Angels and Women (1924)

Angels and Women (1924) Angels and Women (1924)
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TEBAH AND ITS INMATES 237be cut off any more by the waters of a flood.This is the token of the covenant which Imake between me and you and every livingcreature that is with you for perpetual generations.My bow I do set in the cloud andit shall be for a token of the covenant betweenme and the earth."Simultaneously with the words of theLord appeared the rainbow in the sky, composedof all the colors, and very beautifulto behold.Seventh Month---First Day.NOAH’S INTOXICATIONA strange and sad thing happened to ourbeloved Father. I hardly know how torecord it. Noah is a husbandman and hadpreserved seeds of all plants in the Tebah,and on settling on the slope of this mountain,he and his sons tilled the ground andplanted the seeds. Noah invented a veryuseful instrument for this purpose called a

238 ANGELS AND WOMENplow and by means of this their labor wasmuch lessened.When the grapes were ripe Lydia madefrom their juice a wine and gave to Noah todrink as he returned from harvest one daymuch wearied, thinking it would refreshim.:But it had a strange and unusual effect uponhim. He became intoxicated, and Ham,entering the tent of his father, found himuncovered[Hard-hearted as he is he carednot for his father’s predicament but hastenedto his brothers and recounted it to them.Shem’s indignationhis brother Ham’s unrighteousconduct knew no bounds. Shemand Japheth then ran to the assistanceof their father, and entering the tent backwardscovered their father with a garment.At length Noah awakened from his sleepand was informed about what had happened.His marvelous mind quickly grasped the significanceof this startling event. He instructedhis sons that a new thing had happened.The juice of the grape had fer-

TEBAH AND ITS INMATES 237be cut off any more by the waters of a flood.This is the token of the covenant which Imake between me <strong>and</strong> you <strong>and</strong> every livingcreature that is with you for perpetual generations.My bow I do set in the cloud <strong>and</strong>it shall be for a token of the covenant betweenme <strong>and</strong> the earth."Simultaneously with the words of theLord appeared the rainbow in the sky, composedof all the colors, <strong>and</strong> very beautifulto behold.Seventh Month---First Day.NOAH’S INTOXICATIONA strange <strong>and</strong> sad thing happened to ourbeloved Father. I hardly know how torecord it. Noah is a husb<strong>and</strong>man <strong>and</strong> hadpreserved seeds of all plants in the Tebah,<strong>and</strong> on settling on the slope of this mountain,he <strong>and</strong> his sons tilled the ground <strong>and</strong>planted the seeds. Noah invented a veryuseful instrument for this purpose called a

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