Angels and Women (1924)

Angels and Women (1924) Angels and Women (1924)
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GREATER 49 CHANGE 1kingdom has remained undisturbed, but nowthe enemy is roused, and sternest dangerthreatens.He calls upon Agnaris, the god of Fire.Swift, subtle, uncertain, he moves forward,his step marked by a scorched footprint. Onhis head gleams no star, but in place thereofa crown of thin flames. His eyeballs glowlike living coals, his voice is hollow andgusty. The Devas shrink from his hotbreath, all save the lord Satanas, beforewhose piercing glance Agnaris grows paleand almost disappears. He bids the greatMaster look to the stars that draw upon theircentral fires, which struggle to be free.They heave the bed of ocean; they strive toburst the ribs of earth; the demons cannotrestrain their fury.Agnaris disappears, vanishes in space, andthe aerial voice of Prince Owadu is heard.In his realm is a great planet uninhabited,cracked and fissured, deep-seamed and rentby volcanic fire. Deep, jarring, splitting

150 ANGELS AND WOMENsounds now issue from the center of thisdesolate orb; it is about to fall to pieces. Itsdisruption will endanger the earth.Hesperus is called. He, ranging in thetwilight hour along the bounds of day anddarkness, beholds with alarm a strange musteringof the Heavenly host. The balanceof the worlds is unsettled, the Earth isthreatened with dire catastrophe. Tempestswill prevail; a great deluge will come,by the breaking of the last great waterycanopy which envelops the Earth, letting ina mighty flood of waters?A cry of horror burst from all the band,succeeded by a hush of fear. Then likewaves that growl above the wreck, outspakeZorabah, darkest and most fierce. He wouldabandon this troublesome world, leave it tothe wrath of Jehovah; he scorned men, anddetested women and children. In his realm,he said, is an untenanted world of exceedingbeauty. There, free from the offense odiousSee Appendix, Note 20.

GREATER 49 CHANGE 1kingdom has remained undisturbed, but nowthe enemy is roused, <strong>and</strong> sternest dangerthreatens.He calls upon Agnaris, the god of Fire.Swift, subtle, uncertain, he moves forward,his step marked by a scorched footprint. Onhis head gleams no star, but in place thereofa crown of thin flames. His eyeballs glowlike living coals, his voice is hollow <strong>and</strong>gusty. The Devas shrink from his hotbreath, all save the lord Satanas, beforewhose piercing glance Agnaris grows pale<strong>and</strong> almost disappears. He bids the greatMaster look to the stars that draw upon theircentral fires, which struggle to be free.They heave the bed of ocean; they strive toburst the ribs of earth; the demons cannotrestrain their fury.Agnaris disappears, vanishes in space, <strong>and</strong>the aerial voice of Prince Owadu is heard.In his realm is a great planet uninhabited,cracked <strong>and</strong> fissured, deep-seamed <strong>and</strong> rentby volcanic fire. Deep, jarring, splitting

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