Angels and Women (1924)

Angels and Women (1924)

Angels and Women (1924)

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182 ANGELS AND WOMENdren. I paused not until I found myself beyondthe limits of the deserted city, <strong>and</strong> comingupon an open plain, gazed long <strong>and</strong> earnestlyinto the southern sky. By the tremorthat agitated my frame, by the increasingluminosity of the dim stars, by a clearervision of the shrouded full-orbed moon, <strong>and</strong>by the intensified quickening of every sense,I was conscious of the superhuman power.Then, in vision, I went out, past sun <strong>and</strong>moon, past gr<strong>and</strong> <strong>and</strong> solemn orbs, throughfields of drifting stars, out into cold <strong>and</strong>darksome space, till I hung upon the vergeof God’s Infinity. I perceived the Invisible,the Inaudible, the Intangible, that which unaidedmortal sense can never comprehend.I looked upon the Energies of Nature!Wheels within wheels, forever turning,changing, returning. Impalpable resistance,imponderable weight. Nor night nor discord,age or death. Swift as thought, firmas the will of God. There dwells EternalOrder[ ! There dwells Eternal Noon

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