Borland StarTeam 2009 - Borland Technical Publications

Borland StarTeam 2009 - Borland Technical Publications Borland StarTeam 2009 - Borland Technical Publications
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Preparing for an UpgradeBefore upgrading, you should do the following:• Perform test upgrades.Borland strongly recommends running test upgrades against copies of current production databases.• Create an upgrade schedule.Plan your server upgrade when it will inconvenience the smallest number of users. A server configurationcannot be running during some of the steps you take before and during the upgrade.You may want to planthe server upgrade at the end of the workday or perhaps on a weekend. If you have a large repository ora slow system, the upgrade process could be time consuming. Depending on the size of your databaseand whether you must convert files before upgrading, you might need to schedule several downtimes,perhaps a series of consecutive weekends. For example, you might schedule one weekend for theconversions and one for vault verification. If you allow a few weekends for the upgrade process, be awarethat you can continue to use your server configuration on the older release in production between the steps,but make backups before and after each of these steps to prevent loss of data.Advise your team ahead of time that you plan to make this transition during a specified period of time, andadvise them when they will need to have the latest version of a StarTeam client installed. Unless specificallystated, StarTeam clients for a given release work with that StarTeam Server release, one release back,and one release forward. When an older client works with a newer server, the client cannot access newfeatures. For example, the older client does not have any new menu commands.• Backup the server configuration.Make certain you have current, verified backups of the files and folders for the server configuration (databasefiles, archive files, and so on) prior to starting important steps in the upgrade process.Overview of the Upgrade ProcessThe following table provides an overview of the upgrade process. See the following sections for more information.Old Release20082008 Release 2New Release2009Upgrade Procedure1. Back up your StarTeam repositoriesand other server files.2. Install StarTeam Server 2009.3. If necessary, upgrade or migrateyour database to a versionsupported by StarTeam Server2009.4. Follow the instructions for upgradingfrom StarTeam 2008/2008 R2 toStarTeam Server 2009.Requirements for an UpgradeThis section describes the steps that you follow to upgrade to Borland StarTeam Server 2009, elaborating onthe table provided in Overview of the Upgrade Process on page 22 and providing references to related sectionsfor more detailed information.22 | Installing StarTeam Server on Windows

Before upgrading to Borland StarTeam 2009, you need to:1. Review the pre-installation issues for a new installation to determine whether any of them apply to you.See Pre-installation Requirements for a New Installation on page 20.2. You can upgrade to StarTeam Server 2009 only from StarTeam Server 2008 or 2008 Release 2. If you areon an earlier release, take the steps necessary to upgrade from that release to StarTeam Server 2008 or2008 Release 2. See the appropriate installation guides for details. Be sure to also install the latest patches.You can find information about the latest patches at Back up your StarTeam repositories and other server files. See the documentation for the release ofStarTeam Server that you currently have installed for information about what to back up.4. You cannot install StarTeam Server while server configurations are running. Therefore, you must performone of the following procedures.Note: Be aware that these procedures use StarTeam Server 2009 as an example. Adjust the procedureto fit your server.1. To shut down a server configuration that is not running as a Windows service:a. Start the Server Administration tool, by selecting Start ➤ Programs ➤ Borland StarTeamStarTeam Server 2009StarTeam Server. The Server Administration window opens.b. Select the server configuration, and choose Actions ➤ Shut Down Server. After you confirm thatyou want to shut down the server, the Status icon changes from “Running” to “Stopping” to “Ready”.2. If your StarTeam Server configurations run as Windows services, you must stop those services andchange the StarTeam execution mode:a. Display the Windows Control Panel by selecting Start ➤ Settings ➤ Control Panel ➤ AdministrativeTools ➤ Services. The Services window opens.b. Locate the StarTeam Server configuration and click Stop.c. After the service stops, close the Services dialog box and the Control Panel.d. Stop the server configuration from being run as a service. For example, in StarTeam Server 2008,start the Server Administration tool by selecting Start ➤ Programs ➤ Borland StarTeamStarTeamServer 2008 ➤ StarTeam Server. The Server Administration window opens.e. Select the server configuration, and choose Actions ➤ Set to Run as Service.This menu commandchanges from checked to unchecked, indicating that the server configuration is no longer running asa service. The server configuration’s icon also changes.5. Install StarTeam Server 2009 on the same computer as the version of StarTeam Server that you areupgrading from. For more information, see Installing StarTeam Server on page 26.6. If necessary, upgrade or migrate your database manager (RDBMS) to a version supported by StarTeamServer 2009. For more information, see Database Requirements for Upgrading on page 23.7. Upgrade your server configurations. For more information, see Upgrading Server Configurations on page25.Database Requirements for UpgradingIf necessary, you must upgrade or migrate your database manager (RDBMS) to a version supported by thenew version of StarTeam Server. For example, SQL Server 2000 is no longer supported. You must upgradeto SQL Server 2005 SP2 before upgrading to this release of StarTeam Server.For more information about which databases are supported by StarTeam Server, see System Requirementsfor StarTeam Server on page 17.Installing StarTeam Server on Windows | 23

Before upgrading to <strong>Borland</strong> <strong>StarTeam</strong> <strong>2009</strong>, you need to:1. Review the pre-installation issues for a new installation to determine whether any of them apply to you.See Pre-installation Requirements for a New Installation on page 20.2. You can upgrade to <strong>StarTeam</strong> Server <strong>2009</strong> only from <strong>StarTeam</strong> Server 2008 or 2008 Release 2. If you areon an earlier release, take the steps necessary to upgrade from that release to <strong>StarTeam</strong> Server 2008 or2008 Release 2. See the appropriate installation guides for details. Be sure to also install the latest patches.You can find information about the latest patches at Back up your <strong>StarTeam</strong> repositories and other server files. See the documentation for the release of<strong>StarTeam</strong> Server that you currently have installed for information about what to back up.4. You cannot install <strong>StarTeam</strong> Server while server configurations are running. Therefore, you must performone of the following procedures.Note: Be aware that these procedures use <strong>StarTeam</strong> Server <strong>2009</strong> as an example. Adjust the procedureto fit your server.1. To shut down a server configuration that is not running as a Windows service:a. Start the Server Administration tool, by selecting Start ➤ Programs ➤ <strong>Borland</strong> <strong>StarTeam</strong> ➤<strong>StarTeam</strong> Server <strong>2009</strong> ➤ <strong>StarTeam</strong> Server. The Server Administration window opens.b. Select the server configuration, and choose Actions ➤ Shut Down Server. After you confirm thatyou want to shut down the server, the Status icon changes from “Running” to “Stopping” to “Ready”.2. If your <strong>StarTeam</strong> Server configurations run as Windows services, you must stop those services andchange the <strong>StarTeam</strong> execution mode:a. Display the Windows Control Panel by selecting Start ➤ Settings ➤ Control Panel ➤ AdministrativeTools ➤ Services. The Services window opens.b. Locate the <strong>StarTeam</strong> Server configuration and click Stop.c. After the service stops, close the Services dialog box and the Control Panel.d. Stop the server configuration from being run as a service. For example, in <strong>StarTeam</strong> Server 2008,start the Server Administration tool by selecting Start ➤ Programs ➤ <strong>Borland</strong> <strong>StarTeam</strong> ➤ <strong>StarTeam</strong>Server 2008 ➤ <strong>StarTeam</strong> Server. The Server Administration window opens.e. Select the server configuration, and choose Actions ➤ Set to Run as Service.This menu commandchanges from checked to unchecked, indicating that the server configuration is no longer running asa service. The server configuration’s icon also changes.5. Install <strong>StarTeam</strong> Server <strong>2009</strong> on the same computer as the version of <strong>StarTeam</strong> Server that you areupgrading from. For more information, see Installing <strong>StarTeam</strong> Server on page 26.6. If necessary, upgrade or migrate your database manager (RDBMS) to a version supported by <strong>StarTeam</strong>Server <strong>2009</strong>. For more information, see Database Requirements for Upgrading on page 23.7. Upgrade your server configurations. For more information, see Upgrading Server Configurations on page25.Database Requirements for UpgradingIf necessary, you must upgrade or migrate your database manager (RDBMS) to a version supported by thenew version of <strong>StarTeam</strong> Server. For example, SQL Server 2000 is no longer supported. You must upgradeto SQL Server 2005 SP2 before upgrading to this release of <strong>StarTeam</strong> Server.For more information about which databases are supported by <strong>StarTeam</strong> Server, see System Requirementsfor <strong>StarTeam</strong> Server on page 17.Installing <strong>StarTeam</strong> Server on Windows | 23

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