Angels and Women (1924)

Angels and Women (1924) Angels and Women (1924)
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GREATER CHANGE 107men, who attend the great serpent, andoffer the sacrifice upon which he and hisbrood are fed every day at noon."I cast another timid glance at the procession.Their proud, cruel and unrelentingfaces occasionally turned toward a line ofnaked men, who tottered after them withfeet hampered by heavy chains and handsbound behind their backs; their heads werebowed; their mournful wail betokened fearand despair."These," said Minerva, "are victims aboutto be slain at the Lake of Serpents, receivingpunishment perchance for some slightoffense to our masters, or without pretextsacrificed in malignant wantonness to satisfythe clamor of the superstitious and imbrutedcrowd."Appalled at the sight of such monstrouscruelty, I arose in great fear, and hastenedto the solitude of my own apartment lest Ishould witness some other horror.Toward evening I was aroused by the

108 ANGELS AND WOMENentrance of Samoula, now doubly radiant inthe gorgeous robes and gems presented byher enamored lord."Aloma," said she, "our simple life at theHermitage has unfitted us for the splendorand magnificence now at our command.This royal state confuses me; I fail to realizethe proper bearing of events. Sometimesmy heart misgives me, and I fear thechange is evil. But these doubts are the resultof ignorance and unfamiliarity with theworld. The Lord Satanas is grand and noble;he excuses my deficiency and devotes himselfto my happiness. He would exalt meto his lofty standard. Thus gratitude, aswell as love, bids me overcome everyscruple."This evening the crystal court is to beilluminated in honor of our arrival, and Iam to be presented to the people of Baloniaas their future queen. You are invited toshare in the ceremonies of the hour. Slaveswill soon place at your disposal robes of

GREATER CHANGE 107men, who attend the great serpent, <strong>and</strong>offer the sacrifice upon which he <strong>and</strong> hisbrood are fed every day at noon."I cast another timid glance at the procession.Their proud, cruel <strong>and</strong> unrelentingfaces occasionally turned toward a line ofnaked men, who tottered after them withfeet hampered by heavy chains <strong>and</strong> h<strong>and</strong>sbound behind their backs; their heads werebowed; their mournful wail betokened fear<strong>and</strong> despair."These," said Minerva, "are victims aboutto be slain at the Lake of Serpents, receivingpunishment perchance for some slightoffense to our masters, or without pretextsacrificed in malignant wantonness to satisfythe clamor of the superstitious <strong>and</strong> imbrutedcrowd."Appalled at the sight of such monstrouscruelty, I arose in great fear, <strong>and</strong> hastenedto the solitude of my own apartment lest Ishould witness some other horror.Toward evening I was aroused by the

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