Angels and Women (1924)

Angels and Women (1924) Angels and Women (1924)
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CHANGE 73Thou art mine other self, O strongest soul,completest womanhood! Love for thee nowfills my heart, transforms my being. Iwould hold thee forever and forever, brightestjewel in my crown, rarest bliss in earthor Heaven. Hesperus, the passionless, bowsto one of mortal mould. Accept his adoration,make him happier, exalt him with thylove, my queen, Aloma!"With a look of infinite yearning he extendedhis arms. I was attracted, as is steelby the magnet. My brain grew dizzy, mysight indistinct, the pleading voice becamea confused sound. Then memory whisperedAllimades’ name, reason conquered feeling,and I replied: "Hesperus, not even thesafety of my mother shall tempt me. Sin ismore dreadful than death, holiness is moreto be desired than glory. I am inspired withwisdom and strength beyond my own comprehension;I know that you fell from holinesswhen you renounced the service of theLord of Heaven. Still lower are you debased

74 ANGELS AND WOMENthis day. You ask my love. The gift wouldbe fatal, the union accursed. So far, you maybe restored. If I yield to your persuasion,we shall sink into everlasting perdition."I then drew forth a small dagger, whichsince the visit of the Star-spirits I had alwayscarried, and I spoke again: "I knownot what moves me. I love you not, 0Hesperus, yet would I plunge this weaponinto my own heart to save you from the sinof my embrace." I held the point of the daggerfirmly upon my bosom, and Hesperus,after gazing upon me in astonishment,silently withdrew.Not in vain, 0 Allimades, did the memoryof thy warning come to thy child t Not invain did thy heart in years agone grow dullbeneath the deadly blight! And yet--thethread of my fate is twined with that ofHesperus.

74 ANGELS AND WOMENthis day. You ask my love. The gift wouldbe fatal, the union accursed. So far, you maybe restored. If I yield to your persuasion,we shall sink into everlasting perdition."I then drew forth a small dagger, whichsince the visit of the Star-spirits I had alwayscarried, <strong>and</strong> I spoke again: "I knownot what moves me. I love you not, 0Hesperus, yet would I plunge this weaponinto my own heart to save you from the sinof my embrace." I held the point of the daggerfirmly upon my bosom, <strong>and</strong> Hesperus,after gazing upon me in astonishment,silently withdrew.Not in vain, 0 Allimades, did the memoryof thy warning come to thy child t Not invain did thy heart in years agone grow dullbeneath the deadly blight! And yet--thethread of my fate is twined with that ofHesperus.

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