Angels and Women (1924)

Angels and Women (1924) Angels and Women (1924)
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CHANGE 71caught the scornful smile of Satanas as heretreated with Samoula my mother, and Icried out--"Help me, God Almighty!"At that word the clasping arms relaxed,the magnetic chain was dissolved. With onebound I was free, and stood confrontingHesperus. He was robed in trailing garmentsof royal purple, a band of gold encircledhis head, where rested a pale star, and,glowing with emotion, he was as beautifulas Satanas.My face flushed with indignation andfright, yet, though repulsed, the Deva saidwith patient earnestness: "Listen, Aloma.I speak to you in confidence, for you are noless discreet than fair. Satanas has hadmany wives, and to all, as to Samoula, hepromised immortality. But when weariedof his queen, he subtly persuades her, andthe victim retires at the solicitation of hersated lord, drinks of the amaranthine cup,and dies by a petrifying poison l"Fear nothing," he added, seeing me shud-

72 ANGELS AND WOMENder; "together we will defeat his artifice.His counselor possesses the antidote for hisdeadly narcotic, and can aid you to saveSamoula from the fate of her predecessors.But I have more to say, Aloma. UnlikeSatanas, Hesperus has no roving desire.Ambition alone, not pleasure, called himfrom the service of the Eternal. I wouldhave power and reign a great prince. I willbe the peer of Satanas, nay, his dictator. Iwould reign in solitary grandeur, and yet--only the One Supreme is self-contained, anddwells in awful solitude."Sometimes I long for another self to sharemy bounteous life, upon whose heart my ownmay rest in times of trouble and weariness.The women of this world have I found weakand base. I turned from them in disgustuntil mine eyes met thine, O thou most regalmaid! Our companions in Heaven we lovedwithout desire; but thou, warm, palpitatingchild of earth, art fair to me as forms thatflit across the plains of Heaven, and as true.

CHANGE 71caught the scornful smile of Satanas as heretreated with Samoula my mother, <strong>and</strong> Icried out--"Help me, God Almighty!"At that word the clasping arms relaxed,the magnetic chain was dissolved. With onebound I was free, <strong>and</strong> stood confrontingHesperus. He was robed in trailing garmentsof royal purple, a b<strong>and</strong> of gold encircledhis head, where rested a pale star, <strong>and</strong>,glowing with emotion, he was as beautifulas Satanas.My face flushed with indignation <strong>and</strong>fright, yet, though repulsed, the Deva saidwith patient earnestness: "Listen, Aloma.I speak to you in confidence, for you are noless discreet than fair. Satanas has hadmany wives, <strong>and</strong> to all, as to Samoula, hepromised immortality. But when weariedof his queen, he subtly persuades her, <strong>and</strong>the victim retires at the solicitation of hersated lord, drinks of the amaranthine cup,<strong>and</strong> dies by a petrifying poison l"Fear nothing," he added, seeing me shud-

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