfect the presentation; and, the rest is history.The group believes that winning is not everything. The trophy was an added bonus to the real prize. Each member gaineda lot of friends, who never failed to lighten the mood and raise the team spirit when disappointments came into play. Not to mentionthe tons of experiences that will be cherished forever by all the members of the group, be it good or bad, they will all be rememberedas part of learning and growing up.The competition revealed the hidden gifts of the students who were bold enough to spread the wings of their creative spiritsand share their God given talents. Students opted to get out of their own shell for personal and professional growth. It is not only thefeeling of being able to compete and win in the process, but the feeling of doing something one likes and doing it for other people.One member mentioned, “It was a tough battle we engaged in, but it was won not by individual talents, but by the concertedeffort of each member sincerely put into the craft everybody loves.2Richard Bumanlag is a 5 th year BS ComputerEngineering student of AdamsonUniversity. He is the current president ofthe Bunka Kouryuu Kai (Cultural ExchangeSociety), whose members wereincluded in the group which garneredfirst prize in the performance contest ofJFM’s Nihongo Fiesta.みりえんだ

Winning Speech:‘Transcending a Japayuki’ by Maricel E. Bornillaこジャパユキを 超 えてきおもみなさんは、ジャパユキと 聞 くと、どう 思 いますか。わたしばんめあねわたし私 の2 番 目 の 姉 は、 元 ジャパユキです。 私 がまだ10 歳 ぐらいのときに、 姉 は 歌 手いなかひとかんががたほしゅてきあねさいわるくちあねかしゅにほんとして 日 本とうじへ 行 きました。 当 時コールの 田 舎 の 人 たちは 考 え 方 が 保 守 的 で、 姉 について 悪 口 を 言 っていたそうです。でも、 私 はまだ 子 供 だったのでわみやげかんがあねいにほんよく 分 からず、お 土 産 のことしか 考 えていませんでした。 姉 は 日 本 から 帰 ってくるたびに、 素 敵 な 服 や 靴 、かわいい 鉛 筆 、おいしいわたしおおよろこチョコレートやシーフードラーメンをくれ、 私 は 大 喜 びしていました。おおまわ ひとわるくち い み わおもにほん わるでも、 大 きくなるにつれて、 周 りの 人 たちの 悪 口 の 意 味 が 分 かるようになり、つらい 思 いをしました。「ジャパユキは 日 本 で 悪 いことかね もうわるくち なんど みみふか きずあねうわさ きをして、お 金 を 儲 けてる」という 悪 口 を 何 度 も 耳 にし、 深 く 傷 つきました。そんなとき、 姉 は「そういう 噂 は 気 にしないで。ジャパユわるかぎいじじつキといっても 悪 いことをしているとは 限 らない」と 言 いました。 事 実 、 姉 は 歌 手 としてだけ 仕 事 をし、 日 本 で 知 り 合 った 男 性 と 結 婚こども にん めぐにほんじん しゅじんやさ かた あね いま にほん しあわ かていせいかつ おくし、 子 供 3 人 に 恵 まれました。 日 本 人 のご 主 人 はとても 優 しい 方 で、 姉 は 今 でも 日 本 で 幸 せな 家 庭 生 活 を 送 っています。わたしいまあねかんしゃちちな私 は 今 でもこの 姉 にとても 感 謝 しています。 父 が 亡 くなってから、 母 と 私 たち 兄 弟 の 面 倒 を 見 てくれ、おかげで 私 たちは 学 校 をそつぎょう卒 業 することができました。あね かぞく わたしあいだ もんだい ことば かべあね こどもにっぽんうにほんそだにほんご姉 の 家 族 と 私 たちの 間 の 問 題 は 言 葉 の 壁 です。 姉 の 子 供 たちは 日 本 生 まれの、 日 本 育 ちなので、 日 本 語 しかできません。そして、わたしははにほんごぜんぜんふつうあねつうやく私 の 母 は 日 本 語 が 全 然 できません。 普 通 は 姉 が 通 訳 するのですが、ある 時 、 母 が 国 際 電 話 で 孫 に 直 接 気 持 ちを 伝 えようとしました。でははなんいわくやかなおもははかえあねわたしときかしゅははきょうだいこくさいでんわめんどうわたしすてきしごとまごみふくこどもくつにほんちょくせつきもも、 母 は 何 と 言 ったらよいのか 分 からず、とても 悔 しく 悲 しい 思 いをしたそうです。わたし にほんご べんきょう はじにほんごき そ べんきょうにほんごぶんかがくいん ほんかくてき まなそんなこともあって、 私 は 日 本 語 の 勉 強 を 始 めました。 日 本 語 センターで 基 礎 を 勉 強 し、フィリピン 日 本 語 文 化 学 院 で 本 格 的 に 学にほんごのうりょくしけんきゅうごうかくにほんごりょくみび、 日 本 語 能 力 試 験 2 級 合 格 レベルの 日 本 語 力 を 身 につけることができました。おかげで、 今 では 姉 の 子 供 たちとも 日 本 人 の 義 理 の 兄ちょくせつにほんご はなとも 直 接 日 本 語 で 話わたしにほんごすことができ、 日 本 語にほんごきょうしははのできない 母たや 他いまあねこどもきょうだいつうやくの 兄 弟 のために 通 訳 もできるようになりました。私 はこれから 日 本 語 教 師 になり、 日 本 で 仕 事 をするフィリピン 人 、 特 にITエンジニアやケアギバーを 助 けたいと 思 っています。そわたしにほんたすしごとうすることが、ジャパユキとして 私 を 助 けてくれた 姉 への 恩 返 しにもなると 思 います。あねおんがえじんMaricel E. Bornilla has been studying Nihongo forless than 2 years. She took up the Intensive Courseat the Philippine Institute of Japanese Languageand Culture last year, and is presently enrolled inthe Teacher Training Course at the Nihongo CenterFoundation in Manila. She is currently teaching atthe Atienza Nippi, and is handling Children’s Nihongoat the Nihongo Center Foundation.とくおもたすしつたのビあえんぴつわたしおもだんせいにほんじんけっこんがっこうぎ りあにStudents Bag the Crown!!The First Japanese Performance Contest WinnersFIRST PLACE - ‘Awaodori’ by Adamson University & Manila Science High SchoolSECOND PLACE - ‘High School Musical’ by The University of ManilaTHIRD PLACE - ‘Shizuku’ & ‘Aozora no Namida’ by the Fire Exit Band of La SalleGreenhillsThe Japan Foundation Manila Nihongo Teachers’ Newsletter3

<strong>Merienda</strong>*Espesyal 1CONGRATULATIONS TO THE WINNERS OF THE SPEECH CONTEST!!OPEN DIVISIONGrand Prize Winner & ChampionMs. Gerlie Joy Balunto(MKD,Davao)"My Life as a Factory Worker in <strong>Japan</strong>"ファクトリーワーカーRunner-UpMs. Aiko Kristiana Piquero Ballescas(Alliance Software, Cebu)"My Appreciation of Elderly Across Two Cultures"文 化 の 違 いから 見 えた 思 いやりNON-STUDENT DIVISIONOutstanding Performance Award & ChampionMs. Maricel Bornilla (PIJLC, <strong>Manila</strong>)"Transcending A Japayuki" ジャパユキを 超 えてRunner-UpMs. Jocelyn Ong ( AWS)" <strong>The</strong> Me in <strong>Japan</strong>" 日 本 の 私STUDENT DIVISIONChampionMs. Shane Pajegal (MKD,Davao)"My Secret Emotion" 日 本 語 でしか 言 えないことRunner-UpMs. Sheilla L. Pamittan(UP Diliman)"Pastel Colored Future" パステルの 色 の 未 来SPECIAL JURY AWARDMs. Kristine Corpuz(MKD,Davao)"Kanji Lessons with my Grandfather" 祖 父 と 私 の 漢 字 教 室Here is a recount of how the Awaodori Groupcame up with their prize winning performance.Awaodori is one of the most famous festival dances in <strong>Japan</strong>.<strong>The</strong> Awaodori is said to have originated from the Bon Festival, whichwelcomes back the spirits of the ancestors.“Nothing is impossible”. This was the fighting stand of a groupof dynamic and energetic young men and women from Adamson Universityand <strong>Manila</strong> Science High School who gallantly fought against all odds to eventually capture the title as the kings and queensof the dance floor in the <strong>Japan</strong> <strong>Foundation</strong> <strong>Manila</strong>’s Nihongo Fiesta performance contest held at the Shangri-La Plaza Mall in MandaluyongCity. <strong>The</strong> said event was organized to showcase the richness of the <strong>Japan</strong>ese culture which, from time immemorial has enchantedpeople from all walks of life.<strong>The</strong> journey towards the glory was not as easy as everyone might think. <strong>The</strong> throne was not given on a silver platter. <strong>The</strong>students had to endure many challenges and obstacles which threatened the ultimate goal of bringing home the cherished championshiptrophy. Scheduling became a major concern since the members of the dance group came from different schools. Added tothat problem was the limited time given to prepare. But the group was fortunate because of the excellent stewardship of OsamuSato Sensei, Soushi Uchiyama Sensei, Kayo Nishimura Sensei and Flordeliza Idanan Sensei. Every piece of the puzzle was put in itsproper place, thus creating a well oiled dancing team, wherein everyone was willing to sacrifice personal comfort for the success ofthe group. Everyone did his part, knowing the fact that in a group competition, cooperation and unity are vital elements towardsthe accomplishment of the Herculean task ahead.<strong>The</strong> group had to execute the “awaodori dance” as flawlessly as possible. To achieve such goal, each member was focusedin every practice session. To offset the problem of not being able to meet on a regular basis, the students trained in their own respectiveschools in the first phase of the preparation, mastering the different steps to create the dance that would change a part of theirlives. Later on, group practices were scheduled for the final phase in preparation for the real acid test of artistic excellence. <strong>The</strong> grouphad to deal with the short time left to perfect the presentation; and, the rest is history.<strong>The</strong> group believes that winning is not everything. <strong>The</strong> trophy was an added bonus to the real prize. Each member gaineda lot of friends, who never failed to lighten the mood and raise the team spirit when disappointments came into play. Not to mentionthe tons of experiences that will be cherished forever by all the members of the group, be it good or bad, they will all be rememberedas part of learning and growing up.<strong>The</strong> competition revealed the hidden gifts of the students who were bold enough to spread the wings of their creative spiritsand share their God given talents. Students opted to get out of their own shell for personal and professional growth. It is not only thefeeling of being able to compete and win in the process, but the feeling of doing something one likes and doing it for other people.One member mentioned, “It was a tough battle we engaged in, but it was won not by individual talents, but by the concertedeffort of each member sincerely put into the craft everybody loves.2Richard Bumanlag is a 5 th year BS ComputerEngineering student of AdamsonUniversity. He is the current president ofthe Bunka Kouryuu Kai (Cultural ExchangeSociety), whose members wereincluded in the group which garneredfirst prize in the performance contest ofJFM’s Nihongo Fiesta.みりえんだ

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