Angels and Women (1924)

Angels and Women (1924) Angels and Women (1924)
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GREATER CHANGE 131burst upon your guilty heads !" Then throwingup his arms he exclaimed: "O God, itis vain, all in vain l The day of wrath is athand !"The night winds whisper a dreadfulsecret. In far-off regions I hear the mutteringsof the approaching storm. The ominousroar of ocean is borne upon the blast;it gapes to devour its prey. The seals ofDeath and Sheol are broken, and Vengeancerushes forth on the wings of Destruction.Too late! Too late! You will hear my voiceno more; the Prophet’s work is ended!"He ceased, and there was a great commotionin the crowd; but I gave no heed to it,for Minerva, shaken like a reed in the wind,cried out----"O Prophet of God, I repent l Isthere no mercy for me ?" He heard her andwas about to approach, when a malignantdemon who hovered behind a black cloudswooped out of the sky, and aimed a dart atthe Prophet. But a holy angel, until thatmoment unperceived, rose at the critical

132 ANGELS AND WOMENmoment and with his shield turned theweapon away. At the Prophet’s narrowescape I swooned and for some time wasunconscious.Presently I recovered, and found myselfin the arms of my cousin, who, attracted bythe cries of Minerva, had discovered me asI fell."Thou art cold and pale, beloved," saidJapheth in alarm; "thy form is rigid and thygaze fixed; thou wilt not soon leave me?This cannot be thy death!" Then, suddenlyinspired, I answered--"Not in thy arms shallI yield up my parting breath. In the lasthour of life I shall repose upon anotherbreast, but one so much resembling thee, OJapheth!""Aloma," said he with awe, "hast thou,like my father, a prophetic power?" And Ireplied solemnly, "God knoweth."I turned toward Minerva, and found herengaged in discourse with the Prophet, whounconscious of the attack upon his life (for

132 ANGELS AND WOMENmoment <strong>and</strong> with his shield turned theweapon away. At the Prophet’s narrowescape I swooned <strong>and</strong> for some time wasunconscious.Presently I recovered, <strong>and</strong> found myselfin the arms of my cousin, who, attracted bythe cries of Minerva, had discovered me asI fell."Thou art cold <strong>and</strong> pale, beloved," saidJapheth in alarm; "thy form is rigid <strong>and</strong> thygaze fixed; thou wilt not soon leave me?This cannot be thy death!" Then, suddenlyinspired, I answered--"Not in thy arms shallI yield up my parting breath. In the lasthour of life I shall repose upon anotherbreast, but one so much resembling thee, OJapheth!""Aloma," said he with awe, "hast thou,like my father, a prophetic power?" And Ireplied solemnly, "God knoweth."I turned toward Minerva, <strong>and</strong> found herengaged in discourse with the Prophet, whounconscious of the attack upon his life (for

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