Angels and Women (1924)

Angels and Women (1924) Angels and Women (1924)
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iGREATER CHANGE 135gems that reflected the lamplight in scintillatinggleams.Totally unconscious of danger, she isabsorbed in the ceremonials and magnificentpreparations of which she is the brilliant center.Satanas is rarely in the queen’s apartments,being, it is remarked with somesurprise, unusually occupied in affairs ofstate.While the preparatory baths, oils, and cosmeticshave greatly heightened Samoula’sbeauty, they seem to have stupefied her reasonand conscience. Ah, my deluded mother,how gladly would I again warn her of theperils by which we are environed ! But thereis no opportunity. Jealous eyes, quick ears,and ready tongues are ever near.To this inanimate scroll will I commit mystory, and entrust my fear, hoping that somegleam of maternal affection may lead her toperuse this page and admit once more to herconfidence the child who would cheerfullylay down her life to save her.

136 ANGELS AND WOMENiTHIRDDAY AT BALONIAI rose at dawn of day, and calling Aldethto accompany me, went forth to breathe thefresh air of morn. This I knew would bemy last opportunity to walk the streets insafety, for at noon the subordinate princeswith their retinues were expected at Balonia,whither they had been summoned to pay theannual tribute and take part in the ceremonyof the coronation. During their stay the citywill be filled with Darvands, who are withoutthe self-repression of their spirit-sires:the earth is filled with violence throughthem.At that early hour the long corridors ofthe Palace were silent. The court wasempty, and gave back a hollow echo to ourfootsteps as we passed out through the easterngate. The city of Sin was asleep. Theintriguing brain, the heart throbbing withanguish or anger, the hand of stealth, the feetswift to pursue evil, must sometimes rest,

136 ANGELS AND WOMENiTHIRDDAY AT BALONIAI rose at dawn of day, <strong>and</strong> calling Aldethto accompany me, went forth to breathe thefresh air of morn. This I knew would bemy last opportunity to walk the streets insafety, for at noon the subordinate princeswith their retinues were expected at Balonia,whither they had been summoned to pay theannual tribute <strong>and</strong> take part in the ceremonyof the coronation. During their stay the citywill be filled with Darv<strong>and</strong>s, who are withoutthe self-repression of their spirit-sires:the earth is filled with violence throughthem.At that early hour the long corridors ofthe Palace were silent. The court wasempty, <strong>and</strong> gave back a hollow echo to ourfootsteps as we passed out through the easterngate. The city of Sin was asleep. Theintriguing brain, the heart throbbing withanguish or anger, the h<strong>and</strong> of stealth, the feetswift to pursue evil, must sometimes rest,

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