Angels and Women (1924)

Angels and Women (1924)

Angels and Women (1924)

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APPENDIXNOTE 1. (See page 9)"Many of them that sleep in the dust of the earthshall awake." (Daniel 12:2.) "Awake <strong>and</strong> sing,that dwell in dust." (Isaiah 26:19) Although thebodies of those who sleep in death may have lain forthous<strong>and</strong>s of years in the grave, yet their identity ispreserved in the memory of God. In due time "allthat are in the graves shall hear his voice, <strong>and</strong> shallcome forth" (John 5:28, 29), "every man in his ownorder." (1 Corinthians 15:23) The resurrectioneach one is to that station to which, in the perfectjudgment of God, he is fitted. "God giveth it a bodyas it hath pleased him." (1 Corinthians 15:38)change takes place in sheol, the tomb, the Bible hades,"for there is no work, nor device, nor knowledge, norwisdom, in the grave [Hebrew, sheol] whither thougoest." (Ecclesiastes 9:10) "There shall be a resurrectionof the dead, both of the just <strong>and</strong> unjust."(Acts 24:15) See THE HARP OF GOD, pages342, 343; <strong>and</strong> STUDIES IN THE SCRIPTURES,Vol. I, pages 191, 192; Vol. V, pages 341-343.NOT" 2. (See page 15)In the days before the Flood there were no rains,"for the Lord God had not caused it to rain upon theearth, . . . but there went up a mist from theearth, <strong>and</strong> watered the whole face of the ground."--Genesis 2:5, 6.NOTE 3. (See page 16)Satanas, which means "The hater" or "The accuser,"is the proper name given by our Lord to that brightangelic being who, in his perfection, was known as251

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