Angels and Women (1924)

Angels and Women (1924) Angels and Women (1924)
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APPENDIX 257referred to when he said of Satan that "he is a liar,and the father of it." (John 8:44) Perhaps Satanhas from the first believed this lie. It is the basis ofevery heathen religion, and of every perversion fromthe teaching of Christ. Bug i# is a lie, nevertheless.Mankind is mortal, dieable; all the facts about usprove the truth of this statement. God "only hathimmortality." (1 Timothy 6:16) He alone, from thefirst, was and is undieable, immortal. Even his firstand best loved Son could die and did die. The Son,who was exalted to immortality at his resurrection,"far above all principality, and power, and might, anddominion, and every name that is named" (Ephesians1:21), says of himself: "I am he that liveth and wasdead; and, behold, I am alive forevermore."--Revelation1:18.NOTE 11. (See page 97)The word translated "Ark" in the account of thehome of Noah and his family during the Flood is notarun, meaning box, but tebah, which signifies somethingdesigned to preserve those who take refuge in it.NOTE 12. (See page 103)"Midland Sea" is the Mediterranean.Rocks" is the Strait of Gibraltar.NOTE 13. (See page 103)"Gate of"Amber Isles" are the Cape Verde Islands, 400 mileswest of Africa, famous for the raising of medicinalherbs.NOTE 14. (See page I04)In the Bible the word GOD, which means mightyOne, is used in reference to others beside the onesupreme God. "Who is like unto thee, O Jehovah,

258 ANGELS AND WOMENamong the gods?" (Exodus 15:11) "Give ear,Jehovah, unto my prayer .... Among the godsthere is none like unto thee."--Psalm 86:6-8.NoTs 15. (See page 105)See Note 4, to which may be added the fact that weare assured by St. Paul that Jehovah will not subjectthe world to come, wherein dwelleth righteousness, tothe administration of angels, as he permitted to be thecase with the earth and its peoples before the Flood.--See Hebrews 2:5.NOTE 16. (See page 125)Maya, Sang, it for illusion. Homa, an intoxicatingdrink made from milkweed, used by the ancient Aryantribes, believed by them to have been of antediluvianorigin and regarded in a certain sense as a spirit ordeity.NOTE 17. (See page 129)"And out of the ground the Lord God formed everybeast of the field and every fowl of the air; andbrought them unto Adam to see what he would callthem: and whatsoever Adam called every living creature,that was the name thereof."---Genesis 2:19.NOTE 18. (See page 130)"Noah was five hundred years old: and Noah begatShem, Ham, and Japheth."---Genesis 5:32.NOTE 19. (See page 141)The first great judgment was at the beginning, inEden, when Adam stood on trial before God. Theresult of that trial was a verdict of guilty, disobedient,unworthy of continued life. The penalty inflicted wasdeath (Genesis 2:17); and as a result "in Adam alldie."--1 Corinthians 15:22; Romans 5:12.

APPENDIX 257referred to when he said of Satan that "he is a liar,<strong>and</strong> the father of it." (John 8:44) Perhaps Satanhas from the first believed this lie. It is the basis ofevery heathen religion, <strong>and</strong> of every perversion fromthe teaching of Christ. Bug i# is a lie, nevertheless.Mankind is mortal, dieable; all the facts about usprove the truth of this statement. God "only hathimmortality." (1 Timothy 6:16) He alone, from thefirst, was <strong>and</strong> is undieable, immortal. Even his first<strong>and</strong> best loved Son could die <strong>and</strong> did die. The Son,who was exalted to immortality at his resurrection,"far above all principality, <strong>and</strong> power, <strong>and</strong> might, <strong>and</strong>dominion, <strong>and</strong> every name that is named" (Ephesians1:21), says of himself: "I am he that liveth <strong>and</strong> wasdead; <strong>and</strong>, behold, I am alive forevermore."--Revelation1:18.NOTE 11. (See page 97)The word translated "Ark" in the account of thehome of Noah <strong>and</strong> his family during the Flood is notarun, meaning box, but tebah, which signifies somethingdesigned to preserve those who take refuge in it.NOTE 12. (See page 103)"Midl<strong>and</strong> Sea" is the Mediterranean.Rocks" is the Strait of Gibraltar.NOTE 13. (See page 103)"Gate of"Amber Isles" are the Cape Verde Isl<strong>and</strong>s, 400 mileswest of Africa, famous for the raising of medicinalherbs.NOTE 14. (See page I04)In the Bible the word GOD, which means mightyOne, is used in reference to others beside the onesupreme God. "Who is like unto thee, O Jehovah,

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