Angels and Women (1924)

Angels and Women (1924)

Angels and Women (1924)

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76 ANGELS AND WOMENupon the bank of the river. It still hurriedon, repeating the old sound of agitation <strong>and</strong>unrest. The whole air was filled with uneasiness.The winds rushed wildly around,the leaves bristled on the trees. A flutter<strong>and</strong> a stir, then Aldeth’s voice calling fromthe !" avenue, "Come, Aloma, my childAs we drew near the dwelling a bewilderingscene met my eye. It was so like the picturein an ancient manuscript I had just finishedreading ("The History of King Irad,"most famous monarch of the L<strong>and</strong> of Nod)that I could scarce persuade myself that thiswas not a dream. Objects I had never seenbefore were easily recognized, <strong>and</strong> I gavethem their appropriate names. How wonderfuldid everything appear to my uninitiatedvision, revealed in the morning light!Before the entrance of our dwelling stooda huge golden chariot, lined, cushioned, <strong>and</strong>canopied with a soft, shining fabric of palesthue. Yoked to the royal car were six whiteelephants, with harness <strong>and</strong> trappings of

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