Angels and Women (1924)

Angels and Women (1924) Angels and Women (1924)
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GREATER CHANGE 177they assumed strange, distorted shapes,smoke and light issued from their nostrils asthey rapidly approached the Palace.I grew terrified and turned to flee, when afearful sight held me motionless. On thewall of the garden stood a dark and gloomyform, whose features of deepest melancholy,seen by sudden flashes of the Fire Fountain,I recognized to be those of Hesperus. Satanasalso perceived him and springing forward,he swung the sharp sword abovehis head. "Traitor," he shouted, "mount upwards,and receive thine honor and fortune 1""Traitor no longer," returned Hesperus;"loyal at last to my rightful King."With a howl of rage, Satanas disappearedfrom view. I was soon aroused by the excitedentrance of our old servant, Aldeth, who beganin breathless terror, "My child, awfulomens have been seen. Scarce were the kingand queen seated at the banquet, when amessenger (sent to inquire why the Homafountain had ceased to flow) came in haste

178 ANGELS AND WOMENand informed Satanas that the water in thewells had suddenly sunk and the bed of theriver was dry."’Strike off the head of the liar,’ commandedthe enraged king. ’My lord,’ interposedthe Counselor, ’death on a weddingday is but an evil omen.’ Satanas paused:not so the sword of the executioner. Oneswift blow, and the head of the unfortunatemessenger rolled upon the floor."A strange light now filled the banquethall,and on the ceiling ran letters of firetraced by no mortal hand. The green serpentin the golden tank threw himself violentlyout of the water, his red crest erect,and with horrible hissing and convulsions expired."At this moment Zorabah rushed in---oneof the chiefest of the Devas. His countenancewas distorted by rage, and he roaredlike the roar of a mighty cataract. ’Besottedfools,’ he cried, ’forgetful of our tremendousemprise, you are wantoning away moments

GREATER CHANGE 177they assumed strange, distorted shapes,smoke <strong>and</strong> light issued from their nostrils asthey rapidly approached the Palace.I grew terrified <strong>and</strong> turned to flee, when afearful sight held me motionless. On thewall of the garden stood a dark <strong>and</strong> gloomyform, whose features of deepest melancholy,seen by sudden flashes of the Fire Fountain,I recognized to be those of Hesperus. Satanasalso perceived him <strong>and</strong> springing forward,he swung the sharp sword abovehis head. "Traitor," he shouted, "mount upwards,<strong>and</strong> receive thine honor <strong>and</strong> fortune 1""Traitor no longer," returned Hesperus;"loyal at last to my rightful King."With a howl of rage, Satanas disappearedfrom view. I was soon aroused by the excitedentrance of our old servant, Aldeth, who beganin breathless terror, "My child, awfulomens have been seen. Scarce were the king<strong>and</strong> queen seated at the banquet, when amessenger (sent to inquire why the Homafountain had ceased to flow) came in haste

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