Angels and Women (1924)

Angels and Women (1924) Angels and Women (1924)
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TEBAH AND ITS INMATES 221Then he joined us and with beaming facechanted it for our benefit, accompanying itwith the soft tones of the harp.1 Everythingnow took on a new air of cheerfulness andeverybody went about their daily occupationswith the new song on their lips.I slowly became aware, at first refusing tocredit my observations, that Ham did notseem to join in our devotions as heartily asthe rest. His careless remarks and lack offilial respect often causes his father andmother to display an anxious expressionwhich they endeavor to hide from all.We all eagerly awaited the appearing ofthe moon and stars in the evening, beinginformed by Noah that they would presenta spectacle equally wonderful to the risingof the sun. Nor were we disappointed inour expectations, for pale but serenely beautifulappeared the moon slowly ascendingfrom the horizon, the tranquil waters reflectingthe golden glow. In the blue vault of1 See Appendix, Note 25.

ANGELS AND WOMENheaven the stars began to make their appearancein bewildering number and variedbeauty. We watched them in fascinatedsilence.At length Noah spoke and said, "Hear myvoice and hearken unto my speech: file Godof all flesh hath revealed unto my forefathersthat this mighty deluge marks a greatepoch in the history of the world, to be succeededby other ages, in which Satanas willendeavor to outwit the Almighty and willapparently succeed, only to be completelyvanquished in the end by a mighty one whowill come in the name of the Lord. MayHis gracious will be accomplished and maywe, His children, abide faithful and awaketo ’’1 behold the Paradise regained.Many other things did Noah relate to us,too many to record here, but suddenlyJapheth, who had been watching the waters,exclaimed: "The waters are receding." Thisdiscovery was soon confirmed by all. We1 See Appendix, Note 26.

TEBAH AND ITS INMATES 221Then he joined us <strong>and</strong> with beaming facechanted it for our benefit, accompanying itwith the soft tones of the harp.1 Everythingnow took on a new air of cheerfulness <strong>and</strong>everybody went about their daily occupationswith the new song on their lips.I slowly became aware, at first refusing tocredit my observations, that Ham did notseem to join in our devotions as heartily asthe rest. His careless remarks <strong>and</strong> lack offilial respect often causes his father <strong>and</strong>mother to display an anxious expressionwhich they endeavor to hide from all.We all eagerly awaited the appearing ofthe moon <strong>and</strong> stars in the evening, beinginformed by Noah that they would presenta spectacle equally wonderful to the risingof the sun. Nor were we disappointed inour expectations, for pale but serenely beautifulappeared the moon slowly ascendingfrom the horizon, the tranquil waters reflectingthe golden glow. In the blue vault of1 See Appendix, Note 25.

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