Angels and Women (1924)

Angels and Women (1924) Angels and Women (1924)
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TEBAH AND ITS INMATES 223began to wonder how long we would yet beconfined in our Tebah.AZELLESThis evening I stood alone and watchedthe waves, as in capricious play with thewind they rippled against the sides of ourvessel. Twilight brooded over the boundlessocean--a sea where naught hath breath;no cities on its shores, no islands on itsbosom, no ships plowing its waves, nor birdsskimming the surface, only infinite tranquillityand silence---and the night. The Tebahdrifted in the soft breeze, the darkness deepenedand a shadow fell upon my soul asmemory recalled the past.It was but a short time, and yet it seemedan age, since I listened to the wind in thecypress-tops and to the sound of the riverflowing on, calm as the current of my life.Ah, what unexpected depths of passion,what strange events awaited me! Only He15

224 ANGELS AND WOMENwho can read the secrets of the hearts knowsthe struggle, the difficulties through whichHe has permitted me to pass. With no humanguide to direct, no one to understandbut He who is the Father of the fatherless.A nameless melancholy fills my heart.Upon a rock projecting from the waterstood motionless a tall figure enshrouded inblack robes, leaning upon a heavy sword, andas we floated near, I recognized the dreadform of Azelles, the Dark Angel! His eyeswept over the waste of waters and I heardthese words:"The work is finished, the decrees of theMost High are fulfilled and I go to Him fromwhom I came."So saying he loosened his black cowl andmantle and cast them with his sword into thesea; for the insignia of pain and woe are notpermitted to enter the realm of Heaven.As he soared upward, there was revealeda form so ineffably fair, a face so radiantwith eternal youth, that in sudden surprise,

TEBAH AND ITS INMATES 223began to wonder how long we would yet beconfined in our Tebah.AZELLESThis evening I stood alone <strong>and</strong> watchedthe waves, as in capricious play with thewind they rippled against the sides of ourvessel. Twilight brooded over the boundlessocean--a sea where naught hath breath;no cities on its shores, no isl<strong>and</strong>s on itsbosom, no ships plowing its waves, nor birdsskimming the surface, only infinite tranquillity<strong>and</strong> silence---<strong>and</strong> the night. The Tebahdrifted in the soft breeze, the darkness deepened<strong>and</strong> a shadow fell upon my soul asmemory recalled the past.It was but a short time, <strong>and</strong> yet it seemedan age, since I listened to the wind in thecypress-tops <strong>and</strong> to the sound of the riverflowing on, calm as the current of my life.Ah, what unexpected depths of passion,what strange events awaited me! Only He15

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