Angels and Women (1924)

Angels and Women (1924) Angels and Women (1924)
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FINDINGTHE MANUSCRIPTTNORTH - -. SYRIAN MTS., May 23, 19HIS month must be marked in white;it is the date of a wonderful discovery.Toiling along the steeps of the Anti-Libanus, on our way to Jahrada, we haltedfor the midday repast and, while the guideswere preparing it, reclined in the shadeof the scanty foliage. As we leisurelysurveyed the sterile landscape, our attentionwas attracted to an object quite unexpectedin this desert place, a flower ofsurprising beauty, which hung from a broadshelf of rock opposite.Edmund sprang forward to gather thewonderful blossom, and upon reaching theperilous steep to sustain himself laid hold ofthe root of a decayed tree which had oncegrown there. His weight had scarce beenthus suspended when the stump gave wayand slid down, carrying with it the earth in7

8 ANGELS AND WOMENwhich it had been imbedded, a portion of therock and the rash intruder who had dareddisturb its venerable repose.When reassured that no injury was sustained,we turned to examine the spot fromwhence the avalanche descended. Upon theperpendicular face of the rock, now fullyexposed, was a clearly defined triangle abouteight feet in altitude. A complicated figuresculptured in the center marked it the workof man. Speculation as to its characterwas cut short by Monsieur S-----, who exclaimed:"That figure is the PhoenicianDaleth! Plainly as would our language, itsays: ’This is a door.’ Ah, what liesbehind?"In great excitement we sent to the valleyfor aid; the triangular rock was removed,and proved to be the door of an artificialcave, about twelve feet square, cut in themountain. The sides of this cave weresmooth, the ceiling was arched, and in thecenter of the dome, among unknown sculp-

8 ANGELS AND WOMENwhich it had been imbedded, a portion of therock <strong>and</strong> the rash intruder who had dareddisturb its venerable repose.When reassured that no injury was sustained,we turned to examine the spot fromwhence the avalanche descended. Upon theperpendicular face of the rock, now fullyexposed, was a clearly defined triangle abouteight feet in altitude. A complicated figuresculptured in the center marked it the workof man. Speculation as to its characterwas cut short by Monsieur S-----, who exclaimed:"That figure is the PhoenicianDaleth! Plainly as would our language, itsays: ’This is a door.’ Ah, what liesbehind?"In great excitement we sent to the valleyfor aid; the triangular rock was removed,<strong>and</strong> proved to be the door of an artificialcave, about twelve feet square, cut in themountain. The sides of this cave weresmooth, the ceiling was arched, <strong>and</strong> in thecenter of the dome, among unknown sculp-

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