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<strong>Midl<strong>and</strong></strong> <strong>Arts</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Culture</strong> <strong>Magazine</strong> | WINTER 2010/2011Production-wise, we were fortunateto have a great cinematographer,Mark McCauley, who captured themost beautiful <strong>and</strong> ethereal imagerywith the latest RED One CameraTechnology, Dave McCune, whocomposed an original score for thefilm <strong>and</strong> the many others whovolunteered to work on it. Of course,my family, by default, made up half ofthe production crew. Thank God theirbel<strong>ie</strong>f in me is as strong as my bel<strong>ie</strong>fin the script. Without that, therewould be no film.“Each morningwhen I open myeyes I say tomyself: ‘I, notevents, have thepower to makeme happy orunhappy today.”Critical acclaim has been huge.I underst<strong>and</strong> The Moment has beenscreening all around the world.We only sent out this film into theworld recently but I’m shocked athow well it’s being received when youconsider the subject matter.It’s barely out the door yet it hasalready screened at Film Festivals inOffaly, Dublin, Monaghan, Derry, NewYork <strong>and</strong> South Africa where we wonthe Best International Short Film award<strong>and</strong> took Second Place in Clones.These are festivals I could have onlyimagined having our film shown, soit’s been a dream come true.Were you surprised at the successof film?I was <strong>and</strong> continue to be, but thefeedback from aud<strong>ie</strong>nces <strong>and</strong>judging panels have been great.I think it’s difficult to gaugesuccess in this industry thoughbecause, just like the music industry,there’s a lot of politics involved <strong>and</strong>the best films are not always theones that come away with the awards.I think what we ach<strong>ie</strong>ved frompractically a zero budget <strong>and</strong> a skeletoncrew, compared to films being fundedup to €100,000, can be regarded asa success so in that respect, I’m overthe moon with what we have ach<strong>ie</strong>ved.I think at this stage, I could bedangerous with a budget that big.Actually, come to think of it, ourgovernment could be dangerous witha budget that big!Does your work have recurringthemes etc?Yes. Everything I do comes fromthe heart. That’s what all my workhas in common. I’m still relativelynew to the filmmaking business, butI love what I do <strong>and</strong> would neverconsider it work. As long as I feel thatway, I will continue to do it. I also feelthat anyone who works or expressesthemselves through different forms ofmedia have a certain moral responsibilityso I like to instill a positive messagehere <strong>and</strong> there in the hope that I mayin some way, have a positiveinfluence on other peoples lives.You seem very positive – how do youstay so positive?Well without sounding too cheesy,I’m blessed with a loving family. Duringan uncertain period of my life, I alsodiscovered a deeper level of love formyself <strong>and</strong> now feel that I shouldnever hold myself in any less regard.As a result of that, I can live my lifewithout fear of a future that does notyet exist. Or as Groucho Marx mightsay: “Each morning when I open myeyes I say to myself: ‘I, not events,have the power to make me happy orunhappy today. I can choose which itshall be. Yesterday is dead, tomorrowhasn't arrived yet. I have just one day,today, <strong>and</strong> I'm going to be happy in it’.”For further information aboutPaddy or his company SAD MantraProductions seewww.paddyslattery.com MPADDY’SCV IN BRIEFOccupation:Filmmaking: Writer/Director/ProducerMusic:Producer/Singer/Songwriter(www.myspace.com/paddyslatterymusic)Other:Lecturer/Life-coach (Mental Health &Well-being, Road Safety, Disability Awareness,Film, Music)Work to date:Writer/Co-Producer/Performer:Album of original music St<strong>and</strong> &Deliver (2006)Writer/Director:Music video for Head Over Heels (2007)Writer/Director/Producer:Two act stage play Good Heavens (2008)Debut short film Out of Tune (2009)Short film The Moment (2010)Writer/Producer:Short film The Boy, Who Flew!(2009 Shortlisted Clones Film Festival)Director/Producer:Short documentary My Life, with Mein it! (2010 post-production)Writer:Feature length screenplay The BrokenLaw of Attraction (In development)Feature length screenplay In Vision(In development)Director/Producer:TV ser<strong>ie</strong>s The Art Factor(2010 Pre-production)Awards:The MomentWinner of Best International ShortFilm 2010 in South AfricaSecond Place <strong>and</strong> HonourableMention at Clones Film Festival2010Official Selection at nineInternational film festivals so farThe Boy Who Flew:Shortlisted for Scanbitz Award,Franc<strong>ie</strong> Award, Aud<strong>ie</strong>nce Award2009Out of Tune:Selected from 250 Irish Short Filmsto screen for Launch of UCTV 2009Other Hobb<strong>ie</strong>s & Interests:Cinema, astrology, astronomy,meditation, art, poker, conversation,travel, nature, poetry, food, living...18

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