Angels and Women (1924)

Angels and Women (1924) Angels and Women (1924)
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GREATER CHANGE 185earth is ours! We defy the Strong One! Wewill yet reign in power equal to the Eternalupon His Throne!"Then the heavens stood aghast, the earthwas shaken, the stars grew pale and circledmore slowly on their wheels of fire[ Allnature shuddered at the possible consummation.At this moment a sudden hush, a pulselesssilence, fell on all created things, as fromthe northern sky, stretching across the etherealvault, there appeared--the Shadow of aHand !Without delay or haste, the Shadowmoved forward and fell upon the host ofdemons, who, elated with their assurance ofvictory, perceived not its advance. Suddenlya spasm as of cold passed over them, the fireslowly faded, ashy pallor overspread everyface, the strong pinions drooped, theweapons fell from their nerveless hands,despair took possession of each of thesefallen angels.Colder and darker grew the host, sinking

186 ANGELS AND WOMENlower and lower, when, with the suddennessof a flash of light, a great comet, which in theabsorbing interest of this supreme momenthad been rapidly approaching unseen,swerved to one side and gradually circledaround them, condensing and hardening asit passed under the Shadow of the Hand,until they were hopelessly encompassed andbound in adamantin bonds.A faint blue flame parting from the onetime Light-bearer gave token of the laststruggle, as deeper and darker the incarnationof despair sank into the rayless gloomof the black, unfathomable abyss of earth’satmosphere.The Shadow then moved till it reachedthe crystal dome; and then the pointer onthe dial trembled to the Hour of Doom. Toolate, too late, to save the kingdom of theDevas! All is lost! Again deep silence fellon all created things; then, like the solemnchime of bells came voices of the Heavenlyhosts in antiphonal chant: "Glory, glory,

186 ANGELS AND WOMENlower <strong>and</strong> lower, when, with the suddennessof a flash of light, a great comet, which in theabsorbing interest of this supreme momenthad been rapidly approaching unseen,swerved to one side <strong>and</strong> gradually circledaround them, condensing <strong>and</strong> hardening asit passed under the Shadow of the H<strong>and</strong>,until they were hopelessly encompassed <strong>and</strong>bound in adamantin bonds.A faint blue flame parting from the onetime Light-bearer gave token of the laststruggle, as deeper <strong>and</strong> darker the incarnationof despair sank into the rayless gloomof the black, unfathomable abyss of earth’satmosphere.The Shadow then moved till it reachedthe crystal dome; <strong>and</strong> then the pointer onthe dial trembled to the Hour of Doom. Toolate, too late, to save the kingdom of theDevas! All is lost! Again deep silence fellon all created things; then, like the solemnchime of bells came voices of the Heavenlyhosts in antiphonal chant: "Glory, glory,

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