Angels and Women (1924)

Angels and Women (1924)

Angels and Women (1924)

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92 ANGELS AND WOMENgrief of such a being. He constrained me byhis woe, he entranced me by the melancholyof his eyes; again I felt the strange magnetismthat had so nearly overpowered me atthe Hermitage, <strong>and</strong> I cried out in an agonyof distracting emotion---"O God, deliver mefrom the power of this Spirit l Save himfrom himself; save him from my love! Whyare the creatures of God so tempted?" Thena voice fell from Heaven, saying, "To provethem <strong>and</strong> to show forth God’s great Power !"With that, strength returned, <strong>and</strong> I raisedmy head. The Deva had left me.Then I retired to my chamber <strong>and</strong> sat inanxious fear, far into the night. At length,reassured by continued quiet, the tumult inmy breast was hushed, <strong>and</strong> I composed myselfto record the adventures of this fatefuljourney. A weight had fallen upon me, myheart is as lead, my steps falter, a discordenters life, harsh, intolerable. Yet listen,doubting Aloma; does not a soft voicewhisper, "The jarring symphony, the chord

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