Angels and Women (1924)

Angels and Women (1924) Angels and Women (1924)
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GREATER CHANGE 77scarlet and gold. Mounted upon the back ofeach huge beast was a Darvand, robed in scarletand holding a guiding wand in his hand.In front and rear were seen a band of similargigantic men, clad also in scarlet, with blackplumes upon their heads, and marshalled inbattle array. These I knew must be anotherdetachment of those terrible beings, of whommy father had spoken--Darvands, the offspringof angels and women. Strong andpowerful were they, but the expression oftheir faces made me recoil, and even fly forprotection to the side of Satanas and Hesperus,between whom Samoula stood, neverso lovely and radiant as at this moment.Depending from her head and envelopingher perfect figure was a transparent veil,through which gleamed a white robe--alas !not of linen, but of a texture similar to theblue and silver garment of the lord Satanas,who stood haughty and impatient while hewaited my coming."Aloma," said my mother in deprecating

78 ANGELS AND WOMENtones, "wilt thou not go with us?" Tremblingwith consternation, but strong in couragenot my own, I replied: "Our garden isoverflowed, our date-trees are destroyed, ourcamels and kine have perished, my fatherand Cheros are dead. I can but go with you.God save me from sin I"At the last words a hiss arose from thegiants and a scowl overspread the featuresof Satanas. His hand grasped the hilt of hissword, but Hesperus stepped quickly to thefront, and raising his hand significantly,said----"My lord, the maiden is mine.""Give me one moment to prepare," I cried,"and I will accompany you."I hastened to the study, and with the assistanceof Aldeth placed in a basket themanuscripts and writing materials of Allimades,and the amethyst cylinder presentedby him on my last birthday. I covered allwith a web of fine linen, and gave it in chargeof one of the giant servants.For one instant I yielded to the sharp pang

78 ANGELS AND WOMENtones, "wilt thou not go with us?" Tremblingwith consternation, but strong in couragenot my own, I replied: "Our garden isoverflowed, our date-trees are destroyed, ourcamels <strong>and</strong> kine have perished, my father<strong>and</strong> Cheros are dead. I can but go with you.God save me from sin I"At the last words a hiss arose from thegiants <strong>and</strong> a scowl overspread the featuresof Satanas. His h<strong>and</strong> grasped the hilt of hissword, but Hesperus stepped quickly to thefront, <strong>and</strong> raising his h<strong>and</strong> significantly,said----"My lord, the maiden is mine.""Give me one moment to prepare," I cried,"<strong>and</strong> I will accompany you."I hastened to the study, <strong>and</strong> with the assistanceof Aldeth placed in a basket themanuscripts <strong>and</strong> writing materials of Allimades,<strong>and</strong> the amethyst cylinder presentedby him on my last birthday. I covered allwith a web of fine linen, <strong>and</strong> gave it in chargeof one of the giant servants.For one instant I yielded to the sharp pang

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