Angels and Women (1924)

Angels and Women (1924) Angels and Women (1924)
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GREATER CHANGE 175bing heart; my thoughts revert to Allimadesresting beneath the cypress trees. O thatI ! were lying unconscious by his sideTHE BEGINNINGOF THE ENDThere was but one moment to dream, fornow an awful uproar arose throughout thePalace--shouts, curses, yells; then a confusedcrowd rushed madly into the garden,men and giants uttering unintelligible cries.Towering above all others, the mightycelestials pressed forward, rage and fury depictedon their dreadful faces.And lo! the fountain of fire in the midstof the garden, moved by some infernal influence,shot up furiously into the sky, lightingwith unnatural glare the great court, thepalace and surrounding heights--a fearfulmockery of day. The struggling crowdsurged and howled forth oaths and blasphemiesso horrible that I pressed my handsupon my ears to shut out the stunning words.In vain did I oppose such feeble barriers, for12

176 ANGELS AND WOMENhigh above all other sounds was heard thevoice of Satanas rallying the Devas."To arms, to arms, celestials! The hourof fate hastens, but we will foil our hatedFoe. Yet will I ascend and be like the MostHigh! To my victorious allies will I givethe kingdoms of the world and its glory.Aladdis, the hour has come! Loosen theSteeds of the Sun!"The vaulted dome re-echoed the voice, terribleas a roll of thunder; shouts from themaddened Devas answered the appeal, firesflashed from heaven-forged armor, and theclash of alarms swelled the distracting din.The winged Deva sped toward Mount Her-,on and uttered a piercing cry, which wasanswered by a roar beneath the mountain,so furious that the Palace shook and thecrowds shrieked with fear. The doors of thevault burst with a dang, and there rushedforth, like the blast of a furnace, horses offire winged with flame.1 Driven by the wind,1 See Appendix, Note 23.

GREATER CHANGE 175bing heart; my thoughts revert to Allimadesresting beneath the cypress trees. O thatI ! were lying unconscious by his sideTHE BEGINNINGOF THE ENDThere was but one moment to dream, fornow an awful uproar arose throughout thePalace--shouts, curses, yells; then a confusedcrowd rushed madly into the garden,men <strong>and</strong> giants uttering unintelligible cries.Towering above all others, the mightycelestials pressed forward, rage <strong>and</strong> fury depictedon their dreadful faces.And lo! the fountain of fire in the midstof the garden, moved by some infernal influence,shot up furiously into the sky, lightingwith unnatural glare the great court, thepalace <strong>and</strong> surrounding heights--a fearfulmockery of day. The struggling crowdsurged <strong>and</strong> howled forth oaths <strong>and</strong> blasphemiesso horrible that I pressed my h<strong>and</strong>supon my ears to shut out the stunning words.In vain did I oppose such feeble barriers, for12

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