Angels and Women (1924)

Angels and Women (1924)

Angels and Women (1924)

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TEBAH AND ITS INMATES 233of them. Japheth promised me that the littlelamb born during the voyage should be mine.Poor animals; they will be glad too, to havetheir freedom again.Eleventh Month--Tenth Day.This morning Noah opened the window ofthe Tebah <strong>and</strong> sent forth a raven but it returnedin the evening to the Tebah. Thewaters are gradually receding. Much of thesurrounding country is now visible. We canonly discern that the mountain on which wehave rested is very high <strong>and</strong> descends to thevalley below by gentle slopes. This willenable us to leave the Tebah without difficulty°Ham can scarce be restrained fromendeavoring to go forth now but Noah haspersuaded him that the Most High has providedhim with a sign by which he will recognizethe proper time.Eleventh Month--Twenty-fourth Day.Seven days since Noah opened the window<strong>and</strong> sent forth a dove. Away she flew <strong>and</strong>

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