Angels and Women (1924)

Angels and Women (1924) Angels and Women (1924)
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GREATER CHANGE 123my name, and when I admitted her, she offeredto assist at my toilet. The extremesimplicity of my dress rendered such aid unnecessary,and after some hesitation shespoke again:"Aloma, I believed that all fear of Godand sympathy for my own kind were dead inthis withered heart; but your innocence andpurity, sweet child of the wilderness, havebrought back vividly the memory of earlydays, when like you I was uncontaminatedby the wickedness of the world, when in faithI knelt with my princely father to offer thedaily sacrifice, when we mingled our tearsand lamentations at the tomb of the brotherbeloved and early lost, when with pleasure Ipondered upon the wisdom and piety of theancients and dreamed that I might emulatetheir noble deeds."Why was I brought to this evil place,where in the pursuit of power and pleasureI have forgotten myself and God? Aloma,I love you because you are what I once was,

and I abhor myself for what I have nowbecome. You may perchance escape downfailand perdition, but how can I be restored ?For the Sorceress of Balonia there is noatonement, only the dreadful end."But what folly has seized me that I bemoanmy fate in this insane manner? Letus drink and be gay. Man dies and Pleasureflies; we must keep pace while she wingsher way over banquet-halls and perfumedcouches." With that, she took from herbosom a small amphora of transparent jade,and pouring out a few crystals, round andred like drops of blood, threw them into thelustral, where, according to the custom ofthe Palace, fragrant oils were kept burningto perfume and purify the air. As the tinyballs touched the flame, they burst with aringing sound, and the apartment was filledby a dense mist of pungent, intoxicatingfumes, in which every object was intensified,and the sorceress herself appeared the incarnationof youth and beauty. The vapors

GREATER CHANGE 123my name, <strong>and</strong> when I admitted her, she offeredto assist at my toilet. The extremesimplicity of my dress rendered such aid unnecessary,<strong>and</strong> after some hesitation shespoke again:"Aloma, I believed that all fear of God<strong>and</strong> sympathy for my own kind were dead inthis withered heart; but your innocence <strong>and</strong>purity, sweet child of the wilderness, havebrought back vividly the memory of earlydays, when like you I was uncontaminatedby the wickedness of the world, when in faithI knelt with my princely father to offer thedaily sacrifice, when we mingled our tears<strong>and</strong> lamentations at the tomb of the brotherbeloved <strong>and</strong> early lost, when with pleasure Ipondered upon the wisdom <strong>and</strong> piety of theancients <strong>and</strong> dreamed that I might emulatetheir noble deeds."Why was I brought to this evil place,where in the pursuit of power <strong>and</strong> pleasureI have forgotten myself <strong>and</strong> God? Aloma,I love you because you are what I once was,

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