Angels and Women (1924)

Angels and Women (1924) Angels and Women (1924)
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CHANGE 59upon the river bank, when a sudden flash oflight and a loud rolling sound burst from thecalm sky! I saw him fall, and flew to hisassistance; the camels and kine in great affrightwere running around the place wherehe had fallen, but him I found not. O mymistress! O my child l Where is he, whereis my husband?"We went forth in haste to the river. Ahalf-filled basket was standing under thedate tree; the cattle bellowed, and with headserect looked down the stream. Upon its hurryingwaters we perceived the mantle of ourgood old servant floating out of sight. Thenwe lifted up our voices and wept, threw dustupon our heads, and in grief and despair satupon the earth, while the dew and darknessfell around us.WOOING OF THE STAR-SPIRITSAs day began to dawn, a boat was seencoming down the stream, and from the un-

ANGELS AND WOMENusual light that pervaded the water, and asudden illumination as it neared the shore, Irecognized with a sinking heart the presenceof the Star-spirits.Perceiving our group, the boat drew to thelanding. Two well-remembered forms advancedto the spot where we were sitting,and Lord Satanas spoke thus: "Passing thisshore upon a hasty affair of state, we werereminded of our last sorrowful visit, andturned aside to enquire how fares the lovelySamoula." Then surveying the group earnestly,with hypocritical surprise, he exclaimed:"Ah! what new calamity has befallenthee, most beautiful of women ? Whyis that glorious head defiled with ashes,which should be crowned with flowers, nay,with a royal diadem?""Alas, my lord," Samoula answered,"Cheros is dead I The decrees of fate areagainst us." "0 fairest of earth’s daughters,"said he, extending his hands to aid her,"even fate relents in the presence of thy

ANGELS AND WOMENusual light that pervaded the water, <strong>and</strong> asudden illumination as it neared the shore, Irecognized with a sinking heart the presenceof the Star-spirits.Perceiving our group, the boat drew to thel<strong>and</strong>ing. Two well-remembered forms advancedto the spot where we were sitting,<strong>and</strong> Lord Satanas spoke thus: "Passing thisshore upon a hasty affair of state, we werereminded of our last sorrowful visit, <strong>and</strong>turned aside to enquire how fares the lovelySamoula." Then surveying the group earnestly,with hypocritical surprise, he exclaimed:"Ah! what new calamity has befallenthee, most beautiful of women ? Whyis that glorious head defiled with ashes,which should be crowned with flowers, nay,with a royal diadem?""Alas, my lord," Samoula answered,"Cheros is dead I The decrees of fate areagainst us." "0 fairest of earth’s daughters,"said he, extending his h<strong>and</strong>s to aid her,"even fate relents in the presence of thy

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