Angels and Women (1924)

Angels and Women (1924) Angels and Women (1924)
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TEBAH AND ITS INMATES 201dimly through the mist, we rose and preparedfor watching the skies and other outwardportents betokening the coming Deluge.The tremendous tragedy overshadowingour own lives rendered us all silent. Themoon was at its full. An increasing light inthe east gave token of its approach. "TheFlood-tide," said the Prophet, "will soon beupon us. Even if the Devas should nowreturn and attempt the removal of their retinuesin waiting at Balonia it could not beaccomplished. They would be met on everyside by the advancing waters and their overthrowhastened. They must renounce forevernow their assumed bodies of flesh andreturn to their normal condition to be boundin fetters by the Almighty. Their giant sonsthey will see no more forever. In a fewhours the Deluge will inevitably reach us;but fear not, my children; let your faith inGod be manifested in the midst of the veryterrors that surround us; they are but thefulfillment of His immutable word."

202 ANGELS AND WOMENSilently, with eyes and ears strained tocatch every portent of what was about tocome, we sat by the window and watchedthe blood-stained moon slowly mount theheavens; for in the ominous silence weknew an implacable sentry held ward, onethat the bravest can scarcely meet withoutdread--Azelles, the Angel of Death!THE HOUR OF DOOMSoon after midnight we heard a sound inthe air like a shriek, or wail, passing over thevalley. Afterward came short sudden gusts,succeeded by hollow intervals of intensecalm. Breathless we listened. All was confused,inharmonious, dissonant. The Spiritsof the Air seemed to be in distress. Therewere voices in complaint--moaning, angryvociferation. A sullen, far-off roar causedthe earth to tremble. I covered my headto shut out all sense and compel oblivion.In vain l As faint dawn glimmered feebly

TEBAH AND ITS INMATES 201dimly through the mist, we rose <strong>and</strong> preparedfor watching the skies <strong>and</strong> other outwardportents betokening the coming Deluge.The tremendous tragedy overshadowingour own lives rendered us all silent. Themoon was at its full. An increasing light inthe east gave token of its approach. "TheFlood-tide," said the Prophet, "will soon beupon us. Even if the Devas should nowreturn <strong>and</strong> attempt the removal of their retinuesin waiting at Balonia it could not beaccomplished. They would be met on everyside by the advancing waters <strong>and</strong> their overthrowhastened. They must renounce forevernow their assumed bodies of flesh <strong>and</strong>return to their normal condition to be boundin fetters by the Almighty. Their giant sonsthey will see no more forever. In a fewhours the Deluge will inevitably reach us;but fear not, my children; let your faith inGod be manifested in the midst of the veryterrors that surround us; they are but thefulfillment of His immutable word."

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