Angels and Women (1924)

Angels and Women (1924) Angels and Women (1924)
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GREATER CHANGE 101your eyes be closed to sights that will sear,your hearing be dulled to the cry of painand woe; love and pity must hold no place inyour breast, and your heart must be turnedto stone."I am reckless and tired of life, or I wouldnot speak thus. Suspicion lurks in every alcove;Revenge hides behind each column;Envy and Jealousy walk the corridors;Treachery and Conspiracy scarce concealtheir malignant forms in the tapestriedchambers; Torture and Murder gloat overthe work of the foul fiends in the vaults below.You are beautiful. Take my advice,and secure the protection of one of thesecelestials; otherwise, you will not be safe forone hour. Uronion, my lord, is scribe toHesperus the counselor, and has access tothe keys of the Palace. With him have Iwandered through its secret recesses, andnerved my heart against despair by witnessingwoes greater than my own."Touched by pity for this unhappy woman,

102 ANGELS AND WOMENI asked her name and history, and how shehad become an inmate of the Palace ofLight.THE STORY OF MINERVA THE SORCERESS"My name," said the woman, "is Minerva;I was born a thousand measures from Balonia,on the shores of the great inland sea,a land of perpetual spring, of beauty and delight.My father was a powerful prince, whogoverned a happy people by just and equitablelaws; for he was a worshiper of God.He refused the fealty and tribute exacted byZaradis, a fierce Deva, who intruded himselfupon the earth after the descent of the LordSatanas, and established his kingdom on theborders of the land in which for many yearsthe dynasty of Arratas had borne sway. Themonarchs of our line, who were powerful andwise, remained undisturbed after the otherprinces of the world had succumbed to theDeva powers.

102 ANGELS AND WOMENI asked her name <strong>and</strong> history, <strong>and</strong> how shehad become an inmate of the Palace ofLight.THE STORY OF MINERVA THE SORCERESS"My name," said the woman, "is Minerva;I was born a thous<strong>and</strong> measures from Balonia,on the shores of the great inl<strong>and</strong> sea,a l<strong>and</strong> of perpetual spring, of beauty <strong>and</strong> delight.My father was a powerful prince, whogoverned a happy people by just <strong>and</strong> equitablelaws; for he was a worshiper of God.He refused the fealty <strong>and</strong> tribute exacted byZaradis, a fierce Deva, who intruded himselfupon the earth after the descent of the LordSatanas, <strong>and</strong> established his kingdom on theborders of the l<strong>and</strong> in which for many yearsthe dynasty of Arratas had borne sway. Themonarchs of our line, who were powerful <strong>and</strong>wise, remained undisturbed after the otherprinces of the world had succumbed to theDeva powers.

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