Angels and Women (1924)

Angels and Women (1924) Angels and Women (1924)
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GREATER CHANGE 127Prophet warns the scoffing crowd--almostthe very hour--hasten! hasten! He is wise,he is pure; no drop of Homa has passed hislips, confusing reason and weakening will.He can instruct us."We will go to the mountain-side; thechariot awaits my call; the name of Uronionupon its front is a passport, though all menin the kingdom of Satanas know and fearMinerva the Sorceress. Yea, to the ProphetI will go, though my power be thus brokenand my life the forfeit I"Anxious to enlighten Minerva, and also tolook once more upon the face of Allimades’brother, I gladly accepted this proposal, andwe were soon on our way through the cityto the mountain. I was delighted with thechanging scenes of the busy marts, so newand unfamiliar, the buildings of variousforms and uses, the long rows of colossalimages which bordered the highways as weentered the royal avenue where dwell thegiant sons of Satanas.9

128 ANGELS AND WOMENThe road was broad, so that a score ofchariots could pass at once. Upon its borderswere gardens of exceeding beauty, aparadise of fountains and flowers. Statelypeacocks paced the white walks, birds ofgorgeous plumage flitted through the shrubbery,and golden fishes darted across thecrystal basins.Beyond these gardens stood beautiful palaces,sculptured with various devices. Beforeevery mansion stood a slender obelisk,entwined with living vines now full of scarletblossoms. Upon the green turf were littlepeople disporting in capricious joy. Theywere the first I had ever seen, and in a transportof admiration, I exclaimed: "Oh, thechildren, the beautiful children!"Minerva looked upon me with surprise."You were brought up in a forest, and havenever before seen children, and yet you recognizethem at once and give them theirappropriate name. And so it is in all things.Without mistake you accord to new and un-

128 ANGELS AND WOMENThe road was broad, so that a score ofchariots could pass at once. Upon its borderswere gardens of exceeding beauty, aparadise of fountains <strong>and</strong> flowers. Statelypeacocks paced the white walks, birds ofgorgeous plumage flitted through the shrubbery,<strong>and</strong> golden fishes darted across thecrystal basins.Beyond these gardens stood beautiful palaces,sculptured with various devices. Beforeevery mansion stood a slender obelisk,entwined with living vines now full of scarletblossoms. Upon the green turf were littlepeople disporting in capricious joy. Theywere the first I had ever seen, <strong>and</strong> in a transportof admiration, I exclaimed: "Oh, thechildren, the beautiful children!"Minerva looked upon me with surprise."You were brought up in a forest, <strong>and</strong> havenever before seen children, <strong>and</strong> yet you recognizethem at once <strong>and</strong> give them theirappropriate name. And so it is in all things.Without mistake you accord to new <strong>and</strong> un-

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