Angels and Women (1924)

Angels and Women (1924) Angels and Women (1924)
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GREATER CHANGE 169their brutal and wicked sons. The wordsshowed me all too plainly the corruption ofmind wrought in the speakers. Shame andindignation filled my soul as I drew my veilclose and shrank back, realizing more fullythan ever the appalling condition of theworld under this perverted angelic sway.Truly these beings made the earth tremble;they shake the kingdoms, and destroy thegovernment thereof; they listen not to thecry of the prisoner I Dazzled by the magnificenceof the Devas and their giant offspring,overawed by their unscruplous tyranny, menhave abandoned the struggle, and drift withthe stream of ungodliness. They say: "TheLord hath forgotten the earth, the Lord seethnot."Yet the Prophet has ceased not to warnthem that the day of wrath approaches; andnow the fatal decree has gone forth. Evenat this moment of exultation the footstepsof the Avenger echo along the pathway oftime.

170 ANGELS AND WOMENThrough the long afternoon, amid plauditsof the gazing throng, the brilliant processionstreamed past, bearing the wealth andglory of the world. Chariots and horses,camels and cattle, rare and curious animalsfrom every clime, bundles of fur, bales ofrichest fabrics, broidered vestments, mirrors,vases, caskets of gems, gold and silver, coral,amber and treasures of the sea, baskets offruits, strange plants, spices, perfumes, and aband of dancers and beautiful captives.And now appeared a culminating wonder--a fleet of air-ships, winging their flightabove the great assembly[ These marvelousstructures are the invention of a mightyDarvand who discovered in the hollow bonesof birds that which would have escaped theeyes of mere mortals, the secret of flight. Ithas been carefully concealed, and the use ofthese aerial barges confined to the royalfamilies with whose colors they are superblydecorated.Upon the prow of each barge stood a beau-

170 ANGELS AND WOMENThrough the long afternoon, amid plauditsof the gazing throng, the brilliant processionstreamed past, bearing the wealth <strong>and</strong>glory of the world. Chariots <strong>and</strong> horses,camels <strong>and</strong> cattle, rare <strong>and</strong> curious animalsfrom every clime, bundles of fur, bales ofrichest fabrics, broidered vestments, mirrors,vases, caskets of gems, gold <strong>and</strong> silver, coral,amber <strong>and</strong> treasures of the sea, baskets offruits, strange plants, spices, perfumes, <strong>and</strong> ab<strong>and</strong> of dancers <strong>and</strong> beautiful captives.And now appeared a culminating wonder--a fleet of air-ships, winging their flightabove the great assembly[ These marvelousstructures are the invention of a mightyDarv<strong>and</strong> who discovered in the hollow bonesof birds that which would have escaped theeyes of mere mortals, the secret of flight. Ithas been carefully concealed, <strong>and</strong> the use ofthese aerial barges confined to the royalfamilies with whose colors they are superblydecorated.Upon the prow of each barge stood a beau-

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