Angels and Women (1924)

Angels and Women (1924) Angels and Women (1924)
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GREATER CHANGE 97apartments, and that my presence was anhonor. I then questioned her with regard tothe low building in the distance, so incongruouswith the scene of splendor. Sheanswered, "That is Tebah, 1 intended to floatupon the great waters.""A boat?" I exclaimed in astonishment."It is far from the river and much too largeto float upon its surface.""Yes," said the woman, with a smile, "thatenormous boat has been for quite a time inbuilding--the work of a fanatical old manand his sons, who believe that this valley willpresently become a sea, upon which they willbe securely borne during a great Flood whichthey say will visit the earth. They declarethat the God of Heaven is displeased withthe present state of the world and has determinedto destroy all living beings."It may be true, as the old man says, thatthere is a God in Heaven, but Lord Satanascertainly possesses the world; all is now untSee Appendix, Note 11.

98 ANGELS AND WOMENder his control. The princes of the earth,"she added with a sigh, "have yielded to hismight, and now (here her voice sank towhisper) none are left to oppose his majesty.So the foolish preacher has built his owntomb, which Lord Satanas will consume bylightning some day, after the old prophet andhis family are ensnared within it."Then said I with increasing interest, "Omy mistress, make known the name of thepreacher I"She answered: "He is called ’Noah, Kingof the Waters.’ Unlike any other man ofthese times, he has taken but one wife. Twoof his sons have followed his example. Butthe third, who is by far the handsomest manin Balonia, has never married or even loved.The fair ones of Balonia would sacrificemuch to see him at their feet, but the toilsare spread in vain."Musing, she added, "Ah, cruel Japheth,through love for thee unhappy Semintaladied!"

98 ANGELS AND WOMENder his control. The princes of the earth,"she added with a sigh, "have yielded to hismight, <strong>and</strong> now (here her voice sank towhisper) none are left to oppose his majesty.So the foolish preacher has built his owntomb, which Lord Satanas will consume bylightning some day, after the old prophet <strong>and</strong>his family are ensnared within it."Then said I with increasing interest, "Omy mistress, make known the name of thepreacher I"She answered: "He is called ’Noah, Kingof the Waters.’ Unlike any other man ofthese times, he has taken but one wife. Twoof his sons have followed his example. Butthe third, who is by far the h<strong>and</strong>somest manin Balonia, has never married or even loved.The fair ones of Balonia would sacrificemuch to see him at their feet, but the toilsare spread in vain."Musing, she added, "Ah, cruel Japheth,through love for thee unhappy Semintaladied!"

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