Angels and Women (1924)

Angels and Women (1924)

Angels and Women (1924)

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178 ANGELS AND WOMEN<strong>and</strong> informed Satanas that the water in thewells had suddenly sunk <strong>and</strong> the bed of theriver was dry."’Strike off the head of the liar,’ comm<strong>and</strong>edthe enraged king. ’My lord,’ interposedthe Counselor, ’death on a weddingday is but an evil omen.’ Satanas paused:not so the sword of the executioner. Oneswift blow, <strong>and</strong> the head of the unfortunatemessenger rolled upon the floor."A strange light now filled the banquethall,<strong>and</strong> on the ceiling ran letters of firetraced by no mortal h<strong>and</strong>. The green serpentin the golden tank threw himself violentlyout of the water, his red crest erect,<strong>and</strong> with horrible hissing <strong>and</strong> convulsions expired."At this moment Zorabah rushed in---oneof the chiefest of the Devas. His countenancewas distorted by rage, <strong>and</strong> he roaredlike the roar of a mighty cataract. ’Besottedfools,’ he cried, ’forgetful of our tremendousemprise, you are wantoning away moments

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