Angels and Women (1924)

Angels and Women (1924) Angels and Women (1924)
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GREATER CHANGE 139me, saying, "Wilt thou not remain with us,daughter of my beloved brother? There isone vacant room in the Tebah; surely it wasreserved for thee."As I endeavored to frame a reply, Japhethcame quickly to my side, and added his eloquententreaties to those of his father. Hiseyes beamed with anxious love, his glowingface reflected the blush which suffused mycheeks. "The vacant room, dear cousin, adjoinsmy own; let it be thine. My brothershave chosen companions, but I am still alone.Without thy sweet presence, so shall I everremain, for none but Aloma can become thebride of Japheth."Taking courage, I replied: "By the ties ofkindred and affection, by the bonds of religionand sympathy, by the presence ofimpending danger, I am thine; but for themoment our paths diverge. I must returnto my mother. I shall come to thee again,for God wills it shall be so." Japheth wouldhave accompanied me. "The way is full of

140 ANGELS AND WOMENperil," he said. But I declined, answering,"Fear not, my guard is strong."Then bidding my friends farewell, I hastenedalong the streets, which now showedsigns of awakening life, and soon reachedthe Palace. As I entered the chamber, tomy surprise I found Uronion, the husbandof Minerva, awaiting my return, in whosecountenance I noted a grave shadow. Hisfeatures were overcast with melancholy.He presented me a linen scroll sent byMinerva, which I opened, and in astonishmentread as follows:"Peace be with thee, Aloma, child ofHeaven. Thy coming was the dawn of lightto one long overshadowed with that gloomwhich is the penalty of sin. The dew of thypure youth fell upon my parched and blackenedheart. The light of thy innocent smilewarmed to life the withered blossoms of loveand pity; but far better than all, thy simplepiety awoke the faith of my childhood. Withhorror I reviewed my life, and repented.

140 ANGELS AND WOMENperil," he said. But I declined, answering,"Fear not, my guard is strong."Then bidding my friends farewell, I hastenedalong the streets, which now showedsigns of awakening life, <strong>and</strong> soon reachedthe Palace. As I entered the chamber, tomy surprise I found Uronion, the husb<strong>and</strong>of Minerva, awaiting my return, in whosecountenance I noted a grave shadow. Hisfeatures were overcast with melancholy.He presented me a linen scroll sent byMinerva, which I opened, <strong>and</strong> in astonishmentread as follows:"Peace be with thee, Aloma, child ofHeaven. Thy coming was the dawn of lightto one long overshadowed with that gloomwhich is the penalty of sin. The dew of thypure youth fell upon my parched <strong>and</strong> blackenedheart. The light of thy innocent smilewarmed to life the withered blossoms of love<strong>and</strong> pity; but far better than all, thy simplepiety awoke the faith of my childhood. Withhorror I reviewed my life, <strong>and</strong> repented.

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